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WWE Extreme Rules Discussion Thread


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That's the problem, a lot of dickheads don't allow themselves to watch wrestling to be entertained.

Amen to that! i can't help but feel that people take this thing a little too seriously.

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Time will tell if beating him so fast actually did hurt Lesnar, but I think the fact his beating on Cena was so savage and unrelenting that Cena was back to business as usual the next night on raw somewhat reduces the impact of such.

I'm not going to get into an argument with you about this, because I've read all your back-and-forths with Pitcos in this thread and have come to the conclusion that you're a massive idiot. However, I will point out that John Cena was not back to business as usual on Raw whatsoever- he came out to cut a promo whilst wearing a sling and was so vulnerable that he got his ass kicked by Johnny fucking Ace. What the fuck were you watching?


The Massive Idiot Show for Idiots. It's for idiots, you know.


Sorry for posting.

To be fair edgecrusher, when people countered points of yours, you just ignored it and moved on to something else, so I can sorta see where they are coming from. For example, you claimed earlier that Cena beat Lesnar clean and was then back to business as normal next night on Raw, when both of those points are flat out bullshit. Saying stuff like that (for starters it makes it sounds like you didn

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To be fair edgecrusher, when people countered points of yours, you just ignored it and moved on to something else, so I can sorta see where they are coming from.


I might be thinking of someone else here, but isn't edgecrusher notorious for this?

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To be fair edgecrusher, when people countered points of yours, you just ignored it and moved on to something else, so I can sorta see where they are coming from. For example, you claimed earlier that Cena beat Lesnar clean and was then back to business as normal next night on Raw, when both of those points are flat out bullshit. Saying stuff like that (for starters it makes it sounds like you didn’t even watch either show), and then ignoring it when someone calls you on it does make it sounds like the usual “Super Cena” bollocks. Also, that attitude makes the idea of arguing/debating with you seem redundant if you’re just going to ignore perfectly valid counter points to your arguments. Which is a shame, because I remember you as a poster from years ago, and you were one of my favorites, you always came across as an intelligent guy, and I was happy to see you back posting. - with a loo brush.


You're correct, of course. What I was getting at, wrong or right, was that it didn't feel that different to me. It did for a bit, with the build up, and then it didn't on Raw. Seeing him there made it feel a bit trivial to me. I guess my reaction was just very different to the people in the thread. It felt like business as normal and it didn't feel like some great, terrible beating, not in a company where I've seen people taken off TV for multiple weeks due to lesser beatings and such.


I am sorry for posting. I made a fool of myself. But now it's done. Oh well.



As an aside, drifting off topic, what caused the hiatus from posting? Did you stop watching wrestling for a bit? And out of curiosity, if you did, was it Lesnar’s return that brought you back into it all? - in my pants.


Mixture of stuff, but after this I'm gone again. Not what I need right now, though it's nice that you ask :) I'm always surprised that anybody remembers me.


I did stop watching wrestling for a bit, though I kept going on Shimmer DVDs and Dragon Gate Japan/USA DVDs, with a smattering of other Japan stuff and US indies. Wrestling's one of those things, I find. If you stop watching it for long enough you just sort of lose the drive to start watching again. I don't have a TV licence anymore so conventional watching is pretty difficult. I keep up via the internets and friends who so conveniently watch other things than wrestling.


I actually started paying attention again when The Rock came back, and I always liked Brock back in the day so of course I was rather excited to see him return.


Anyway, off I go again.



I might be thinking of someone else here, but isn't edgecrusher notorious for this?


I hope you are. I didn't think I was notorious for anything save a posting gimmick. I didn't get into that many arguments back in the day.

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You're correct, of course. What I was getting at, wrong or right, was that it didn't feel that different to me. It did for a bit, with the build up, and then it didn't on Raw. Seeing him there made it feel a bit trivial to me. I guess my reaction was just very different to the people in the thread. It felt like business as normal and it didn't feel like some great, terrible beating, not in a company where I've seen people taken off TV for multiple weeks due to lesser beatings and such.

Yeah, thats a fair point. Others have been off TV for longer with less of a beating. But in reality, thats normally just because the person in question needed time off anyway, be it for an injury or whatever. There are been plenty of examples in the past of people taking an absolute pasting on PPV and being on Raw the next right. Even something extreme like Austin dropping Triple H off the crane, in a car, from about 100ft only kept Trippers off tv for 2 weeks. Generally, if your fit (and not on a reduced dates deal) you

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Watching Cena's superman wins are always worth it just to see Pity post that pic to annoy the haters (Dopper and co) even more :thumbsup:


Every time I have critisized John Cena on here, I have then debated with Cena fans why I think what I think.

Labelling me simply as a "hater" who get's annoyed by people attempting to wind up the haters is bullshit.


Twats like you who dismiss anyone who doesn't like John Cena as having no reason for that opinion is what annoys me.


When talking to people whose opinions I respect this week (as opposed to posting my thoughts on here) I have started each time by saying how much I popped for Cena's promo and how much I enjoyed the match.


So yeah, get fucked. :thumbsup:

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Thank goodness you didn't rise to that one, dopper, otherwise you'd just have given your detractors even more ammo :unsure:

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You're correct, of course. What I was getting at, wrong or right, was that it didn't feel that different to me. It did for a bit, with the build up, and then it didn't on Raw. Seeing him there made it feel a bit trivial to me. I guess my reaction was just very different to the people in the thread. It felt like business as normal and it didn't feel like some great, terrible beating, not in a company where I've seen people taken off TV for multiple weeks due to lesser beatings and such.


He was in a bloody sling, and unable to defend himself from the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, and the General Manager of both Raw and Smackdown, Mr. John Laurinaitis.


Given that we're talking about a man who was fired, and still didn't miss a show, I can't see why you expected him to be off TV after winning a match, and cutting a promo where he mentioned he'd be fired on air and not by phone.

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But he weren't fired on air. There's little argument to be made against the promo being odd. I think he should certainly have gone out by stretcher. I agree that the effect of the match was diluted on Raw a little.

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It's been a bit of a busy week, so only just managed to see the Cena - Lesnar match and I thought it was great. I think credit needs to go to both guys and the agent that put this match together as well as the referees for playing their parts beautifully too.


As far as the finish goes, I really don't think it was so bad (except I don't like the fact the ref counted the fall on the ring steps but that's picky). Both guys came out of this match looking better in my eyes. Lesnar looked scary as hell and reminded me of how natural a wrestler he is - and by that I don't mean the moves, I mean all the little things, the glances, the gestures, the timing and his positioning. Cena too sold really well, appearing more human and less superhero. I'm not Cena's biggest fan but he did his job right on Sunday.


I think, like Hart vs Austin from WM13 or the Undertaker vs Mankind cell match, the winner will become almost forgotten in time and it will be the visual of the match which will be remembered.

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It is very, very clear. He is not saying that Brock Lesnar has been the biggest draw in pro-wrestling over the past four years. He is stating that out of pro-wrestling and mixed martial arts, Brock Lesnar has been the biggest draw of the last four years.

The same way that Cleetus is stating that out of pro-wrestling and football, Manchester United has been... Well, you know.

Yup, and that makes absolutely no sense. Manchester United has no relevance to pro-wrestling. Brock Lesnar, being a WWE superstar who made the transition to UFC and then back again, can legitimately be called the biggest draw in pro-wrestling or mixed martial arts over the past four years.

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