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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to use this Tyler Breeze gimmick. I was saying someone should come out with their camera and take pictures with the crowd if they're a face, have a social network link on their attire and get people to see their pictures there.


Zack Ryder had a period where he brought a handicam out with him and did stuff for his YouTube show during his entrance, and had a QR code on his trunks which apparently linked to his YouTube page. So he's kinda done that, but with video.


That's very true...what a berk. He'd completely escaped my mind.


Saying that, I don't think he went as far with the camera idea as I was expecting and a QR code on your trunks is a silly idea anyway because it's not going to get people on his YouTube account or Twitter or whatever. Who's going to see a stranger's Zack Ryder t-shirt and lean in to scan the back of their t-shirt?


I had more of a 'Generation Me' (not the tag team) idea of it as well which sounds like what this Tyler Breeze is doing. More of a vanity project as a heel or exploiting people's vanity to get hits on social media.


I'm still waiting for someone to do the Caps Lock on someone though.

Edited by Sphinx
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The Wyatt Family said goodbye to NXT on this week's episode. You should check it out, it's like a little glimpse of things to come as they get a massive babyface reaction at Full Sail. These fans are certainly sad to be losing them to the main roster. It isn't even a heel promo really, either, as Bray embraces the positive reaction. I absolutely loved the line where he said 'Today is the day that Bray Wyatt decided to bring down the machine' to which the crowd erupted into a chant of 'BRING IT DOWN! BRING IT DOWN!' Super stuff.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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Just watched the episode that aired before Raw this past week so I have no idea if I'm an episode behind or what.


Paige VS Emma was a cracking little women's match. And as has been said earlier the whole win felt like a big deal especially with Triple H coming out at the end as well as all the other Divas. Emma is brilliant too. It's almost impossible not to like her. She's well over with the crowd too and while I'm well aware there's a big difference to being over in that small area as opposed to a major building it's an encouraging sign for the lass. I'm getting behind the Emmalution anyways.


The Tyler Breeze gimmick looks like it could be really entertaining.


Sheamus VS Luke Harper was a really good big man match too and Harper looked pretty good in the ring. I know the show had the benefit of a pre-tape and he was in there with Sheamus but maybe there's hope for the bloke.


I know he wasn't on this weeks show but I really like Corey Graves. I can see where people are coming from with the whole "C.M. Punk light" criticism but I like his look and he's pretty solid in the ring.


Bo Dallas' grating acting like a face but he's really a heel is terrific. Reminds me in part of Randy Orton's similar smiley do-gooder run on Raw when he first turned up there.


I like Brad Maddox but he's bloody awful on commentary. Regal is great and has really settled into his groove but I just can't get into this Tony Dawson bloke at all.

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A great, fun episode it was too. Light hearted fun for 20 minutes, then the Wyatt Family match/segment with the massive reaction, into Graves w/Neville vs Dawson w/Lefort match that led to a surprise Shield appearance that got another crazy reaction.


From there, the main event was bonkers. Teaming Sami Zayn, who is so good at taking a beating and desperately seeking the hot tag, with Bo Dallas who the crowd don't want tagging in at any cost, is either genius or insane. Not sure which. Plus we got Cesaro/Zayn interaction before the straightforward Kruger set up his title match with a pin on Bo.


Looking forward to next week already!

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I hated the pointless 'Look! Big men like to dance and have fun too!' segment and Shite CM Punk vs Shite Arn Anderson was shite, but all else was good as ever. They've started adding smart little spots and touches to the diva's matches which is promising. Paige is pretty bland in her current role though. Once the division's a bit more established I hope they can turn her into the hard bumping goofy heel character she thrives at.


Tyler Breeze was even better this week although I could have done without that berk in the background. Who was that? Can't wait to see more of Tyler and his tasselled boots. The thought of Ambrose/Neville is getting me moist, not to mention the Cesaro vs Zanyn 2 out 3 falls match they've apparently taped down the line.

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Tyler Breeze was even better this week although I could have done without that berk in the background. Who was that? Can't wait to see more of Tyler and his tasselled boots. The thought of Ambrose/Neville is getting me moist, not to mention the Cesaro vs Zanyn 2 out 3 falls match they've apparently taped down the line.


CJ Parker, who looks about 100x better with the dreds than he did last time I saw him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it's official; Bo Dallas is awesome. What a smarmy bastard. Love it.


Ambrose vs Neville wasn't as good as it looked on paper and it's all Neville's fault. When you're in there with somebody that the crowd secretly want to cheer (Ambrose) you need need to be commanding enough to pull them behind you. Sami would have. Neville's a freak physically but he's bland as fuck. He should improve hopefully although sticking him with Graves is doing him no favours.


When I see a dodgy looking older geezer in burberry that the commentary team describes as a "West Ham soccer thug" I want to see him winning world titles and headlining Wrestlemanias not jobbing out in seconds to some poof. Give Danny Burch the moon please. I do like Tyler Breeze too of course. So ridiculous and so good. Same with Enzo as well. He's completely obnoxious and his promos are total nonsense but it all works somehow.


Kruger vs Dallas was pretty decent although I'm not sure about Kruger getting tapped out already. I'm guessing they'll slot Sami into the title picture now which would be good.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I'm lost for words at just how meta Bo Dallas is. It must be so tough to come up with a character like that, and to have the skill to pull it off. Bafflingly good. Kruger has a decent future too.


And Emma is the most over thing. Love it.

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I don't really keep up with NXT, I just catch the odd match that sounds like it'd be good. Dean Ambrose vs Neville lured me in and it was a decent match. I enjoy Ambrose's scrappy beatdowns and Neville was a convincing threat in this match.


The match also made me long to see more Dean Ambrose singles action on TV. I thought Ambrose was going to be a heavily featured player earlier this year - especially after going one on one with The Undertaker in his first TV match in god knows how long. At the same time though, keeping Dean as a key part of a unit rather than always going it alone on a weekly basis keeps him free from entering the 'trading wins' territory of so many others.

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I actually quite enjoyed Alex Riley on commentary, surprisingly. HE stumbled a few times, but in general was fairly decent. I certainly think he has more potential as a commentator than Brad Maddox, who I'm enjoying immensely as GM of Raw, and as such am more than happy for him to stay off commentary!

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