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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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What the fuck has happened to this company who feel the need to inform a group of paying customers, paying homage to past stars that you tell them to take them off. Jesus Christ this whole company is a bloody joke now.




Well, there's always NXT, where attention-seeking in the crowd is more welcome.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Reminds me of the 1988 (I think) Royal Rumble.  A lad brought his own Megaphone to counter Jimmy Hart.  I just felt like cringing.  As I recall he used it once, Jesse Ventura commented on it, while Vince was less than keen.  Surprise surprise, he didn't have it for the rest of the night. 


It is a thin line.  A great crowd makes a show work.   You don't want bored folks in the front row messing on their phones when they're supposed to be reacting to entrances of your best acts (See Action, Total Nonstop) but you don't want lads trying to get themselves over as pseudo parts of the show. ECW has had a lot to answer for with its crowd stuff.  By acknowledging the "gimmick" fans I think it put a lot of ideas in people heads that if you turn up and do something "zany" you'll be seen all over the world. 


And as has been said, they got free merch.  Its not like they were dragged to the back and  had a bunch of heels threaten to break their fingers or anything. 

Edited by Doctor Whos Next
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Apparently that metsfan4ever guy who all the news sites seem to bum and take his word as gospel is reporting that word going round at last nights Smackdown taping was that Brock is more than likely re-signing with WWE and HHH is pushing for Vince to keep the belt on him as Reigns isn't as popular as they had hoped.

If that were to happen, Lesnar would remain as a special attraction type champion and HHH is pushing for Cena to take the US belt and Bryan to take the IC belt and have themas the top stars in Lesnar's absence.


Obviously, this could all be complete balderdash and the guy is taking out of his arse

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Just seen on ITV News site


A man believed to be one of the internet's biggest illegal uploaders of WWE and UFC material has been RKOD in a dawn raid by police in Leicestershire.

The unnamed 55-year-old, from Coalville, was arrested on suspicion of illegally uploading thousands of videos to "pirate" websites - costing the sports' rights holders millions of pounds in lost revenue.

Officers specialising in intellectual property crimes from the City of London Police conducted the sting and seized several computers from the man's home.

He is accused of uploading 3.2 terabytes (3,200 gigabytes) of copyrighted content, the equivalent of 3,000 videos, which have been downloaded two million times. 

Detective Chief Inspector Danny Medlycott said: "Our team is dedicated to combating criminals ripping off other's intellectual property and so those who are thinking of taking this path should think twice, as it might result in a knock on the door from our officers."

Edited by 2Xtreme_lives
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I like the idea of that if they stick with it but they will probably get bored, I would also turn Reigns heel after Mania and have him be the main heel with Seth Rollins, maybe turn Ambrose heel and maybe reunite The Shield, better then what they are doing at the moment, we could have Cena Vs Reigns main event the ppv after Mania, Rollins Vs Orton and Bryan Vs Ambrose or do a 6 man tag match.

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I think HHH's plan's a great idea to be honest.
World title should be special - it was 'back in the day' when the World champion only ever appeared on TV specials and big shows - if he did ever work a regular TV show it was a big deal.

I'd love a heel Reigns and Heyman with Lesnar as the kick-ass babyface.
My only concern would then be where that leaves Rollins. He's their most well rounded heel (he reminds me quite a lot of Edge) and they have been pushing him HARD ever since he turned.
Mind you - Cena & Orton v Reigns & Rollins might be good for a few shows.

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MetsFan makes me laugh. Posts this "insider information" and ALWAYS qualifies it with "but that could change."


Guys, I've heard Jeff Jarrett is close to signing a deal with WWE that will see him on a similar schedule to Brock and feud with Brock through SummerSlam. But plans change. So maybe not.

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Apparently that metsfan4ever guy who all the news sites seem to bum and take his word as gospel is reporting that word going round at last nights Smackdown taping was that Brock is more than likely re-signing with WWE and HHH is pushing for Vince to keep the belt on him as Reigns isn't as popular as they had hoped.

If that were to happen, Lesnar would remain as a special attraction type champion and HHH is pushing for Cena to take the US belt and Bryan to take the IC belt and have themas the top stars in Lesnar's absence.


Obviously, this could all be complete balderdash and the guy is taking out of his arse

Apart from the fact that they're both faces, I like that as a short term plan. I always thought that's what they should have done with the brand split. Have two important brand titles but a World Title. Only problem is it doesn't really work with anyone other than Lesnar as champ except maybe John Cena if he takes a backseat in a year or two or someone like the Rock if he can be persuaded to come back occasionally.


Unfortunately I think they'll kill Roman Reigns in the process. That would be OK if it was a case of "we tried and failed" but they haven't fucking tried. They've done an abysmal job and if they fuck it up, they've dropped a golden ticket. 


Got to be a UKFF'er there.


ADDED: Regarding the torrents.

Nah, most of us couldn't even be bothered to rig the WWE Network, let alone run an illicit data centre.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Apparently that metsfan4ever guy who all the news sites seem to bum and take his word as gospel is reporting that word going round at last nights Smackdown taping was that Brock is more than likely re-signing with WWE and HHH is pushing for Vince to keep the belt on him as Reigns isn't as popular as they had hoped.

Triple H holding down young talent again.

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