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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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'If me and Big Cas had a dime for every time we got beat up as kids we'd have....zero dimes!'

That's because they ain't SAWFT!


I thought that was awesome. It got a big laugh from the crowd too, it's good to see EA's act getting over.


Big Cas looks like a young Edge.

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Unmasking him is really paying off. He's promos, selling and, um, facials have helped in endearing him to the crowd as much as the flippy stuff. He's been magic since he turned up and he stirs full sail into a frenzy. With his Real American team I've started not hating Swagger for once and this was his best match I can remember. Graves vs Victor on the other hand was probably the worst NXT match possible. Boring shit that went on for days. Graves is crap anyway but he's useless as a babyface. I enjoyed the big Ascension bloke crushing him the other day though, with his big "HA HA HA HA!", like an evil overlord from a cheesy action flick.


Enzo is an infectious catchphrase machine and I could listen to him rabbit nonsense all day. I like Big Cass too, he's been more than decent in the little bits his been given. They're a great pairing of New Jersey bellends.


Love what I've seen from Alexander Rusev so far. Strong and swift at snapping you in half, he could slot into a Big E type role down the line. Not too keen on his look though.


The divas were worth a watch as usual too, even with Aksana involved. Love Charlotte incorporating the Flair corner bump and now the forever failing top rope spot and putting a twist on it. Summer Rae has been good the last couple of weeks as well.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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