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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I loved his "Masterpiece" entrance theme, it put over the gimmick superbly, with the Greek bust graphic on the Titantron. I don't know why they dumped it in favour of that generic rock shite - it wasn't massively heelish music, sounded very distinctive and "epic", and fit him much better.


TNA should stop fucking about and sign him, if WWE aren't going to any time soon.

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  • Paid Members
I loved his "Masterpiece" entrance theme, it put over the gimmick superbly, with the Greek bust graphic on the Titantron. I don't know why they dumped it in favour of that generic rock shite


They were forced to change his entrance routine after they went PG, because the original one was so great it once made a French commentator

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Making my way through the Elimination Chamber DVD set and i'm onto the '06 chamber. By fucking God, Chris Masters' entrance is all kinds of awesome. It's a shame he was on the juice and got himself outed; he could of really been something given the proper seasoning.



Is that the one where the crowds' hate for John Cena made both him and Carlito look a million bucks? People went nuts for them. I remember really enjoying that one.

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Awesome to see so much Chris Masters love! I thought he was fantastic and was on the A-line to do some good things. All they had to do was MAYBE (because what do i know) give him a better finisher (i.e. a move that isn't one of the starter holds in the WWF Attitude games). Even keep the 'Masterlock' and transition it into a full-nelson slam or a full-nelson face buster or a full-nelson suplex. The world's your fucking oyster, take ye pick.


Carbomb is right; TNA are really missing out here. Christ, WWE is really missing out.

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Masters doesn't need to change up his finisher - I've always loved the full nelson as a submission, it's a classic in the same vein as the sleeper. He's a massive, musclebound guy with thick arms, so a strength-based submission like that suits him perfectly; he doesn't need a complicated one, like a technician would use. Only thing I miss from him is that version of the Polish Hammer he did, but seeing as he broke Stevie's nose with it, it's understandable why he dropped it.






Talking of TNA missing out, I think now, even more than before, the biggest mistake TNA ever made was not to sign JR. They had the opportunity to get the most "big-time"-sounding, most experienced commentator in the business, and they stupidly decided against it because they didn't want to make him Head of Talent Relations as he wanted, even though he had an awesome record in that department already as well. And they only went and got rid of whomever it was (Terry Taylor?) not long afterwards.


I don't want TNA to go out of business, but that decision there was the closest they ever got me to thinking that they don't deserve to stay in business.

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How legitimate is that story that JR went as far in his negotiations with them as to say that he wanted the talent relations role?


Honest answer, I don't know. I do remember someone posting a Meltzer article on here, which is why I thought it was legit. Also, in itself, it didn't seem implausible - WWE had JR doing pretty much nothing at the time, he was almost never on TV except for one or two humiliation skits.

Edited by Carbomb
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