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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Fucking hell lads, I've just found something.


On Spotify there's an album called Wrestling Anthems and it has loads of famous wrestling theme songs, but rather than be a compliation of tunes as they were originally recorded and made famous, they're done 'in the style of' them. You know, like the blag CD's you'd buy from Butlins with the hits of the summer as sung by the camp staff.


We've got a junkie version of Metalingus, gay Voices, autotuned S.O.S and what sounds like a 16-bit version of The Time is Now (which goes "brrrrrrrrrrrabadoo" instead of the far more correct "grrrrrrrrabanooo").


I have literally nothing to say about their attempt at Sexy Boy, except I can see it being Dolph Ziggler's new theme as soon as he discovers it.


Linky: https://open.spotify.com/album/2ow0RMzTGGWM6eq78IFAUI


Please find this as funny as I did.

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PUPPIES... Fucking hell, everyone says it. Hearing Michael Cole casually saying it as general vernacular is jarring. Lawler is legit awful on the cans, from 1999 onwards he's just screaming about tits. He has his moments of good stuff but they all tend ti be story fed lines.


I'm only in January, the Radicals has arrived. Also Mae Young is absolutely fucking top notch. She's brilliant.

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"Those aren't Steve Blackman's weapons, J.R.! Those are Val's tools of the trade if you know what I mean! They're loooong! And they...well...they vibrate! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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Not exclusive to Lawler though. Watching it back, a lot of the attitude era characters were proper awful. The improvements Triple H made from racist try hard geek to super roided Cosby super heel was impressive. Pre 2000 DX, his knob jokes were endless.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Triple H's main event heel run from July-November is fucking shockingly bad. So cheesy and desperate. I'm amazed they stuck with it. He only got any good once the story with Vince started in December. I think working directly with Vince did wonders for him.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Triple H was so confusing in that time period. He must have been panicking like mad to get some shit together seeing Austin, Rock and Foley tear ahead of him but he's so uncool and you get the sense without the business he'd be the most boring fella in the office to try and talk to. It's a miracle in a way that he figured out that wearing trunks and pouring a bottle of evian over your head before a match could result in such a drastic image change.


For awhile there it was a dodgy few weeks of him coming out in weird silver pants with Chyna, her still looking like the lead and the two of them doing a sort of butch Cher gimmick.

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Speaking of Triple H, I work with some "young" people at work, some of whom like wrestling. When I say young, i mean like 18/19 upwards, but the other day I was asked "You'll know....what does Triple H stand for?" , which then led into a giant discussion about them not knowing about his Hunter Hearst Helmsley days, and it made me feel very old.


on a similar note, I once asked someone of a similar age who Steve Austin was, and they said "oh he's that guy that comes out and drinks beer", clearly not knowing who he is in terms of "one of the best of all time/former champion etc".

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Speaking of Triple H, I work with some "young" people at work, some of whom like wrestling. When I say young, i mean like 18/19 upwards, but the other day I was asked "You'll know....what does Triple H stand for?" , which then led into a giant discussion about them not knowing about his Hunter Hearst Helmsley days, and it made me feel very old.


on a similar note, I once asked someone of a similar age who Steve Austin was, and they said "oh he's that guy that comes out and drinks beer", clearly not knowing who he is in terms of "one of the best of all time/former champion etc".


And yet if you ask somebody else who Steve Austin is, you could just as easily get the reply that he's The Six Million Dollar Man. 

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