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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I'm a little bit merry so I'm sorry if this spills into the incoherent. NXT is absolutely brilliant. Every show is entertaining as hell and I buy into the majority of the wrestlers on there. Barring Corey Graves who looks like Ste off Hollyoaks dressed as CM Punk and the shitty Ascension. Seriously, Connor O'Brien sucks mongrel balls and is a waste of fucking space. And Rick Victochr as well. It's a shite gimmick and their matches are constant dribble. Fuck off. As for everyone else, top notch work. I think I'm in love with Bayley and her ghetto booty and Sami Zayn is the fucking man. And whatever happens with Enzo Amore, I hope that the very least he gets in the future is a managerial spot for someone. This guy is fantastic on the mic and deserves a chance to showcase his vocal skills on Raw at some point. As good as Raw has been as of late, NXT has been consistently brilliant for ages. I think that I've missed a handful of episodes of it since it debuted in 2010 and I've rarely been disappointed. Any show that has Diva's matches that I don't fast forward through is definetely worth a watch. Absolutely love it.

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NXT is marvellous. It's a show where everyone feels like a proper act. Sure, there's the odd dud (CJ Parker, yeah). Even the bloody jobbers have some semblance of gimmicks. Love it.


Sami's amazing. It really is that simple. It's his promos that really are the revelation, and he can do serious angle material like with Cesaro just as well as cheesy flirty stuff with Renee without sounding forced. He's just a natural character and entertainer. It worries me, though, how much of it is down to the intimate Full Sail setting. Full Sail are absolutely mental for him, and even the Ole chants are genuine support rather than smarky. But I wonder how such an understated character played by a guy who works so well reacting to the crowd in the moment will come across in the highly scripted main shows.


Enzo found his feet really quick, and he's another guy the Full Sail crowd make look a star. Regal keeps likening him to DDP, but I see a better resemblance in him to Road Dogg. Heck, is Dogg backstage these days? Get Enzo working with the Outlaws in training and watch him become a megastar in six months. None of this awkward flying head scissors rubbish. Give him a punch combo and a pump handle slam (call it the Sawft Landing. Bwaha) and there's your money. And give Big Cass the Meltdown for stereo finisher goodness. Are you hearing me, WWE!?

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12th September NXT taping results (spoilers) -


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Dark Match


1. Tensai beat Jake Carter.


Episode One:


1. The Ascension won a tag team gauntlet to become no. 1 contender to the NXT tag titles. Also involved were CJ Parker & Tyler Breeze, Alexander Rusev & Scott Dawson, and Enzo Amore & Colin Cassidy.


2. Sasha Banks beat Bayley.


3. Aiden English defeated a jobber.


4. Sami Zayn over El Local.


Bo Dallas announces he's back to 100 percent. He also announces the Bo Dallas Invitational, where anyone who pins him gets a title shot in three weeks. Sami Zayn is the only wrestler not invited.


Triple H announced that due to family grief regarding Cody and Dustin, Dusty Rhodes has been replaced by interim GM JBL. JBL cuts a heel promo and calls this the era of the wrestling god.


Episode Two:


1. Santino Marella and Emma beat Fandango and Summer Rae.


2. Luke Harper over Kassius Ohno. Ohno was wearing trunks and was reported to be looking "as good as I have seen him in a while, shape-wise."


3. The Ascension beat Adrian Neville and Corey Graves to capture the NXT tag titles.


4. Bo Dallas beat a jobber. This was the kickoff to the Dallas invitational.


5. Bo Dallas beat Antonio Cesaro and Leo Kruger in an over-the-top-rope elimination match.


6. Sami Zayn (dressed as El Local) beat Bo Dallas to win the Dallas Invitational. Post-match, Zayn unmasks. He gets the title shot in two weeks.


Episode Three:


1. Charlotte beat a jobber (female indie standout Santana Garrett).


2. Antonio Cesaro over Leo Kruger. Post-match, Cesaro hit a top rope knee drop to Kruger's neck and the refs were out to tend to Kruger. It didn't come across as a face turn, so at this point it's unclear whether Kruger is a face or heel.


3. Mojo Rawley beat Danny Burch.


4. Alexander Rusev and Scott Dawson defeated Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy.


Episode Four:


1. The Ascension beat Adrian Neville and Corey Graves to retain the NXT tag titles. Post-match, Corey Graves turned on Adrian Neville.


