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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It's also worth remembering that in most cases the Trending list you see on the site is personalised and based on who you follow and your location, rather than being the actual "trending worldwide" list.


Isn't this only if you've specifically selected tailored trends?

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It's also worth remembering that in most cases the Trending list you see on the site is personalised and based on who you follow and your location, rather than being the actual "trending worldwide" list.


Isn't this only if you've specifically selected tailored trends?


Tailored trends is the default and you have to specifically switch it off.

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I've been watching some of the 'classic' TNA matches up on their official YouTube page. Don West is always ridiculously enthusiastic. It's great hearing him "mark out" (there's no other way to describe it) for Styles regardless of if Styles is heel or not. You also get a great sense of just how much the company resolves around Styles throughout their history together.


Raven vs Jarrett in Nashville is an amusing watch now. Therea the ECW invasion which probably didn't seem quite so ridiculously lame at the time. Highlights of that include a random appearance by Saturn (I'd forgotten he was ever in the company) and Sabu planning to leave through the crowd and which results in one fan having to duck under the lunatic, and then Sabu having to break character and help up a woman he's just knocked down. Jarrett puts in a good blue eyes showing too.


AMW vs Skipper and Daniels in a cage (Loki is no where to be seen?) contains a God awful line about this being the first cage match in TNA history so the tworld teams are having to "improvise" said in a far too knowing manner. There's also a reference to a storyline where none of the wrestlers can wear SEX t-shirts as Russo owns the rights or something.


I also, and I expect no one else to agree with me, quite like the Nashville venue. It feels like the kind of place where brawls would break out. It seems to suit the feeling of the company at that stage. It also all looks ridiculously ancient.

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May not mean anything but Kanes odds for tonight are rapidly shortening. Now at 11/10 2nd fav (Cena at 8/11 fav). If Kane wins the title now in 2014 I'm gonna go spare.


If WWE has had good news about Bryan and decided to do Bryan vs Lesnar because of that poster leak, Kane's the bloke to transition it to Bryan at Battleground. I can't see any other reason Kane would win it tonight.

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TNA put on some great one offs over the years. They could never quite get all the pieces together, and if they would have they'd have done so much better if they had. I remember the Raven vs Jarrett match that Vamp referenced. A match so highly anticipated, I paid 8 quid for it from a lad on here when it happened. It was the first heavily hyped match TNA ever had really. Everyone wanted Raven to win the belt as well, because Raven carried himself better than everyone by a ridiculous margin. It was crazy how Raven and Jarrett were so much bigger stars than everyone else. Like nobody came close to them. The Nashville crowd were buzzing and the runs ins weren't done to death like they would become in TNA over the years. So the ECW run ins and the CM Punk and Julio Dinero run ins and Sabu popping up as a surprise was all apart of the chaos and added to it. I havent watched it in years, but I remember the match was exactly the kind that the audience at the time wanted and remained TNA's biggest drawing weekly PPV until they stopped doing them. The result was met with some disgust to be fair. I remember that was Bobby Roode at Bound For Glory levels of hate.


There is something to what Vamp is saying about the Fairgrounds. There's just something so old fashioned about it. In a good way. The way it was done wasn't as overproduced as Impact became. Creative was very sketchy but when they did something good, the setting and the atmosphere of it really added to the feel of the angle.

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There's no way the venue would be acceptable for a modern day television company but it is great when looking back at old footage on YouTube.


Thinking about it makes me want someone to do a period wrestling show. Something where the characters have nicknames like the Crusher, the Gentleman or the Mauler, and news reel like clips document their lives as they train in old fashioned gyms and drive classic cars and it's all shot in black and white with the setting of the actual matches being a smoke filled auditorium. And there's storylines about wrestlers taking dives and corruption and former convicts trying to restore their lives through wrestling.


I mean it's a stupid business idea and no one should ever do it but I'd give it a gander for a few weeks

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Whatever happened to the Stephen Graham/Idris Elba wrestling show?


Edit: With this year's Money in the Bank being finished, it's strange to think on how much of a poisoned chalice it was for last year's winners. Sandow's fall from grace is obvious, but Orton's is a weird one because it's been successful on paper but a travesty for perception of him. A year ago, he won the case and spent a month being more interesting than he had in ages. Then when the cash in went down, it all built brilliantly to a Daniel Bryan vs Triple H match and all the while the divots were crying about HHH burying Bryan, Orton was the guy who was really being shafted. He became a dull minor character in his own title reign even after winning the undisputed title, then he became the least interesting one in Evolution, and now he's vaguely jealous that Triple H likes Seth Rollins more than him. It's mad for someone to get so irrelevant while main eventing nearly every single PPV of the last twelve months. His stock is lower than it's been in about a decade. He still probably had a really good seven figure income year, mind.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I realize this could fall on deaf ears, but I'm currently planning a wrestling fancy dress themed 22nd (its not until January but we're going to have to start buying stuff from Octoberish for it to work)


Anyway, while we've got the ideas of wrestling drink names for our pub golf we'll be doing i.e. Beat the Streak will be to do 5 shots, DX's Got Two Words For Ya! will be a tequila slammer etc we want to add some form of light hearted wrestling challenge throughout the evening in exchange for points or something (we're going to give a toy title belt to the winner overall)


So far all we've really got is hitting a Hogan leg drop in public, People's Elbow and then cutting a promo to a McDonalds staff member.


I realize how stupid this all sounds, but we're students and it adds something to birthdays and nights out while its still slightly acceptable.


Has anyone else here got any suggestions for stuff we could do that would look funny when drunk, be somewhat legal and add to the night out?



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