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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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There seems to be a bit of talk about Dolph Ziggler being unsettled and possibly leaving at the end of his contract by the end of the year. Picking it up from a site called wrestlingnewsworld I use quite a bit (seems less clunky than others, usually on the money) but a lot of it seems to be started from that shoot before the Sheamus Kiss Me Arse match a while back. Could be the death of the UKFF, not having Ziggler to moan about on a daily basis.

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Can't see Ziggler leaving unless he's pushed, though I suppose he may want to go to TNA/ROH and cut a promo about how he can finally just wrestle, even though that's all he's done for the last 6 years, except for that ace bit when he drove Cena through a cubicle

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There seems to be a bit of talk about Dolph Ziggler being unsettled and possibly leaving at the end of his contract by the end of the year. Picking it up from a site called wrestlingnewsworld I use quite a bit (seems less clunky than others, usually on the money) but a lot of it seems to be started from that shoot before the Sheamus Kiss Me Arse match a while back. Could be the death of the UKFF, not having Ziggler to moan about on a daily basis.


I'd read something similar on nodq.com. According to them, Ziggler has expressed to both Vince and Triple H that unless he gets a big push, he won't be renewing his deal when his contract comes up. That being said, unless somewhere more reputable reports this, I'll assume it's a load of bollocks. I'd imagine Vince and Trips would just laugh in his face if he made demands like that.

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Isn't Ziggler doing a lot more stand up these days? What's the scene like in America? I've never really heard much in the same regard as we have the likes of Jimmy Carr, Jack Whitehall etc over here. Is there much money in it? With his name being out there on national TV he could take a break from trying to break his neck and do some more of that.

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Isn't Ziggler doing a lot more stand up these days? What's the scene like in America? I've never really heard much in the same regard as we have the likes of Jimmy Carr, Jack Whitehall etc over here. Is there much money in it? With his name being out there on national TV he could take a break from trying to break his neck and do some more of that.

You can make decent coin as a headliner, which is why Foley and Piper etc decided to give it a go.
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Talk going about that Tammy Sytch aka Sunny is about to sign a multi-movie hardcore porn deal with Vivid.




That article is from a month ago, and it's been discussed already on the forum. She's also denied it, not that you should take that as any sort of truth.

Edited by Bicurious Dad
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The amount of money it would cost to pay Sytch what she would consider worth doing it for would likely pay for quite a few younger, hotter starlets. I think it would be too much of a risk that they might get a decent ROI. Even for Vivid.

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Posted on various sites today such as Uproxx and WhatCulture is a piece from an HBK / JR talky event last night regarding The Streak:


Brock Lesnar beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX is probably the most shocking and debated moment in wrestling since the Montreal Screwjob, and everyone is wondering what was behind that decision. Who knew what? Who planned what? And who was on board. We still don’t have a full confirmation on where The Undertaker’s head was at the time, but according to Jim Ross, we know where Brock Lesnar’s head was: He wanted to lose.


A correspondent from Wrestling Inc. was at “An Evening with Shawn Michaels” in the UK, noted by Jim Ross, and they had this to say about The Streak:


The Undertaker’s undefeated WrestleMania streak ending is discussed, and Michaels admits that he wasn’t a fan of the decision, and neither was JR. JR talked about Brock Lesnar not wanting to beat the streak and asking to lose the match, but the decision had been made.


Shawn talks about how he was suppose to be part of a team of former champions who went out to the ring to celebrate with Daniel Bryan over his title win at WrestleMania XXX, but HBK refused after the way the crowd reacted after Brock’s victory, so he left the Superdome early.


The bit I don't get is Shawn bailing on his most successful student on what will have been the pinnacle of his career. Really, the crowd bothered him that much?


And what is it with Austin, HBK, JR all still grumpy that the Streak was broken? There was at least a year's sensible momentum off the back of it.

Edited by Onyx2
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