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 give wrestlers more face paint and tassels and capes


This seems to come up a lot when discussing how to enhance characters.  Who would you suggest get stuck in tassels and face paint?  I can't think of any potential main eventer that would look anything but a complete muppet wearing tassels these days.

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 give wrestlers more face paint and tassels and capes


This seems to come up a lot when discussing how to enhance characters.  Who would you suggest get stuck in tassels and face paint?  I can't think of any potential main eventer that would look anything but a complete muppet wearing tassels these days.



Batista. I'm want him to have a six month run as Batista Warrior before he retires.

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Listen to the music and look at the celebrities they use these days. WWE wants to be what it is these days. And that is a company who likes to knock about with the likes of P-Diddy and Nicole Scherzinger and use music from wankers like Machine Gun Kelly and take pictures with them on some mock red carpet they set up next to the Gorilla position as Titus O'Neil oils himself. In 1998 everything seemed to click together. Back when the WWF had their boom period, pop culture reflected what general wrestling fans were looking for. Mike Tyson, South Park, Howard Stern and Marilyn Manson were hot. And Steve Austin, DX, The Undertaker, Mankind and the Rock reflected that type of appeal. That's why it was so over. It was a fad, but it was massive among teenages and young males. Wrestling now is X Factor wrestling (and not Albert and X-Pac). It looks like how Simon Cowell would produce wrestling. Its like Family Guy, where you shoehorn shite into the stories without much thought because you think the audience are thick. Wrestling fans by nature hate the likes of anything that can be deemed popular. They have to put up with being called bummers for liking it in the first place. When counter culture was hip, so was wrestling. If you want their money, you have to respect them a bit more. Its why the guest host thing was a massive flop.


The whole way the show is formatted could do with a change. Its the same as its always been. You need to read the leaked script from this weeks Raw. Its stunning. The dialog is so poor its hilarious. They all seem to be scripted to speak like Skeletor in that Masters of the Universe film. How can you possibly relate to them when they are waxing lyrical about the Corporate Kane putting his mask on and transforming into the Demon Kane.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Shame there's no Bray promo.


I'd be interested to see how tightly scripted he is. 

Same as everyone else -- completely scripted, and up to the performer how much they want to stick to it. 


Here's the script for the Ultimate Warrior tribute episode of Raw:




Here's what he actually said on the show:



"Society as a whole has become this vile and putrid thing. You do as your told, so says the man. You see what they want you to see and you feel whatever it is they want you to feel but I am different. Where you see a blank canvas, I see a beautiful painting. And where you hear silence, I hear symphony. I have a thousand faces and a million names. Seducer, accuser, destroyer. And you, you may call me by whatever name you see fit but know this and understand that I have never once lied to you.

"But we all know who has, don't we? Hell, John Cena has made a career out of lying to you all. He earns your trust hidden behind his porcelin smile but don't be fooled, he is no man, he is beast. And don't you worry about a thing, kids. I'm not going to let him do this to you anymore. I've got him right where I want him, up against the ropes, on the edge, and all he needs is that one last little push. Abigail shall be my sword through this crusade but I do not wish to slay this monster, not yet. Right now, I just want it to come out and play. How about it, John? I know you're back there.

"Oh, John, you are hysterical, I can't get enough of it, John. Oh, I love that every time any serious threat gets in your face, all you know how to do is make jokes about it.

"I like that, John, oh I like that. You don't even realize it but me and you, we been playing catch with knives, yeah, and sooner or later one of us is gonna get stuck. It's going to be real bad, John. My question to you: How can you be 100-percent sure that it won't be you? You want to see fun, John? You want me to have a good time? Well I ask you, my brothers and sisters here in my backyard, we will no longer allow this fallacy to command us. This is my world and it belongs to me."


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I'd like to see them do a mini-documentary each week on Raw, where over the course of the three hours you get three or four two-minute segments that shows you a bit more about a Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Sheamus, Cesaro, even down the list to the likes of Justin Gabriel and Curtis Axel. Just getting into the characters more, establishing something relatable that the same matches every week can't do. The thing I'm thinking of specifically is the old JR interviews with Mankind and Goldust. Of course, the problems with it are cost (if it's anything more than sitdown interviews) and the diminishing returns factor if you do that every week.

Yes, I agree and was thinking along similar lines. They have three hours, and it would be more productive fleshing out characters than it is having some of the filler matches they have on. I feel like I say I agree with Pitcos a lot, but I get where he's coming from (fuckin' brown nose).


As much as we'd all like a change, WWE will only feel compelled to do so if their backs are against the wall. If the network doesn't take off well and they're leaking money, maybe you'd see them change their format but I imagine they won't want to potentially jeapordise their product with a risky move when there's no competition.

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When Bischoff was producing Impact, he started these nice post-match backstage interviews and so on that felt fresh and interesting.    A guy with a mic who stops people backstage rather than invisible cameraman.  What was that little post-Raw show they did?  WWE could do worse than that.  Fits the reality tv vibe that wrestling is always striving for too.


Also, given they have 3 hours a week or Raw, they should run a few tournaments as well - or a Power Ranking or similar, give all those filler matches some sort of purpose.

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I'm surprised by the level of scripting and impressed by the ability of a Heyman or Wyatt to remember it all.


Scripting isn't that bad a thing. Sorry to bang on about TNA again but they have tons of meandering promos that would massively benefit from some direction.

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