2. Tyler Breeze defeated CJ Parker.


3. Summer Rae and Sasha Banks over Paige and Emma.


4. Bo Dallas beat Sami Zayn to retain the NXT title. Zayn scored the pinfall, but Dallas had his foot on the rope and JBL restarted the match. Dallas won after Sami's head hit the exposed turnbuckle.


Dark Main Event


5. Rob Van Dam beat Aiden English.


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Some good stuff there.

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12th September NXT taping results (spoilers) -


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Dark Match


1. Tensai beat Jake Carter.


Episode One:


1. The Ascension won a tag team gauntlet to become no. 1 contender to the NXT tag titles. Also involved were CJ Parker & Tyler Breeze, Alexander Rusev & Scott Dawson, and Enzo Amore & Colin Cassidy.


2. Sasha Banks beat Bayley.


3. Aiden English defeated a jobber.


4. Sami Zayn over El Local.


Bo Dallas announces he's back to 100 percent. He also announces the Bo Dallas Invitational, where anyone who pins him gets a title shot in three weeks. Sami Zayn is the only wrestler not invited.


Triple H announced that due to family grief regarding Cody and Dustin, Dusty Rhodes has been replaced by interim GM JBL. JBL cuts a heel promo and calls this the era of the wrestling god.


Episode Two:


1. Santino Marella and Emma beat Fandango and Summer Rae.


2. Luke Harper over Kassius Ohno. Ohno was wearing trunks and was reported to be looking "as good as I have seen him in a while, shape-wise."


3. The Ascension beat Adrian Neville and Corey Graves to capture the NXT tag titles.


4. Bo Dallas beat a jobber. This was the kickoff to the Dallas invitational.


5. Bo Dallas beat Antonio Cesaro and Leo Kruger in an over-the-top-rope elimination match.


6. Sami Zayn (dressed as El Local) beat Bo Dallas to win the Dallas Invitational. Post-match, Zayn unmasks. He gets the title shot in two weeks.


Episode Three:


1. Charlotte beat a jobber (female indie standout Santana Garrett).


2. Antonio Cesaro over Leo Kruger. Post-match, Cesaro hit a top rope knee drop to Kruger's neck and the refs were out to tend to Kruger. It didn't come across as a face turn, so at this point it's unclear whether Kruger is a face or heel.


3. Mojo Rawley beat Danny Burch.


4. Alexander Rusev and Scott Dawson defeated Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy.


Episode Four:


1. The Ascension beat Adrian Neville and Corey Graves to retain the NXT tag titles. Post-match, Corey Graves turned on Adrian Neville.


2. Tyler Breeze defeated CJ Parker.


3. Summer Rae and Sasha Banks over Paige and Emma.


4. Bo Dallas beat Sami Zayn to retain the NXT title. Zayn scored the pinfall, but Dallas had his foot on the rope and JBL restarted the match. Dallas won after Sami's head hit the exposed turnbuckle.


Dark Main Event


5. Rob Van Dam beat Aiden English.


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Some good stuff there.

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Don't know why they're turning Graves back, seems like he only just turned face, but whatever, so long as he's on TV I'm happy.

Nice to see Ohno back and apparently having taken to the gym a bit, assuming the sheets were right.

Taping all looks like good stuff to me, can't wait to see it.


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After some great work Regal's announcing has fallen off a cliff. He keeps messing up like he's trying to be more like Lawler. He started a sentence like he was going to talk about how wrestlers work on the left side then thought better of it as he realised how kayfabe it was. He's really gone off the boil.


If you like the odd comedy match, check out last week's MarEmma tag. So many funny moments.

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It must be an amazing feeling Ricky.


But knowing how cool it is that she has got THIS far, imagine how you & the missus must feel when she's on Raw & Smackdown every week (next year hopefully). :cool:



I would not be shocked if it's this year - maybe on the UK tour.

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Most recent taping -


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Credit: Joseph McGuirk and prowrestling.net:


Episode One:

Alex Riley, Tom Phillips, and Tensai were on commentary. Byron Saxton served as the ring announcer.


1. Slate Randall defeated Yoshi Tatsu.


Corey Graves cut a promo and was jumped by Adrian Neville.


2. Sasha Banks defeated Emma. Paige tried to stop Summer Rae interference but ended up costing Emma the match. Emma and Paige argued.


