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Deathmatch interest thread

Richie Freebird

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Okay Richie quick question. My birthday's coming up in about a month and my girlfriend's asked me what present I want from her. I've been thinking this is a perfect opportunity to pick up a new deathmatch tournament! So what would you recommend between Carnage Cup 2012 or IWA MS KOTDM 2009? I've heard you rave about the Carnage Cup so I'm very tempted to give that a try, but at the same time I only need a couple more KOTDMs to complete my collection, and the 2009 one looks like a pretty damn fun show. So what would you recommend, (presuming of course that you've seen KOTDM too).

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Thanks Richie


Watched the show again properly last night and thought I would add my two pence worth, and highlight a few things people might want to look out for if/when they watch it.


Drunken scaffold match was a lot of fun. Pretty much what I expected from the guys involved. The final bump off of the scaffold looked awesome, and the little skit afterwards with the ref passed out was great.


Rory Mondo gave Drake a nasty cut to the side of his head via a light tube assisted big boot I believe. It was quite scary how quickly blood started gushing from it but he carried on as if nothing had happened. One thing I noticed with this match was how de-sensitized the crowd were too some of the spots. For example Drake being thrown from the top turnbuckle on to the actual edge of a ladder gained no response from the fans whatever. There were also electric chairs and things on to the ladders to equally little applause. Not a bad match regardless of this, I dont think the second Drakes Landing was necessary, im guessing that Drake thought the one from the top rope looked a bit botched and he wanted to do it properly, but the first one looked great and should have ended the match. Nice to see Drake putting Rory over after the match as well, he really takes a beating in most matches hes in.


The Masada vs Summers match started slow and then really took a turn for the worse for Summers. If I was him I would be extremely pissed off with Masada. I know this is a deathmatch tournament and you should expect to get hurt but Masada did not protect him at all on the piledriver. As Masada dropped him for the piledriver his legs actually fell either side of the cinder block, so Summers head made full contact with it with no protection whatsoever. No wonder the top of his head was shredded to bits. It was such a bad cut, lots of stitches required I should imagine. His eyes were glassy as fuck afterwards as well, I bet he hardly remembers any of it.


I was actually a little disappointed with Tremont vs Kobayashi - perhaps my expectations were a little high. Tremont gave us the worst blade job in CZW history which is saying something. The two banged heads and both fell to the mat. A few seconds later Tremont remembered he had to blade, so got the razor out of his pocket and bladed with no attempt to conceal what he was doing. Then he got up and he had a slit all the way from one side of his head to the other. The whole thing just looked pants. He also kept missing Kobayashi with the bats which was just a bit annoying as Kobayashi sold them anyway. I know im nit picking but it is possible to have an extremely exciting deathmatch and Tremont was a bit sloppy here. Bang average for me.


The non tournament match was fine, Joe Gacy really could come accross as a monster with the right opponent. But again there was absolutely no protecting your opponent going on here, which is a bit unneccessary. The slam on the edge of the microwave looked hideous, as did Slater accidently smacking his head on the steel side of the ring. Gacy potatoed Slater a few times too, I think he got a bit excited about the whole experience.


Danny Havoc vs Drake Younger for me was the best match on the show by far. Really exciting, fast paced, lots of scary looking bumps, near falls, extreme weapons and a jaw dropping finish. The really scary part though was where Havoc gave Drake a Drakes Landing. He landed neck first and im amazed he didnt have a broken neck. Seriously everyone should try and watch this spot just to see how bad it actually was. Unbelievable. Great to see a bit of fire used and fair play to Havoc for taking a Drakes Landing through flaming light tubes.


Abdullah vs Masada was a real bloody affair with lots of sick things going on like skewers and kenzans to the head. Masada's forearm through the glass looked great (and sounded great!) despite the huge cut he suffered for it. The bed of nails is a really scary weapon and something that makes me sit up and take note whenever it comes out. Luckily for the combatants a few of the spots missed the bed of nails or just brushed past it, much to the dismay of the crowd however. The finish with Masada doing the moonsault on the Abdullah with the bed of nails on top of him looked spectacular and reasonably safe too - perfect. This is what I want to see, people doing crazy shit, making it look horrible but actually doing very little damage to their opponent.


The final was a little bit tame compared to other rounds but not surprising considered what they have been through. Some of the barbed wire spots looked gross, with Drakes stomach and chest getting caught up in the spikes. Was a bit of a shock to see a submission win the tournament, but it made sense considering the post tournament promo from Drake and actually plays into his character well. The crowd were disappointed with the finish but I thought it was fine.


After the match DJ Hyde came out and floored Masada. The locker room came running out and beat Hyde down, with Lucky Thurteen climbing a turnbuckle post with barbed wire around it (not ropes) in FLIP FLOPS and double stomped Hyde who was covered in light tubes. This actually gave Hyde a really deep gash into his arm and they had to rush him to hospital straight away. The worst part was he had to wait around thirty seconds for Kobayashi to get in the ring and elbow drop him before he could get out of there. That must have been horrendous with glass in your arm and blood spurting out of it. Quite ironic that the worst injury was to someone who wasn't even in the tournament.


Overall though a great show, recommended highly!

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This is my fave thread in a long time,


Im not a fan of DM wrestling anymore, i used love TOD and KODM each year id avoid spoilers and wait for my tape to come though. At some point it crossed the line, i think it might of been when i saw Jack puuting needles into someone.


That said i enjoy reading about the crazy shit going on now

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Why does Kasai have swastika's all over his ring gear?


It relates back to Buddhism and Hinduism amongst other religious traits. It has a totally different meaning than we are accustomed to. The swastika can be found all over Japan whether it be on clothes/general products or on maps marking a certain religions area/church/temple/etc.

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Why does Kasai have swastika's all over his ring gear?


It relates back to Buddhism and Hinduism amongst other religious traits. It has a totally different meaning than we are accustomed to. The swastika can be found all over Japan whether it be on clothes/general products or on maps marking a certain religions area/church/temple/etc.

Kasai doesnt strike me as a religious man :)

Edited by Ebb
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