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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'd disagree only on the Rey Mysterio front. I'd imagine he is pretty recognisable to the average person. He's no Rock, granted, but I'd imagine he's miles ahead of the likes of Sheamus, Punk and Orton when it comes to people knowing him I'd say. Even if its just by "he's that small wrestler with the mask" and not necessarily by name. For a few years, Rey was at the top of a lot of kids Christmas lists as well. I remember working in a toy shop a few years back when WWE first got the Mattel deal. You couldn't keep those Rey Mysterio figures on the fucking shelf.


Yea, fair play, Rey is more likely to be remembered than most from his era, purely for his unique look. But he's still miles behind Hogan and Undy for non-fan recognition I recon.

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Nah, in twenty years time the only people who will recognise a Cena or Sheamus fancy-dress costume are people who watched it "back in the day" (ie. now).

Yes, the same way that adults who recognise wrestler costumes now are people who watched it as kids.



You don't need to be a wrestling fan to know who Hulk Hogan is. Just like you don't have to have watched the A-Team to know who Mr T is or have watched basketball to know who Shaq is.

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And Hulk Hogan is about the only wrestler both famous enough and with a distinctive enough look that everyone would know who it is. Fairly sure Shaq isn't a very distinctive fancy dress costume either, in this country. Bald black bloke in a basketball kit. Half the people there would guess Michael Jordan.

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And Hulk Hogan is about the only wrestler both famous enough and with a distinctive enough look that everyone would know who it is. Fairly sure Shaq isn't a very distinctive fancy dress costume either, in this country. Bald black bloke in a basketball kit. Half the people there would guess Michael Jordan.


Christ, you'll try and drag a dull argument out about anything won't you.


I think that the Undertaker and Hulk Hogan were more widely known outside of regular wrestling fans in their day than the current crop of wrestlers are now. I don't think that's a particularly unreasonable suggestion. I'm not applying it to all wrestlers from that era, just the massive ones. Y'know, the ones I named. If you turned up dressed as Max Moon or Kimchee it probably wouldn't apply.

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I enjoyed Michael McGillicutty's performance last night at Nottingham much more than any time I've seen him on TV.


The crowd did not react at all to him being introduced as Tensai's opponent. People around me were confused as to why "Two crap baddies are fighting eachother", but by the closing stages of their short match McG had showed enough babyface fire to get the crowd right behind him as the plucky underdog and a large pop greeted his win.


I reckon with a new look and a bit of character he could be a useful mid-carder. Maybe putting him in a 2-colour singlet and white boots would be a start. It wouldn't make any difference to his in-ring performances and he's obviously way off being on the same level as his dad, but recognising his 3rd generation status would get sections of the crowd behind him as soon as he comes through the curtain.

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If you're going to dress up as a Wrestler, it has to be the 80s and 90s lads. Most recognisable, and looked coolest.


Which modern day wrestler could you go as and be instantly recognisable like you could as say Warrior, Hogan, Bret, etc?


I'm going to suggest a name no one else has, although I suppose you coudl argue he doesn't count as a modern day wrestler, and say Sting. Although obviously it'd have to be Crow Sting. So yeah, actually, move along, nothing to see here.

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I enjoyed Michael McGillicutty's performance last night at Nottingham much more than any time I've seen him on TV.


The crowd did not react at all to him being introduced as Tensai's opponent. People around me were confused as to why "Two crap baddies are fighting eachother", but by the closing stages of their short match McG had showed enough babyface fire to get the crowd right behind him as the plucky underdog and a large pop greeted his win.


I reckon with a new look and a bit of character he could be a useful mid-carder. Maybe putting him in a 2-colour singlet and white boots would be a start. It wouldn't make any difference to his in-ring performances and he's obviously way off being on the same level as his dad, but recognising his 3rd generation status would get sections of the crowd behind him as soon as he comes through the curtain.

I've enjoyed his work a lot more on the new NXT than I ever did before. He's become a very capable in-ring performer, and he's not TOO bad on the mic.

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They should do some vignettes where he's almost landing massive basketball shots and almost hole-ing colossal golf chips, and then in the last one, he nails some impossible sporting feat and becomes finally worthy of the Hennig name. Then you roll with it.

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Can't say I'm feeling the idea of making McGillicutty a Mr. Perfect-lite/v.2. I don't think it would work at all. Perfect had a great look that worked for that gimmick. McGillicutty doesn't so much, he'd be better off paying homage to his Gramps I reckon. But really, everyone always makes this suggestion with 2nd/3rd Gen lads and it's a rubbish and unoriginal idea. It's limiting them from expressing something special and unique they may have themselves. The Rock came in paying a tribute to his Grandpa and his Old Man and it got shit all over. Look what happened when he went out and developed his own shiz.

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I definitely don't think he should become the new Mr Perfect. The main point was about giving him a new look, I just thought ring gear in the style of Mr Perfect would get a decent reaction from some sections of the audience.

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