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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Did you see the cunt squatting over 300kgs, Dazzler? And his military press at 110kgs for 10reps? Ludicrous...utterly ludicrous, and straight up gives me the respect horn for him.

I fucked my knees up for good from 180kgs! I'm dead up walking like Paul McGrath at least four days of the week while I'm waiting on the op, but how the fuck that man does what he does?;

Weight trains 7 days a week with maybe 2 days off a month - not to mention goes out and wrestles, does his charity and promotional work, along with movies and Total Divas - is really Superman stuff. 
I wouldn't touch his willy, like I would with say, Mike Patton, but I'd let him crack one out over my back if he was that way inclined to at a given time.

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Did you see the cunt squatting over 300kgs, Dazzler? And his military press at 110kgs for 10reps? Ludicrous...utterly ludicrous, and straight up gives me the respect horn for him.

I fucked my knees up for good from 180kgs! I'm dead up walking like Paul McGrath at least four days of the week while I'm waiting on the op, but how the fuck that man does what he does?;

Weight trains 7 days a week with maybe 2 days off a month - not to mention goes out and wrestles, does his charity and promotional work, along with movies and Total Divas - is really Superman stuff. 

I wouldn't touch his willy, like I would with say, Mike Patton, but I'd let him crack one out over my back if he was that way inclined to at a given time.


His deadlifts terrify me the most. He's about as tall as I am, yet he has this graceful movement and a low centre of gravity, so he just turns out REPS of the most obscene weight you've ever seen.


I hurt my back at 23 trying for a couple on 185kg and I still suffer with a shit back, yet this bastard is throwing that around as a warm-up. What a guy

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On that subject, this video is amazing looking back. All of them were developmental talent at the time. I dont even think NXT had started up yet. Just the FCW lads. Most of them are names on the roster (and ECIII is there which is great). Reigns, Big E, Xavier Woods, Seth Rollins. Cool video.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It's more to do with the growth of crossfit, which is more of a sport in and of itself, to a point, then a training method for something as gruelling as a wrestling schedule.


It relies on heavy weights, a high pace and a lot of reps. It can be a ball ache for shoulders, knees and backs if you're not getting the right rest.

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Aye, Dazzlers spot on there! There's cunts doing crossfit 6 days a week which is far, far too much and will have you losing more muscle than you gain and leave you wide open to injuries and exhaustion, which lead to your nervous system becoming goosed.


I train six days a week, but only three of them are heavy and I'm still feeling the strain and exhaustion at 36, because I'm addicted to walking out of my gaff with the famous "pump". Purely cosmetic, and such a dickhead thing.

If I were a wrestler - and I'm sure many of them are guilty of this - I'd be training every day before I went out to the ring to have myself looking as pumped and vascular as possible to impress the crowd, the camera, the other wrestlers and the top brass, and in this day and age where everyone is tested and gear is not really the done thing, you're setting yourself up for injury and catabolism because you're not giving yourself a chance to recover, like you would do if you were jockeying yourself with steroids.

All a vicious circle. Like a dog trying to eat Pedigree Chum and some Bakers out of its own dirtpipe.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Aye, Dazzlers spot on there! There's cunts doing crossfit 6 days a week which is far, far too much and will have you losing more muscle than you gain and leave you wide open to injuries and exhaustion, which lead to your nervous system becoming goosed.



Just to chime in here - I train in Crossfit 5/6 times a week and although I'm not even at the level of these guys I've never suffered any injuries. The guys and girls at the top of the Crossfit chain, train multiple times a day in "Crossfit style" workouts and again, in general, don't suffer any long term, severe injuries.


As with everything, if you over do it and train in an unintelligent fashion then you are bound to get injured. I don't think it can be put down purely to Crossfit or Crossfit style workouts it's probably just not training sensibly. If you follow a good, structured program you aren't doing heavy lifts every day of the week and are working all muscles of the body evenly. 


Crossfit gets a bad rep but in reality it is just a form of strength and conditioning program. If the program is poor or the athelte doesn't listen then that's why injuries occur - it can't be purely down to "Crossfit".

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Sorry, I should have elaborated Scotty.
I mean, there are chaps and ladies out there doing full body crossfit routines 6 days a week.
Like heavy Deads, heavy squats, heavy cleans etc for 6 days a week. After about a few months or a year of a continuous full body crossfit or full body bodybuilding routine (5x5 - I have seen people do this too) 6 days a week, your body and cns will break down on you. Federation Against Copyright Theft stuff.

Anyways, we digress and are well off topic now. I'll just say, I wonder how our Cookie is doing in his wrestling career? He had a magnificent physique...

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