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Deathmatch interest thread

Richie Freebird

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He seemed, into it's probably the best word. He didn't just stand out by doing weird needle shit (like thumbtack jack) he took the sickest, nastiest bumps and shots and made it seem like a real fight. Plus his pleasing worked "I'll just punch you straight in the face" punches were awesome.

I know he left roh a while back, and I can see why he'd step away from doing the dm stuff, but for me he was by far the best since foley (at least in north america) for crazy shit like that. He had a proper character for it as well, which alot of the other guys seem to miss.

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Necro was way better than Thumbtack Jack. As Kiffy said Necro would do all sorts of nasty bumps where as Jack would use stuff like razor blades and needles. Necro would had fitted perfectly for the attitude era of professional wrestling, he was a few years too late in my opinion. Death matches ain't so cool no more.

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Jack did some sick bumps as well to be fair, but he had no real character to go with it.

Necro genuinely seemed like a crazy manson wannabe psychopath from the deep south, seeing him do interviews where he was a semi-normal human being was a shock (like the first time you saw a foley interview post him being jack for years) whereas thumbtack seemed like a german teenager that was a bit of a twat and would do stupid stuff, and when you see an interview that's exactly what he was.

Necro's character, that's what really made him to my mind.

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Gettin', a Death Match thread.


Been watching CZW 2005 and had forgotten the two Butcher/Klein vs. Pain/Gage tag matches that happened that year. I recommend a look-see, as well as the Cage of Death VII match with all four men and Zandig & Joker.

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To me though, he was just another deathmatch guy really. I always thought he was separated from the pack because he seemed to be the craziest and most fearless in the scene (until Thumbtack Jack showed up). I never really got people thinking he was a great actual wrestler. I always thought his straight wrestling execution was somewhat clumsy.


I know I'm late to the party but Necro was "just another deathmatch guy" to me in most sense, looked clumsy and lacking anything like a point or meaning to most stuff.


What made him stand out and made me give a shit when he did turn up in ROH from what I watched was his look. I believed he was a total spastic and I bought into the show, despite his faults.

I also watched an interview with him where he said he stopped wearing boots because it got him heat, which is something I get the impression no other deathmatch guy in america even understands the meaning of.

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They really are redundant these days. The only thing shocking about death matches are the fact there are still a few people who enjoy them. I'm sure we all went through a faze of liking seeing a wrestler get lemon juice squeezed into open cuts, but its all been done about 10 years ago. 2002 was the death match peak. What else is there they can do? Scissors to the forehead is a pretty big full spot on the genre, I thought.


Youtube and the evolution of the internet has killed death match wrestling. Its only aimed at idiot boys who like to see daft things. And with the internet being how it is these days, you can see stupid shit on a 24 hour loop for free if you want to.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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