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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I agree with Pictos. Edge was fantastic.


Edge and Christian are probably my favorite tag team ever, just pure entertainment. It did take a while for Edge to find his legs (or Chicken legs if you like) as a solo star, but when he turned heel in 2004 he was excellent. Just terrific at drawing heat, even Cena got cheered against him, when the morons were at their peak of Cena hatred. His feud with Cena is his career highlight, but I also enjoyed his feuds with Taker and Jeff Hardy.


The match with Foley I always found a bit overrated, but that TLC match with Cena in 2006, the cage match with Matt Hardy in 2005 (I think), and the Mania main event with Taker are top draw. Edge was usually one of the best things on the show from 2005-2009.


Bit off the topic, I am not a regular viewer these days, but is Christian not meant to be dire these days?

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Bit off the topic, I am not a regular viewer these days, but is Christian not meant to be dire these days?

I wouldn't say dire in terms of his actual wrestling, it's more that he's skinny as fuck and looks like he uses Bovril for instant tanning

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I agree with Pictos. Edge was fantastic.


Edge and Christian are probably my favorite tag team ever, just pure entertainment. It did take a while for Edge to find his legs (or Chicken legs if you like) as a solo star, but when he turned heel in 2004 he was excellent. Just terrific at drawing heat, even Cena got cheered against him, when the morons were at their peak of Cena hatred. His feud with Cena is his career highlight, but I also enjoyed his feuds with Taker and Jeff Hardy.


The match with Foley I always found a bit overrated, but that TLC match with Cena in 2006, the cage match with Matt Hardy in 2005 (I think), and the Mania main event with Taker are top draw. Edge was usually one of the best things on the show from 2005-2009.


Bit off the topic, I am not a regular viewer these days, but is Christian not meant to be dire these days?


Have you seen the match Edge had with Taker at Summerslam 2008? It's bloody brilliant. Probably my favourite HIAC match.

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Edge to me represented that shift where any geek could win the belt. The period where blokes who dont take steroids win the titles. Which I'm not for at all. In fact I reckon you should get 90 days if you aren't on the juice. Even though Edge was at times on the gas, I never saw Edge wear a Gold's gym shirt, jogging shorts, bum bag and construction boots combo once, so I never connected with him at all. I could never see Edge driving the Grappler 400 miles and be told "if you get tired put my mask on and let the Grappler drive".

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Edge was around in 1993??

At least Bret, Shawn, Diesel, Razor and Undertaker made up for that period by letting the world know they were absolutely miserable most of the day. The current crop of guys seem actually happy to be off the stuff. The modern day wellness is less cooler than mid-90s wellness. They were all starving artists on pills back in the 90s.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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