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That twat Ched Evans currently has nuclear heel heat that WWE could only dream of


I wonder who would get more heat. Ched Evans or Katie Hopkins?

Wow,imagine him as a heel with her as his mouthpiece!!! "I'm a Katie Hopkins Guy" t-shirts everywhere.

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That twat Ched Evans currently has nuclear heel heat that WWE could only dream of


I wonder who would get more heat. Ched Evans or Katie Hopkins?

Wow,imagine him as a heel with her as his mouthpiece!!! "I'm a Katie Hopkins Guy" t-shirts everywhere.



I don't think the 'I'm a Ched Evans Girl' shirts would sell well though

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I wouldn't be surprised if all the stuff about him facing Sheamus at Mania being leaked was a work, surely if that was the plan they'd have still turned Sheamus anyway?


End of the day they gave Bryan the Austin Autumn '98 treatment, even TNA at their worst wouldn't book someone to go through that then have them end up winning some midcard match if that wasn't the plan all along, if they genuinely didn't rate Bryan as top level he would've lost to Cena at Summerslam then Orton would've cashed in on Cena, why give him the belt at all if they didn't have plans for him ?


I think people forget how over Bryan was prior to the whole Authority thing, when he was in tags against the Shield everyone was going mental for him, as incompetent as the booking squad can be even they recognised he needed pushing


Maybe they had no-one else for Sheamus to feud with on the babyface side? Regarding Summerslam, I'm not so sure Cena wouldn't have won if he hadn't been forced out to have surgery on his elbow. It's fair to say they'd much rather have been doing Cena-Orton (or Cena-Bryan-Orton) during Autumn 2013 than what they actually ended up with i.e. that string of fuck finish PPV's resulting in refunds, before eventually unifying the belts after Cena came back quicker than is humanly possible.


"Why give him the belt if they didn't have plans?" Well, giving him Kane as his first feud as champion is pretty much the absolute stamp of

"We don't have any plans for him." That few weeks, that godawful feud, told you all about whether they believed in him or not. Horrendous.


I think the point is, yes, the booking squad (Vince?) really is that incompetent that they weren't going to give the hottest guy in the company the belt, until they realised that every live show would be hijacked until they changed their minds.

Edited by hallicks
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"Why give him the belt if they didn't have plans?" Well, giving him Kane as his first feud as champion is pretty much the absolute stamp of

"We don't have any plans for him." That few weeks, that godawful feud, told you all about whether they believed in him or not. Horrendous.


And who would you have preferred him to feud with? Apart from Evolution and Bray Wyatt, both of whom were busy elsewhere, Kane was the top heel. Roman Reigns wrestled Kane a thousand times this year too to start his singles run, and there are a million divs complaining that the company's plans for him are too big. Kane vs Bryan would've been a perfect feud, given their tag team history, had Kane not been destroyed loads of times (including by Bryan) prior to WrestleMania. I think one of WWE's key problems this year has been the thin roster forcing them to rely on Kane as a top guy for most of the year, yet consistently failing to protect him as one. As it was, in the spring he was still the best option out of a bad bunch -- it was either him or Intercontinental-level guys like Cesaro and Barrett. The feud was terribly executed, mind. 

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"Why give him the belt if they didn't have plans?" Well, giving him Kane as his first feud as champion is pretty much the absolute stamp of

"We don't have any plans for him." That few weeks, that godawful feud, told you all about whether they believed in him or not. Horrendous.


And who would you have preferred him to feud with? Apart from Evolution and Bray Wyatt, both of whom were busy elsewhere.



So you're asking who else Bryan could hypothetically have feuded with, but in this hypothetical we have to keep all the other feuds the same?

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No, you can change them too, as long as you remember to moan that they had no plans for Cena or the Shield as a result. You can fantasy book him against Andre The Giant if you want, but when fantasy booking to justify moaning about a darling being mistreated, it's best to propose realistic, feasible alternatives -- otherwise it's a bit "Paul London vs Shelton Benjamin should've been a WrestleMania main event" and "Mr Perfect should've won the belt."

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I'm sure no one was suggesting that he feud with a heel-turned Cena while Cena simultaneously continued feuding with Bray Wyatt as a babyface. It's a given with any fantasy booking that other plans would have to change.


And Daniel Bryan isn't a particular darling of mine. I did like Paul London though.

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Shawn Michaels was a really great commentator in the 90s. When he used to pop in for a full show next to Lawler and Ross, he was very good.


Mick McManus was also surprisingly good when he did colour with Kent Walton a few times. He was great at explaining the psychology of the match, which makes sense as he was the booker.

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Of course. Bryan could well have beaten a heel Cena at Extreme Rules while the Shield had a rematch with the Wyatts and Evolution stood around with their thumbs up their bums, but it'd take a massive brain injury to think that would've made more sense or been more feasible than the matches that were booked.


In reality, Cena would never be turning heel as month-one fodder for a new babyface champion. If Cena turned heel to face Bryan at Extreme Rules, Cena's going home with the belt. That means even more tears from the same ones who bawled over Bryan fighting Kane.


Steve Austin's first feud after winning the belt was against Mick Foley, a bloke who had just come from losing the tag belts. They clearly had it in for Austin as well.

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People always talk about WWE's thin roster...they themselves talk about it. But really WWE have no fucking excuse. There's probably more great free agent talent out there right now than at any point in history, there's loads of ex-WWE guys who can still go that they could bring in part time and I'm sure they could poach a few blokes from TNA if they wanted. But instead they're spending money on wank like The Ascension, Adam Rose, Bull Dempsey etc. They need to sort it out.

Edited by LaGoosh
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They could poach half a dozen really good guys from TNA to work Smackdown if they wanted, but clearly they don't. Perhaps there's a feeling that TNA talent is somehow ruined by association?

Now more than ever with TNA's plummet from grace, you'd think WWE could come to a deal with Roode, Storm, Joe.. Aries at a push.  So it's probably not money.

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