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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Great show, the Balor/Joe stuff got me on the edge of my seat, can't recall seeing that before where one guy just walks out, signs the contract and fucks off, was expecting the usual pull apart table flying brawl. Joe really makes the choke look deadly, good selling by Balor also.


I really like Apollo Crews.


Bayley has single handedly got me back into Women's Wrestling, is there a more likeable character in Wrestling anywhere?? Fuck it I'm downloading her theme aswel it's stuck in my head constantly.

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This week's NXT was probably one of the most fantastically booked hours of WWE TV I've seen in years.


Sensational (though totally straightforward - in a good way) storytelling in the main event, and a really good opening segment. Really terrific booking throughout the whole show. Loved it.

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Finn in more casual wear for a contract signing? Emma doing a run in wearing a track suit and hoodie?


What kind of bizzare universe is this? Everyone knows that real superstars and divas only ever wear their wrestling gear in the arenas.


Jokes aside that was a top notch show. Wonder if the corporate stuff was a one off due to Regal's absence or the start of an actual storyline.


Nia Jax desperately needs a better finisher though.

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That WWE Corporate stuff definitely seems like a clever little storyline which will see 'WWE Corporate' which the NXT fans will of course hate trying to get their claws into the brand. No idea where it will go but I assume it will be for some form of takeover near Mania. Maybe on the Mania card itself but I kind of hope not.

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I thought the main event shenanigans were great, but the amount they put into it made it feel like a blow off of an angle. When Eva Marie does eventually get the title, that would have been how I would have had her lose it.


Maybe I've just been conditioned by Raw where nothing interesting ever happens so it feels like they shot their load a bit. But then the TV has been really good lately so perhaps I need to have a little faith.

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Nia Jax has that awful thing they do sometimes where they make monsters not wrestle like monsters. She does about 4 moves that could be a finisher, but finishes on a dud one.

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