3. The Ascension defeated Tommy Taylor and Casey Marin.


4. Alexander Rusev beat CJ Parker. Rusev won by tapout. Some woman walked out during the match. (Z: her name is Lana). Tyler Breeze came out after with scissors. He cut two dreads off Parker.


5. Corey Graves beat Adrian Neville. Graves won by submission.



Episode Two:

William Regal, Byron Saxon, and Renee Young were on commentary and Kendall Skye was the ring announcer.


1. Alexander Rusev and Sylvester Lefort beat Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Rusev made Cass submit. Lana was on the ramp watching. Sylvester was left by Rusev and I will admit that I did not pay close enough attention to see if he was beaten up by Rusev too (probably, based on the rest of the night).


2. Aiden English beat Jason Jordan. English had a great entrance! The crowd booed so loud near me I couldn't hear the singing. English got the win. Encore after the match. Loved the roses! Regal gave a standing ovation.


3. Paige beat Summer Rae (w/Sasha) Sasha was sent to the back partway through the match. After Paige won, Sasha ran back to attack Paige. Emma made the save. Emma inadvertently hit Paige. Another awkward interaction for the two.


4. C.J. Parker defeated Tyler Breeze. Long mediocre match. The crowd hated Parker, but was into Breeze. Parker won, grabbed his dreads back and scissors, and the crowd yelled no. Tyler pulled away before Parker could cut his hair. Tyler's phone was actually left in the ring so I figured that would play in, but it did not.



Episode Three:

A-Ry, Phillips, and Young were on commentary and was Byron ring announcing.


Renee interviewed general manager JBL. Renee was in two places at once with Renee at the booth @_@. She explained Sami Zayn not being at the taping because JBL left him at home. They showed a WWE website "exclusive" interview earlier in the show where Zayn complained that his title match with Bo being restarted (at the previous taping) was a conspiracy by Triple H and JBL.


This was in response. In a WWE.com "exclusive" interview with Bo, Dallas said he's taking vacation: Bo Dallas vs. The World Tour. They had him being really goofy. Don't stop Bolieving (sic).


1. Alexander Rusev beat Sylvester Lefort. Rusev was introduced by the new woman who was speaking Dothaki (Lana). Sylvester tried to pay off Rusev. Short squash by Rusev.


2. Leo Kruger beat El Local. Yawn. Leo won.


3. The Ascension defeated two enhancement wrestlers. Two scrubs entered the ring. The crowd was into them for what reason? The Ascension made their entranceand went on to get the win.


4. Mojo Rawley beat Tye Dillinger (f/k/a Shawn Spears). Why is Mojo over? Why is he booked?


5. Luke Harper beat Kassius Ohno. Pretty long match. Both guys laid it in. Decent false finishes. Harper won the best match of the night, but that's not saying much, and this was not as good as it may seem like it would be on paper.



Episode Four:

Tensai, Byron, and Regal were on commentary, and Kendall Skye handled the ring announcing.


1. Summer Rae and Sasha defeated Bailey and Charlotte. Charlotte attacked Sasha during the match. Really? She joined Sasha and Summer. Wow...


2. Aiden English defeated Camacho. Encore chant! Roses.


3. Mason Ryan defeated Danny Birch. The kingdom is divided! (that's a joke, Britain vs. Wales) Ryan wins.


4. Adrian Neville beat Corey Graves in a best of three falls match. Neville got the first fall, Graves the second, then Neville took the third for the win. So-so match.


Peep Show with Christian and guest Alberto Del Rio. There was a funny moment where they were setting up the ring with a carpet and then changed their mind when it looked like crap and had to rush to clean up the fuzzies. Christian talked about John Cena's match at Hell in a Cell. Rusev comes out, Del Rio tried to run away, Ricardo Rodriguez threw him back in. There was a tiny beating of Del Rio by Rusev before Rusev pummeled Ricardo.


Overall, a weak offering from NXT. It was clear that some talent was on the international tour. (Zayn, Dallas, Cesaro, etc.)



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Fucking Corey Graves. He finally shows the fire and style he needs as a face, and promptly turns heel.


With the exception of Zayn, the booked faces are a pretty bland bunch, especially with the crowd being so vocal in their support for Breeze, Enzo, and even Kruger to an extent.

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