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ECW is sort of back *POTENTIAL SPOILERS!111~*


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EXTREME REUNION on iPPV - 28 April, 2012 - 1,749 likes on Facebook


Starring ....


Dean Eddie Norman Izzard Pace Douglas:



Tommy Dreamer:



The Sandman:



Balls Mahoney:



Arn Anderson:






Jerry Lynn:



Justin Credible:



The Revolution begins again. Boom period?


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On the subject of Justin Credible, I watched a shoot interview with him the other day and he comes across sound as a pound. Seemed to be genuinely nice and honest, even to his own detriment at times describing how he takes $100 for show payoffs, and how he recently wrestled in front of five people. It must be depressing for him knowing he once worked the dark match at Wrestlemania 17 with Xpac after just entering the company. If that happened a year sooner, things could have been very different for him.


He also told a story about how WWE wanted him at the Raw 15th show (or something similar) to dress up as Aldo Montoya, but he refused (and the payday) because he said he worked hard to become "Justin Credible" and he didn't want to humiliate himself in taking a step back to erase the hard work and make a fool of himself.

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If this was happening down the road for me, I'd definitely go see it for a fiver. Be worth it just to hear Shane reminds us that he's better than Ric Flair, who's a piece of shit.


If that happened a year sooner, things could have been very different for him.


You reckon? I always thought Credible was an utterly average performer who only started looking interesting when you stood him next to Lance Storm. I think the best he could have hoped for would have been being in the company precisely when he was just prior to the WcW buy out, and someone pointing out that he and Lance T's natural chemistry together would have been a decent addition to the tag team ranks, with E&C v Dudleys v Hardys having peaked, and Power Trip/Taker & Kane/Team Chris having limited shelf lives in tag teams what with them all being required in main events.


He also told a story about how WWE wanted him at the Raw 15th show (or something similar) to dress up as Aldo Montoya, but he refused (and the payday) because he said he worked hard to become "Justin Credible" and he didn't want to humiliate himself in taking a step back to erase the hard work and make a fool of himself.


Do you believe him? Considering some of the genuine names they could have involved in a show like that, I cant imagine the braintrust going "fuck yeah, let's get Aldo involved!"

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