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The Why Don't You Get a Job Thread

kendal mint cake

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On 2/5/2020 at 7:11 PM, Wretch said:

Had an interview today for a job in the civil service. I knew straight away from reading the job description, and from my previous experience before I got stuck in a rut working nights in Tesco for almost nine fucking years that I could absolutely do this job with the Land Registry.

Walked into the interview to a panel of three people and all my prepping may as well have gone out the window. Tripping over my words and not giving detailed enough answers to certain scenarios, I could feel myself going red in the face as I stumbled my way through three quarters of the interview.

Of course, on the way back home, I'm calling myself a dickhead and asking myself why didn't I answer so and so in a certain way. I can prep for weeks but as soon as I'm sat face to face with the interviewer, my mind goes completely blank. In a previous life, I used to recruit and interview people so you think I'd know better.

Fucking bollocks.

Don't let this experience put you off going for other jobs, and don't be afraid to take all your notes in with you next time.

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1 hour ago, Rapey Eyes said:

I think it’s also worth mentioning that your contact details should be on the Cv somewhere, or if not, then it should be on any covering letters. Also email addresses should be sensible and professional 

Correct. Just under your name at the top and should include phone number, email address, postal address and LinkedIn profile (if you have one).

I'd strongly recommend using a sensible email address.

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On 2/6/2020 at 10:06 AM, Ralphy said:

Any news? I am looking for suggestions for jobs with accomadation included, home life is insufferable and really effecting me. I pay more in board than my friend pays on a mortgage for a 3 bed house 

I contacted them this past Thursday since I hadn't heard from the company. They finally came back to me yesterday afternoon and I didn't get the job I applied for. They offered me an operative job, but it's less per hour than my current job and less hours per week. So I had to pass on it. I am going to another interview today, but they seem a bit sketchy on what the actual wage is. So we'll see how it goes.

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On 2/12/2020 at 9:28 AM, Rey_Piste said:

I am going to another interview today, but they seem a bit sketchy on what the actual wage is. So we'll see how it goes.

So it turned out that the job was barely above minimum wage. With a raise after a 6 month probationary period, but it seems more like an excuse to sack you off after 6 months. So it's really a seasonal job, but they are advertising it as a permanent position.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I've been given a temporary managers role for the last 8 weeks while my own manager is covering his manager's paternity leave. Today I found out they're going to provisionally move the returning guy into a more senior role, so for the next 3 months at least I'm going to continue as a manager. I chuffed, as well as a little daunted because it's been the most work related stress I've ever had, but that lessens the move I do it, and I've got a lot better at it as I've gone on. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope everyone's been ok on the jobs front with the amount of redundancies and furloughing going on. As a reminder, I work in HR and am happy to help with any questions that come up, particularly relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

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So Mrs Grecian has been put on furlough, as of 1st April as part of the Government scheme. However, she works for a small company, and the owner has said he'd 'appreciate it enormously if people continued to work while on furlough'. All the paperwork she's been given states that she shouldn't work. 

Does anyone know if the Government will be running checks on this? If she does get caught out, is it on her or the company? 

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government will cover 80% of wages, so it'll cost them less but they won't lose productivity. Basically taking advantage, won't be the only ones. If it gets caught it'll be on the company not the individual - she'll be paid by the company, she isn't directly receiving the furlough payment.

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It's a small company and all their work has been cancelled, but once everything goes back to normal, they'll be okay. She in charge of ordering stock and parts and dealing with customers, so if she ignores her emails while on furlough, the company is screwed. Plus her boss is an arse, so while she's not being directly asked to work, there's a strong chance it'll be held against her if she doesn't. 

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Yeah. She's basically being guilted into working. I've suggested she copies her boss into emails so she can prove the company knew she was working and if they tell her to stop, then she stops. 

She's too conscientious for her own good. 

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She should make the case that if he needs her to continue working, he'll have to un-furlough her and pay her full wage.  If her boss doesn't agree, then as others have said she needs it in writing or in email so her arse is covered.

I know there are some idiots out there who think they'll be able to get 80% of their wage bill paid and get away with it, but the HMRC isn't stupid.  They'll get caught, and fined massively.

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5 hours ago, Grecian said:

So Mrs Grecian has been put on furlough, as of 1st April as part of the Government scheme. However, she works for a small company, and the owner has said he'd 'appreciate it enormously if people continued to work while on furlough'. All the paperwork she's been given states that she shouldn't work. 

Does anyone know if the Government will be running checks on this? If she does get caught out, is it on her or the company? 

There will not be much checking - resources spread too thin. Furloughing expressly states that they are being 'stood down' and there is no work to do. The rules do allow employers to cycle employees on furlough every 3 weeks - i.e furlough a group of people for 3 weeks, then bring them back and furlough another 3 for next 3 weeks and so forth -precisely to cover work that still needs doing. So she should not work at all when furloughed. 

However, if he company is topping up the furlough to ensure everyone is fully paid (i.e. difference between 80% / £2500 per month and full pay) then I can understand why some employers might think its a reasonable ask to to ask an employee to still complete some tasks - but strictly speaking, no they shouldn't. 

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She's spoken to a couple of her workmates and they've decided as a group not to work while furloughed. The company isn't topping up her pay, its a small company owned by one arsehole. My shout is he wants to keep it running spending as little money as possible (to be fair, I totally understand why he's doing it) but a lot of them are very unhappy at being put in such a shit position. 

At least it's not just her now. Thanks for the advice, chaps. 

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