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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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As I'm typing this I'm not totally sure if this happened or if I made it up, but there was a short lived Big Show / Spike Dudley team along the same lines during the Invasion that I always liked, if it existed.


There was:



I recall a couple of occasions too where Spike wrestled in a singlet like his partner (probably the outfit he has on there without the trousers) and was referred to as "The Little Show".

Edited by Statto
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For whatever reason I thought they lasted a bit longer than that. It goes to show just how things from that era, even if really short lived, stick in the mind much more than stuff from 5 or 6 years later.

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There's a wrestling themed segment on Judge Rinder right now.


A Scottish promoter has shafted a worker called The Original Craig (yeah, me neither) out of £105, and now they're looking to sort it out in court.


So far, Kenny Williams and Wolfgang have been mentioned. For some reason, they censored Williams's last name on a match graphic they shown on screen.

Edited by Alex Wright Mark
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They had one on in the last season which was two guys obviously working some sort of angle. Some guy was saying that the "head trainer" of a wrestling school was "too tough" on his students. At the end, they were screaming in each others face, in the grunt and groan style.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Everything is paid for on those shows. My Uncle was having a dispute over a garden fence about a year ago, and the idiot next door rang ITV up. They phoned my Auntie and told her "would you be interested if coming to the studio to take part in a Judge Rinder taping, and we'll pay for expenses and in the case of the judge deeming a payout." My Auntie told them to fuck right off. The whole things a bunch of bollocks. Its why you see so many "my brothers a cunt, I want 2,000 quid off him" and in the hope they can split the money afterwards.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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This one was a work as well. W3L are promoting it on Facebook with graphics and everything.

Judge Rinder treated them both like idiots, the wrestler admitted he only gets paid £35 a show and it was a work?! Fucking tragic. I'm sure face wrestler who settles fueds by taking people to a camp daytime TV court will be a great story line for them.

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Yes, if it's the same guy he has also wrestled as Blockbuster amongst other names. Tall wrestler that used to team with one half of the Henchmen (formerly Jekyll) back in their MPW days I believe. Assuming it's the same guy.

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