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Richie Freebird

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It's sad but it looks like the end is nigh for Bryan. He's had a long career of fast paced hard hitting high impact matches. That takes it's toll on every wrestler, let alone one as small as Bryan. He's barely got any muscle to protect his neck and back, I'm not suprised he's in a right state. And he was one of the big names during the mid-2000 indy wrestling "every match needs hundreds of head drops" era. Can you imagine if the Brock Lesnar match did happen? It would have been a a genuine miracle if he didn't end up in a wheelchair afterwards. I think whoever said it above was right, an HBK style break is probably what was needed. 5 years or so off to heal and then a comeback. He's young enough to do it too.

Edited by LaGoosh
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When was Bryan called up to the main roster, Summer 2010? He's had a hell of a five year run if the end is nigh, one of the most eventful in WWE history relative to it's length (batista.jpg). No one would ever, ever have predicted it back when he was the boring one in the main event of ROH 1.

Absolutely. His PPV debut was as a mystery tag partner in the main event at Summerslam, to a decent pop. That's not a bad way to start. He's virtually always been in a title picture since then, hasn't he? US title, world heavyweight, tag team title, WWE recently IC. I know belts generally don't mean as much these days, but that's not to be sniffed at. He's had a hell of a run.

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It was a PR firing. He was legit sacked, but at the same time he was told "dont sign with TNA or New Japan, because we'll re-sign you in a few months." Still think it was harsh. Surely they could have just went "he made a mistake, we take the blame for not squaring the rules to him because he's new." Sacking him was shocking at the time.


Surprised they didnt sack Justin Roberts as well. He certainly wasn't doing the move without the cooporation of the other bloke.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I like the idea of him having a break and coming back. He's obviously nowhere near the HBK level of popularity/superstardom, and while there'd be some people that remember him from before, I think he'd be having to work pretty damn hard to get himself over again. But if Vince either cops it or steps aside, he could have another good run near the top, maybe even without being constantly referred to as a goat/midget.

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He couldn't really change his ring style to compensate like Steve Austin did.


He can at least eliminate the stupid shite that nobody cares about, like the missile dropkick and the corner dropkicks. He could cut those out easily. The Yes kicks aren't knackering him, and they get the biggest reaction of any of his moves.


Thing with him is, he probably wouldn't do the Shawn Michaels sabbatical, would he? If WWE refused to let him wrestle on their shows, I could see him leaving and killing himself on the indies. He has a touch of the Kurt Angle about him, without all the pills.

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On Jericho's podcast he spoke about life after wrestling and what he might have done if he had been forced to retire last year. He was on about him and Brie joining the peace corps and fucking off to build straw houses in Haiti or something. I struggle to see him taking a sabbatical from WWE, I think once he's out he's probably done.


All of this talk is jumping the gun anyway, until we know more about his injury. Could be a lot of fuss about nothing much.

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On Jericho's podcast he spoke about life after wrestling and what he might have done if he had been forced to retire last year. He was on about him and Brie joining the peace corps and fucking off to build straw houses in Haiti or something. I struggle to see him taking a sabbatical from WWE, I think once he's out he's probably done.


All of this talk is jumping the gun anyway, until we know more about his injury. Could be a lot of fuss about nothing much.


Im sure applied and got rejected in 2005 (i think) just before he won the ROH World title, I remember there being talk of him quitting wrestling for good but for whatever reason he didnt get in.

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Yeah I was about to say - everyone has him dead and buried. If we know anything about him, he absolutely seems the type to gut it out. Another break maybe but I can't see him outright retiring here.

Edited by Benno
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Being the type to gut it out means nothing in modern WWE. He's one of the main names advertised on the tour, and if it was his choice, I'm sure he'd still be wrestling every night on it. If he's fucked, they won't let him wrestle. Especially with neck issues.

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He can at least eliminate the stupid shite that nobody cares about, like the missile dropkick and the corner dropkicks. He could cut those out easily. 



He's already altered the corner dropkicks to be non-dangerous to his neck. He catches the top rope with one hand and always hands on his feet or knees now, rather than taking that needless, nasty back bump. it was always a silly one. 


He should do the same for the top rope dropkick - if he insists on doing it, just do a regular one (Austin Aries style) and take the front-face landing instead of the flat-back/neck landing.

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Being the type to gut it out means nothing in modern WWE. He's one of the main names advertised on the tour, and if it was his choice, I'm sure he'd still be wrestling every night on it. If he's fucked, they won't let him wrestle. Especially with neck issues.

They're inconsistent as anything with this stuff. They have people out there who in any other sport wouldn't be allowed near the ring all the time. Rey Mysterio seemed to make about 64 come backs and he was more knee brace than leg. You've got Vince Mcmahon ringing CM Punk the week after surgery and asking him if he's good for Raw.


I know necks are different but their initial solution was "change his matches to 3 ways". Taking him off the tour for a few weeks might be all they do. The point was, none of us know which level of fucked he actually is. He could easily be on Extreme Rules for all we know.

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