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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm having a bit of gip posting the actual pictures, but Joey Styles has tweeted a couple of pics of the Outlaws at MSG tonight for those interested. They still look like stars, even over blurry phone photos. Get the belts on them yesterday, I say.

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Here's a proper one knocking about



Billy Gunn looks great and Road Dogg has always looked old and out of shape. They'd have got away with looking like that in their prime. In TNA and judging by their performances on the Indies, they pretty much wrestle the same as ever as well. They should give them the belts. They could shift DX merch without Michaels or Triple H being on the road or on telly.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Bryan is probably the best example. He started out the year as a loathed preachy vegan (with implied wife beater gimmick), now he's doing Make-a-wish stuff. WWE have done well by Bryan, once they realised what they had.


I do sometimes wonder though, how much of Bryan's success in the last year is down to WWE or Bryan himself and his talent/efforts?


100% Bryan's talents/efforts and 0% WWE, same as with Punk's success. But not Cena's success or Shelton Benjamin's failure. Those were 100% WWE, 0% the talent's talent/effort. What do you think of this new band The Darkness, niff? I think they might sell more CDs than Avid Merrion sells Bo Selecta DVDs this year. I sure hope Kerry wins the politics against George Bush next year.

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I was saying in chat the other night, he reminds me of Matt Hardy version 1, which is one of my favourite gimmicks ever. Maddox is so creepy, could easily imagine him filming the divas in the showers. If he'd had more TV time when that impostor thing happened, even more people would've believed it.

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How incredible is Brad Maddox?! One of the tidiest, most confident looking young guys to appear for quite some time.


My nephew has suddenly decided that Maddox is his favourite wrestler and I've no idea why. Normally Cena is the best thing since sliced bread to him. I've only ever seen him in squash matches. What have I missed?

Edited by niff
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I'm another on the Maddox bandwagon. That first promo he cut to explain why he screwed over Ryback was surprisingly fine to good. His YouTube stuff has those small things which isn't the humour that WWE goes for. I think it was someone on here that compared him to Mac from Always Sunny, and I totally see it. I also see what the person above me posted about him a prime candidate to film the divas on the sly. In the second BME video he posted, he's not meant to be backstage and he bumps into Yoshi, whose confused to see him; his 'I back' cracked me up, as did him sat in Vickie's chair.

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I was saying in chat the other night, he reminds me of Matt Hardy version 1, which is one of my favourite gimmicks ever. Maddox is so creepy, could easily imagine him filming the divas in the showers. If he'd had more TV time when that impostor thing happened, even more people would've believed it.


Have to agree.


According to wikipedia (so I dont know how true it is), he competed in OVW doing a necrophiliac gimmick, so might explain the 'creepiness' of his current persona if he had previously played a character like that.


Courtesy of wiki......


'After he was defeated he renamed himself to "Brent Beef Wellington" and changed his gimmick to that of a necrophiliac.'

Edited by Snitsky's back acne
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Maddox is indeed looking like one to watch. Does anyone else think that his TV time might be the reason that they dropped Johnny Curtis' new Fandango gimmick? Ignoring the new "Dancer" aspect, Curtis has pretty much being playing the role of creepy/rapey bloke for ages. Maddox reminded me of Curtis when he came out for his match on RAW last week. Perhaps they didn't want two blokes playing new sleazy characters at the same time, especially considering they have a vaguely similar look.

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