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17 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Yes, I have the same memory, and it really doesn't feel such a long time ago.

That's something which has got me down, to be honest. UKFF years seem to match those of dogs, and Manny having died three years ago seems a counterfactual: not possible because it doesn't feel to me that three years have passed since I was previously reading about him!

I also recall when Margot was a new addition to @Sergio Mendacious's family, and she must be senior now.

It's a real downer, isn't it, how short the lives of our four-legged family members are. I try not to think about it (they're both a picture of good health) but the fact that my girls are now 12 and 13 causes me some uncomfortable reflection increasingly often.

I have real problems with this; I've heard it called anticipatory grief, and I get an attack of it nearly every day. I'll be watching Hiccup doing something awesome, and think "if he has an above-average run, he'll likely still be gone while I'm in my 50s." 

Margot turns 7 in a couple of months, but she's been acting like a grumpy senior for several years. When we moved into our last apartment, it seemed to really mess her up. Hid for several weeks, barely saw her, and she started to hate me, and go for my wife frequently (whilst remaining obsessed with her). Oddly, moving to another state (and flying on a plane) didn't seem to affect her as badly. Maybe it was because she got to fly first-class?

Over three years later, I've managed to make friends with her again; I was doing a bit of freelance work this morning, and she was sitting on my shoulder rubbing her head on me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m always so nervous when I see this thread bumped because I naturally expect the worst. Unfortunately, today is the day I upset those who have the same worry.

My 10 year old cat Lily has today been diagnosed with lymphoma and to say I am devastated would be a massive understatement.

Over the last week her appetite has decreased significantly. It happened to coincide with the day we tried her on a different brand of food and I assumed she was just being picky, but it carried on after switching back to the original stuff. I took her to the vets yesterday and they initially said she has a heart murmur and enlarged intestines with some mild dehydration, so they gave her some drugs to increase her appetite which didn’t really seem to do much.

When I woke up this morning, I just knew she was ill. She’s usually in bed with us by 6am trying to wake us up for food, even in the last few days, but today she just stayed on the landing and didn’t seem bothered at all. I was a bit encouraged when she ate some biscuits and she was purring like a motherfucker when I gave her some attention, but I took her back to the vets and, yeah, lymphoma.

I now need to make the decision of chemotherapy, palliative care or having her put to sleep. After a quick google search, chemo seems to do quite well with certain types of lymphoma, but not others, and unfortunately the type she most likely has has the worst prognosis. I’d imagine we’ll bring her home and keep her comfortable for a few weeks - my fiancée is in Spain this week and I can’t have her put to sleep without giving her the chance to say goodbye.

So yeah, really sorry to bring the mood down. I’m a complete wreck at the moment and I have no idea how I’m going to go to work tomorrow and for the next few weeks when I want to spend every last minute with her.

Fuck getting another pet, I’m not sure this pain is worth it.

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So sorry, dude. That pain is one of the keenest you'll ever feel in your life, so I understand the reluctance to feel it again. 

Fingers crossed the chemo works for her, but if the worst does happen, I hope you're able to spend some good time with her until then.

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5 hours ago, Slapnut said:

I’m always so nervous when I see this thread bumped because I naturally expect the worst. Unfortunately, today is the day I upset those who have the same worry.

My 10 year old cat Lily has today been diagnosed with lymphoma and to say I am devastated would be a massive understatement.

Over the last week her appetite has decreased significantly. It happened to coincide with the day we tried her on a different brand of food and I assumed she was just being picky, but it carried on after switching back to the original stuff. I took her to the vets yesterday and they initially said she has a heart murmur and enlarged intestines with some mild dehydration, so they gave her some drugs to increase her appetite which didn’t really seem to do much.

When I woke up this morning, I just knew she was ill. She’s usually in bed with us by 6am trying to wake us up for food, even in the last few days, but today she just stayed on the landing and didn’t seem bothered at all. I was a bit encouraged when she ate some biscuits and she was purring like a motherfucker when I gave her some attention, but I took her back to the vets and, yeah, lymphoma.

I now need to make the decision of chemotherapy, palliative care or having her put to sleep. After a quick google search, chemo seems to do quite well with certain types of lymphoma, but not others, and unfortunately the type she most likely has has the worst prognosis. I’d imagine we’ll bring her home and keep her comfortable for a few weeks - my fiancée is in Spain this week and I can’t have her put to sleep without giving her the chance to say goodbye.

So yeah, really sorry to bring the mood down. I’m a complete wreck at the moment and I have no idea how I’m going to go to work tomorrow and for the next few weeks when I want to spend every last minute with her.

Fuck getting another pet, I’m not sure this pain is worth it.

Oh, mate — I'm so sorry. Hope you're able to have some quality time with her.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Posted (edited)

Oh also, this is not my dog so apologies for veering off topic,  but I got to meet and feed some tapirs the other week and it was a magical experience. 

I think at my core I’m a guy who appreciates a long snout. I should add that they don’t live in this little shed. They have a massive outdoor habitat, this is just where they come in to sleep if it’s cold, to eat and  to do signings/meet and greets with fans. 


Edited by JLM
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I'd love for him to be a dark, brooding crime fighting dog. But the reality is the people of Gotham would be fucked if they had to rely on him. He'd just run around the villains feet then jump into their lap and lick their face. 

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Just had a "fight" with Hiccup. He's a big rawboned bastard of a cat, and loves to have a bit of a go. We were worried at first, because he starts huffing and puffing, but apparently that's a sound they make when they're absolutely having the best time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Awards Moderator

Somehow managed to grab an RSD copy of George Harrison’s Wonderwall Music.

It’s staying in the plastic sleeve until I get a night to listen to it, so Clarence is on guard.


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  • 2 weeks later...

1 today! That's flown by. Happy birthday idiot boy Ghost. You ate my favourite Nike trainer, are an absolute shit to walk, but we love you.


Here he is meeting new snake friend Pingping yesterday. 


Ozzy wanted to say hello as well.


And one of Nova for good measure.



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