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Richie Freebird

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The difference between Brie and Nikki as performers is massive. When did this start? I only noticed it when Nikki started her title run, but at that point the difference was glaringly obvious so a fast-forwarder like me would even see it. Brie is still cack, whereas Nikki has come along leaps and bounds.


Nikki has a lot of muscle that Brie doesn't and thus not only gives her the ability to do moves like the Rack Attack but because the general lifting for hiptosses, bodyslammers etc is easier, her stuff just looks better. Nikki looks built/strong, and Brie is a waif in comparison.


These two points definitely contribute, but there must be more to it than this. Nikki just carries herself like a star a lot more and her movement in the ring is much, much better. Maybe those five knuckle shuffles has given her added confidence or something. Nikki must've just really cracked on with training and has clearly put more devotion into it than her sister, it probably just boils down to that.

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The difference between Brie and Nikki as performers is massive. When did this start? I only noticed it when Nikki started her title run, but at that point the difference was glaringly obvious so a fast-forwarder like me would even see it. Brie is still cack, whereas Nikki has come along leaps and bounds.


Nikki has a lot of muscle that Brie doesn't and thus not only gives her the ability to do moves like the Rack Attack but because the general lifting for hiptosses, bodyslammers etc is easier, her stuff just looks better. Nikki looks built/strong, and Brie is a waif in comparison.


These two points definitely contribute, but there must be more to it than this. Nikki just carries herself like a star a lot more and her movement in the ring is much, much better. Maybe those five knuckle shuffles has given her added confidence or something. Nikki must've just really cracked on with training and has clearly put more devotion into it than her sister, it probably just boils down to that.




Nikki is better in every way than Brie. In the grand scheme of things, Brie is not THAT bad in the ring (there's been MANY worse) but she has no charisma or personality at all. Nikki plays a great bitch, probably because that is not too far removed from who she really is (if Total Divas is anything to go by).

As has been said, her physique means she is also able to convincingly do things Brie can't (although the Rack Attack has been reported as being part of the reason her neck is as fucked as it is now).


I think it would be a shame if Nikki had to call it a day and hope she comes back. Brie however, now that the 'twin thing' is well and truly over, is surplus to requirements and probably making the best decision in deciding to call it quits and start a family.

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She was showing improvement at some point, I think it was during her husband's big push and the Stephanie feud. But then it seemed like she just lost interest and regressed, whereas Nikki became the best they had (although that's fairly faint praise itself -- but NB did get very good).

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I felt his days were numbered when he changed his Twitter name to his real name a while back. As someone that has embarrassingly actually watched 'Ride along' I also heard him list the Brits that should have been World champ and then said "I should have been have been World Champ but Neville will be the first to do it"...not exactly the words of someone looking ahead and reaching the top.


Shame he didn't win the title towards the end of 2010 or get a run with the WHC when Smackdown was its own brand. He could have achieved more but he has had a decent career all in all.

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Maybe he's thinking he can refresh his career some by taking a step outside WWE for a while and going to New Japan to earn some decent cash - especially as they're probably in need of some monster gaijin right now. He could then come back as a fresh-ish face, at which point maybe WWE might have something for him.

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Don't blame him but then again I don't blame WWE for not running with him. Every time he got any momentum he seemed to get injured shortly into it. And in ring while solid he never really got to that upper level. I can't think of any paticularly memorable singles matches he's had.

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