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Richie Freebird

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I can't see it being too much of an issue in British wrestling, at least. There are fewer gender divisions in the scene than elsewhere, and a scene (at least in what I've experienced with FutureShock, GPW, and PROGRESS) that is exceptionally welcoming to LGBT people.

I'd say go for it.

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So, to recap:


- WWE plans to introduce a transgender character to its storylines.


- Vince McMahon mysteriously begins running things remotely for a while from a private location.


You aren't the only one who thought that :p



Are there any transgender wrestlers?

I know there are the Mexican Exoticos who are gay.... isn't there a Swedish female wrestler who was born a man?

Definitely wanna hear if there is. i'd love to wrestle at any level tbh, I'm always coming up with ideas and stuff and would love to know what I'm capable of, but it feels like a massive non-starter and not worth the cost of training being trans and everything, I wouldn't want that alone to be my character, and it's difficult to be like "I'm x but primarily I'm like this" when it's as noteworthy as being trans. Then you'll have folk who'll never take to you no matter what you ever do, debates about who you're 'allowed' to fight etc.


I dare say though that the T in LGBT in this situation may as well be replaced by a full-stop, as often seems the case when people talk about LGBT things



It's certainly doable, get some core and cardio done and worry about the weights later on, start training and see how you go.   I dont think there would be debates on who you can or cannot fight. There are from memory Trans MMA, Fallon Fox..  So it can be done, it's just finding a training regimen that doesnt eat all of your E when producing T.  You are already trailblazing, may as well give it a go!

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So, to recap:

- WWE plans to introduce a transgender character to its storylines.

- Vince McMahon mysteriously begins running things remotely for a while from a private location.



You aren't the only one who thought that :p



Are there any transgender wrestlers?

I know there are the Mexican Exoticos who are gay.... isn't there a Swedish female wrestler who was born a man?


Definitely wanna hear if there is. i'd love to wrestle at any level tbh, I'm always coming up with ideas and stuff and would love to know what I'm capable of, but it feels like a massive non-starter and not worth the cost of training being trans and everything, I wouldn't want that alone to be my character, and it's difficult to be like "I'm x but primarily I'm like this" when it's as noteworthy as being trans. Then you'll have folk who'll never take to you no matter what you ever do, debates about who you're 'allowed' to fight etc.


I dare say though that the T in LGBT in this situation may as well be replaced by a full-stop, as often seems the case when people talk about LGBT things


It's certainly doable, get some core and cardio done and worry about the weights later on, start training and see how you go.   I dont think there would be debates on who you can or cannot fight. There are from memory Trans MMA, Fallon Fox..  So it can be done, it's just finding a training regimen that doesnt eat all of your E when producing T.  You are already trailblazing, may as well give it a go!

I'm pretty sure that in fake wrestling it makes no difference if you are transgender. MMA is a different story as, as much as a former man may mentally be a woman, there are still physical differences that make the playing field unfair. It's a hugely difficult subject but I'm very much against transgender people from both sides competing in real competitive sports against the sex they've changed to, when advantages to either side or obvious. Especially something as dangerous as MMA too where people can be really hurt.


But for wrestling, unless there's some incredibly strict athletic association that still governs it, I can't imagine anyone would care. If you deserve to be there then you deserve to be there. Good luck! A serious LGBT character is 15 years behind the times but seems like an obvious evolution.

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I'm pretty sure that in fake wrestling it makes no difference if you are transgender. MMA is a different story as, as much as a former man may mentally be a woman, there are still physical differences that make the playing field unfair. It's a hugely difficult subject but I'm very much against transgender people from both sides competing in real competitive sports against the sex they've changed to, when advantages to either side or obvious. Especially something as dangerous as MMA too where people can be really hurt.


But for wrestling, unless there's some incredibly strict athletic association that still governs it, I can't imagine anyone would care. If you deserve to be there then you deserve to be there. Good luck! A serious LGBT character is 15 years behind the times but seems like an obvious evolution.


TG competitors, especially those Post Op, will have less testosterone than a genetic (cis) female. There is no actual physical advantage, if anything there is a physical disadvantage.its a lot harder to do anything of note as your body is blasted by hormones whilst training, I can personally vouch for that. There is nothing to make the 'playing field' unfair and at 2 years on hormones and post op, which seems to be the accepted  ruling on these things for MTF People is where the 'atheletic' line is drawn as confirmed by the IOC.




FTM, see Chris Mosier below


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I'm pretty sure that in fake wrestling it makes no difference if you are transgender. MMA is a different story as, as much as a former man may mentally be a woman, there are still physical differences that make the playing field unfair. It's a hugely difficult subject but I'm very much against transgender people from both sides competing in real competitive sports against the sex they've changed to, when advantages to either side or obvious. Especially something as dangerous as MMA too where people can be really hurt.

But for wrestling, unless there's some incredibly strict athletic association that still governs it, I can't imagine anyone would care. If you deserve to be there then you deserve to be there. Good luck! A serious LGBT character is 15 years behind the times but seems like an obvious evolution.


TG competitors, especially those Post Op, will have less testosterone than a genetic (cis) female. There is no actual physical advantage, if anything there is a physical disadvantage.its a lot harder to do anything of note as your body is blasted by hormones whilst training, I can personally vouch for that. There is nothing to make the 'playing field' unfair and at 2 years on hormones and post op, which seems to be the accepted  ruling on these things for MTF People is where the 'atheletic' line is drawn as confirmed by the IOC.




FTM, see Chris Mosier below


That's just proved my point then. I didn't say it was only unfair to the non transgender athlete. I said advantages to either side. Whether you have positive or negative impacts from going through it,when you're competing in a sport with inherent dangers like combat sports, it doesn't sit right with me.

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That's just proved my point then. I didn't say it was only unfair to the non transgender athlete. I said advantages to either side. Whether you have positive or negative impacts from going through it,when you're competing in a sport with inherent dangers like combat sports, it doesn't sit right with me.


Not really, chuck, all that it's proved is your fears are unfounded. with the right training the right match ups it's the same as is gender versus gender. There's no material advantage, just difference as there would be in any other sport where things are different based on age, metabolism, muscle mass, reach, technique ,core strength, bone density based on race, ironically enough and  whatever other indicators you want to look at.


Doesnt seem to affect Kathoey Kickboxer's in the slightest apart from those with prejudice. Nice article here http://fightland.vice.com/blog/fighting-for-identity-the-life-of-a-transgender-kickboxer-in-rural-thailand


People will get hurt in combat sports, it's a fact of life whether it be Man, Woman, M2f F2M  or Third Gender or whatever. It will happen irrespective. As long as the match ups are fair refs are good then , your discussion doesnt hold much in the way of merit whatsoever.

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I became friends with Fallon Fox a while back, who competes in MMA as pot-op MtF. She's pretty talkative online, and happy to giev advice a lot of the time, so it might be worth tweeting her or adding her FB page and asking for advice.

Ahh thanks for the tip! I may have to enquire for her insight at some point. Fuck knows if I'll take any action or not really, not really in the financial situation to do so, but some encouraging words here. I'll do me DDP yoga, check my bank balance and see how it goes I spose. Don't fancy myself in the MMA haha so I reckon I'll skip that

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What did McGregor mean with the whole "dey're noh roi' in da head dem lads" stuff? Obviously, wrestlers are usually mental, but was it a reference to that (which generally is a realisation you come to after being a fan for a long time and consuming plenty of sheetz n shootz) or was he just spouting rubbish? His evidence seemed to be that Cena has worn an orange t-shirt.

Edited by King Pitcos
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