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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Probably because if Vince saw that he'd go into the crowd and slap the shit out of him. Coughing and sneezing is the worst thing you can ever do in Vince's world.


or light up a fag :laugh:


Take into account you're not supposed to call it 'Wrestling' any more, McMahon is a fucking weirdo isn't he?


I'd hardly say the last bit is the most ridiculous thing in the world.


What, calling a Wrestling company, 'Wrestling'?

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Behind wanting to appear more mainstream and distancing oneself from derogatory perceptions? Umm, yes I do. There's a lot of reasons the 'E's the most successful wrestling company around, not wanting to be seen just as a wrestling show is the big one.


Besides, how often do you go up to someone and say "I'm a wrestling fan I am"? Most of us don't. Why would Vince want to scream at everyone "We're Wrestling! Wooo!" every five minutes?

Edited by Vamp
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Actually, I've been able to have wrestling conversations with a lot of people recently. There are points where the non-fans have been in the minority and wrestling is the subject like how it happens with football. It was mostly restricted to part of my close friendship group before whereas now it's not some closet thing. I see CM Punk tops about now and again and it still has a strong internet presence which is important with social media as powerful as it is. I certainly don't hear, 'did you see the sports entertainment last night?' They're not fooling anyone by not mentioning wrestling.


The way to change perception is for the TV product to be markedly different for a long period of time, not sparsely mentioning 'professional wrestling' in impassioned promos for dramatic effect.

Edited by Sphinx
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Moving away from calling it 'wrestling' is a good move in my mind. People being so hung up on the wrestling thing makes me laugh. It should be called something else, sure...it developed and spawned from traditional wrestling but it's a completely different and unique animal today.


I've long said wrestling has evolved into like a live-action DC/Marvel Comics show that happens to use matches and a ring as it's main tool for telling its stories, or like a live-action beat 'em up. I'd love for it to have a different name that made perfect sense, frankly. That's something Chikara i think has done quite well and DragonGate...and Lucha. WWE is becoming the term for it, which is rubbish admittedly, i would love a different name to fit, but what the fuck would you call it without it sounding daft? It is totally the sort of thing that should be featured at Comic-Cons and fits in with that whole niche.


Moving away from referring to it as wrestling would eventually help eliminate the long stuck stigma of it being associated with genuine sporting fights and contests that stinks it up, labeling it as fake and being considered the lowest form of entertainment for idiots and simpletons. Superhero shiz, Arnie and Stallone films and that don't suffer that in nearly the same level, and most people love those things. And most people secretly love wrestling.

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Behind wanting to appear more mainstream and distancing oneself from derogatory perceptions? Umm, yes I do. There's a lot of reasons the 'E's the most successful wrestling company around, not wanting to be seen just as a wrestling show is the big one.


Besides, how often do you go up to someone and say "I'm a wrestling fan I am"? Most of us don't. Why would Vince want to scream at everyone "We're Wrestling! Wooo!" every five minutes?


But WWE IS wrestling to the vast majority of people. They aren't distancing themselves from derogatory perceptions because all those perceptions come from WWE. They are just making themselves look insecure and embarrassed about what they are, which is bizarre.


There's a big difference between Vince not shouting about being a wrestling show every five minutes and treating it like it's an unforgivable insult. Didn't they get a positive article on a mainstream website pulled a while back solely because it referred to them as a wrestling company a couple of times? Instead of the positive article they got a short editorial explaining the situation which made WWE look like petty, insecure turds. It's mental.

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If I was the owner a massive international company that produced a gazillion hours of international television each week, released crappy albums and made crappy movies, had contracts with massive rock bands, had incredible production in the live event business and so forth I wouldn't really want anybody to call my company "that wrestling show". I'd want them to use my brand name. The brand that sells. I wouldn't be in the wrestling business anymore, I'd be well above that, I'd be a distinct and strong brand within the sports and entertainment world.


Edit: Before somebody misses the pint and goes "but people do still refer to them as wrestling" that's hardly the point. You can't stop other people from doing so. You can improve the way your company markets itself though. The not referring to it as 'wrestling' has little to do with the fans anyway. The fans know it is.

Edited by Vamp
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I really do think Mark Henry is great. I'm just catching up on Raw and just seeing him mock the Great Khali and smile the way he does is just brilliant. He has his critics and he's not the best of all time but he still warrants a prominent place on the roster. It's nice to see a fair bit of Henry appreciation these days.

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havent watched czw in a few years and have heard good things since dj hyde has taken over and was wondering if anyone can recomend me and good shows in the last year or so


I thought 2012 was a great year for CZW starting from Excellent Adventure featuring a hard hitting Zandig/Hyde match which I really enjoyed as there goodbye to The Arena before moving to the Skatepark. The event before then; Cage of Death 13 was another good one. Tournament of Death was bloody insane last year and Drake Younger had a brilliant year where him and Callihan ended up making their PWG debut half way through the year. I haven't fully watched the year but intend to I've seen that Masada went against the likes of Davey Richards and El Generico which sounds like a really unusual match type.

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havent watched czw in a few years and have heard good things since dj hyde has taken over and was wondering if anyone can recomend me and good shows in the last year or so

Depends what you're looking for. If you want straight up deathmatches there are those types of events, whereas if you want more orthodox wrestling, there are shows focused more on the technical styles. The promotion really is more of a mixed bag of styles than it is given credit for.


I've reviewed a fair few of last year's CZW events, which you can find in the CZW thread, the deathmatch thread (now in the Gold section) and the "review a show or DVD" thread.


Drake Younger had a brilliant year where him and Callihan ended up making their PWG debut half way through the year.

Drake and Sami had a fantastic Iron Man match at the Skatezone last year too. Definitely worth checking out.

Edited by Richie Freebird
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