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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I just found out Lady Sue, Gangster's mum, died last year. She was a top lady, and always kept kayfabe by calling me Mark. Or maybe she thought that was my name. Either way. Sad I missed the tribute show. Sad, period.

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Sting was pretty clear at his Camden Q&A that Undertaker was the only match he was still bothered about doing. He's not the type to be especially arsed about such things, so I could see a Triple H match happening if the Fed insisted on it, but I expect to see Sting vs. Undertaker at Mania 31.


Other than a Lesnar rematch there's not much else I'd be interested in seeing Undertaker do now. Bryan vs Taker holds no appeal. Cena or Wyatt would've been intriguing opponents with the streak alive, but now that it's dead I'm not arsed.

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Undertaker-Cena would be pointless now. The whole appeal of it would have been that Cena was the one guy people thought/feared might break the streak.


There's no need for Taker to wrestle again, but if he does the only real matches worth doing would be Sting next year for the whole "icon vs icon" deal and against anyone (preferably not Kane) at 32 in Texas Stadium if you billed it in advance as a retirement match.


Other than that, he's likely never going to have a good match again, and he's likely never going to have a match where people really care about the outcome again, so him facing a regular roster member in a normal match serves no purpose.

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Just watched the Cesaro vs Sami Zayn 2 out of 3 falls match and it's made me think that Cesaro should use the sleeper as a finisher.


Would fit in with his 'throwback' style and could use it to play up to being boring by putting people to sleep.

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The thing is, when you get a bloke who is genuinely ridiculously boring, and you have his gimmick be that he's boring, it doesn't tend to work. And it usually leads to him doing a dancing gimmick that he doesn't commit to and thus looks even worse than he did before.

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There's only so many big men for him to swing around or pick up, though, so it's best not to have that as your only selling point. Jumping off ladders was Jeff Hardy's strong suit, but he had enough about him that he wasn't reliant on it.


Cesaro's fine in a non-wrestling setting as well, on panels and that, just useless on the real shows. The Bellas are similar, in that they're believable as anything on Total Divas, but as soon as they get a Raw or Smackdown camera pointed at them, they just can't do it. A lot of WWE's roster falls into that quandary for some reason, they all tend to be fairly confident, charismatic people but loads are unable to turn it on when it matters most.

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There's only so many big men for him to swing around or pick up, though, so it's best not to have that as your only selling point. Jumping off ladders was Jeff Hardy's strong suit, but he had enough about him that he wasn't reliant on it.


Cesaro's fine in a non-wrestling setting as well, on panels and that, just useless on the real shows. The Bellas are similar, in that they're believable as anything on Total Divas, but as soon as they get a Raw or Smackdown camera pointed at them, they just can't do it. A lot of WWE's roster falls into that quandary for some reason, they all tend to be fairly confident, charismatic people but loads are unable to turn it on when it matters most.

Cesaro had brilliant exchanges in multi-man tags and single matches with Both Cena and Bryan that were not reliant on strongman feats and he had (arguably) match of the night with Sheamus the other night. He's a really well-rounded in-ring talent who has a knack of drawing fans into his matches even if there is barely a reason for the match happening (very similar to Sheamus actually). He was quite obviously getting nicely over a while back and they ruined it. I can't help but think that his previous status as an independent wrestling favourite is colouring your judgement at least a little bit. 


Most of the mid-card are crap in backstage or in-ring promos. I'm not making excuses for him - his promos are pretty bad, but he's hardly unique, as you said yourself. It's only a few guys like Bray, Ambrose and Bo Dallas that stand out from the pack right now when it comes to promos. They took a guy who was getting over well and removed all the stuff the fans were getting into, while dropping him down the card. That's a wasted opportunity - whoever it is.

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It's not just chucking around big fellas, there's horsing dead weight up in the air which he'd do a lot, and throwing small lads really really high in the air. You can easily get at least one "Woah, fuck me, how does he do it?" spot in per match. He looked like he was on the right tracks before he was saddled with Paul E. and suffered from The Heyman Disease.

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