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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Watching Raw last night I realised that all former NXT champions who have been called up are on Raw, not sure there is anything in that just an interesting note. 


I was also thinking about how there are no deplorable heels anymore (I know it's been said millions of times) but honestly the cool heels and indie heels thing has killed the heat. The closest for me is the Miz and possibly Rusev in the right feud. The game really needs to be stepped up in the heel department to be as unlikable as possible. For me a good example would be the Governor in The Walking Dead, he was fucking deplorable and I actually popped when he snuffed it. It would be wonderful if they could create someone with that amount of heat but im not sure how to do it in a "PG" way 

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Well there's always Steph.


I think it's even bigger than that - there's no babyface to truly love either. It's all this horrible mish-mash of non-personality. Nobody to love, nobody to hate, and no rivalries that feel heated and personal enough (Roman/Rusev is closest, but the fucked up dynamic and overexposure of the match has hurt it) to really draw you in.

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It really feels like a chicken or the egg situation. Which do you need first to build the other strong heels to build up a face enough that i means something when they are vanquished or a big enough face to garner sympathy and the urge for a comeback. Right now in my eyes they don't have either. 

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Liam's right. Steph's the heel. Done right, you can use her to oppress the babyfaces you want to build while anyone aligned to her will be a heel by default if nothing else. There's nothing wrong with that dynamic at all except the last time they did it you had Rollins, who was a chickenshit and Kane who is past it.


Steph running a heel stable of, say, Owens, Jericho and Rusev would work great if it was clear that she needed them and respected the strengths they brought to the table as opposed to her cutting their balls off with threats every week and them crying to her when things didn't go their way.


The other answer, which I haven't put first because it's just not happening is to turn Reigns and have him as Steph's hired gun. That's a heat machine all day long.


In either of those scenarios the obvious way to get heat is to kill Foley (literally).


Then you just build babyfaces to stand up to them. Actual babyfaces who aren't dislikable, don't whine and don't ever give up. Even for all the arse kickings they take.

Edited by tiger_rick
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It's a shame they never let Bubba Dudley try and have a Bully Ray type singles run. He would have been able to get over as a heel. Rusev is decent, but would be better with a "proper" face to bounce off, rather than Reigns. Jericho is doing a great job, but the comedic moments take you out of it a little bit. Nobody they've aligned him with has managed to get him pops. It's a shame there's nobody like Edge or Eddie on the roster anymore because they knew how to get heat. I'd imagine if they let Ambrose turn heel he'd be able to do it as well. Unfortunately it seems to be more about wanting to get one over on the other guy rather than making the fans hate them. The other irony is if Reigns was doing this schtick as a heel he'd probably be getting huge pops. It's a strange era to be watching.


EDIT: As I watch this the Usos do a brilliant bit of cheating to get a win on last night's Smackdown.

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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It's a shame they never let Bubba Dudley try and have a Bully Ray type singles run. He would have been able to get over as a heel.

When the Dudleyz were making their retirement speech a few weeks ago I was waiting and waiting for Bubba to attack D-Von and retire the team but not himself. I couldn't believe it when it never came.

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I suffer a lot from the fog of modern wrestling all munging together in my head. I think I hit an all-time low today when I heard mention of Zack Ryder's WrestleMania IC Title win and I couldn't remember which year it was. 6 months ago ffs.


Watching a random SOW from October 1990. Ronnie Garvin is in a jobber tag team against the Orients. Never realised he fell to that level. I thought he just chucked it after the Valentine feud ended.


Also didn't realise Sato was in the Orients that late. Thought they were more established with the second version going into that brilliant Rumble 91 match. Obviously they had chemistry from Badd Company but still.


Sato hits a beautiful sitdown powerbomb to win the match. Fuck, the Orients were awesome in those days. Doing shit most useless lumps couldn't muster.

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Pointless had yet another WWE question this evening. "Royal Rumble 2014 participants." Set me off on a reverie trying to cycle back through the last few winners. I had to look up 2016's winner, I had completely forgotten about it.


Spoilers for who won in case you want to scratch your head for a bit:



Triple H


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