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Richie Freebird

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Hogan's caused a stir on Twitter. He ReTweeted a photo of Madeleine McCann for someone who claimed she'd won a Hide & Seek competition and was a big fan of his.


I think you will find it was the guy who had sent the tweet to Hogan was the cause of the "stir" not Hogan himself.

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Hulk Hogan has been the latest victim of a twitter prank. Someone asked him if he could RT a pic of their niece who had just won a hide and seek competition and was also a fan of him.  Turns out the picture was Maddie McCann


Hogan's caused a stir on Twitter. He ReTweeted a photo of Madeleine McCann for someone who claimed she'd won a Hide & Seek competition and was a big fan of his.


Well played Jon-Carr, breaking the big news to us just two hours after Glass Smash did. At the very least you could make the effort to read the last five posts before diving in two-footed with your big scoop.

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I'm sure most TMZ readers will probably be saying "Who the fuck is Vampiro?"

In all fairness he was a distinct/memorable character in the boom period. While not the biggest star I think you'd be surprised at the amount of people who could say "ah yeah I vaguely remember him."

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There will always be people willing to pay a premium to watch something live. As I said, it's a balancing act: these "thieves" are potential customers and it's a smart man who can monetise that. I'm not saying it's easy or everyone would be doing it, but it is possible and essential if you want to be in the entertainment business these days.


I'm surprised a company like TWC/Fight Network/Silver Vision didn't transition into an online on-demand PPV platform that worked as a broker (iTunes style) for indie promotions from around the world. I know there are smaller sites out there but I'm talking about something with a decent amount of backing and a top-end user interface. I was more than willing to pay for WK9 but it was so much of a ball ache that I ended up streaming it illegally. Same with a lot of indie feds, it's just so much more convenient to stream them or download them at a later date; it's certainly not down to the pricing, although the pricing structure really needs working upon.


I think a three-tier pricing system could work for online 'broadcasts'. $15 or so to watch live and over the following 3 days. $5 for the next month. $1 per view after one month (they could even sell ad spots for the $1 views, or you pay $3 and watch it in HD/ad free).


If there was a decent legal site I could log onto and watch old ROH, PWG, CZW, British, and Japanese shows I'd be well happy to shell out a couple of quid to watch them. Fuck paying a monthly subscription for ROH or whoever when I'm in two minds about even subscribing to the WWE Network longtime. I think companies need to be careful offering a subscription service when you can pay £6 for Netflix, because that's who they'll be compared to. They're best charging per view and splitting the profits with the wrestling feds. Have a merch store on there too, and split the profits again.



The closest thing to that idea is the below link. It's run by the promoter for Evolve and FIP Sal Hamouia.




I still think the events are too expensive though and I think subscriptions for unlimited content is the future as opposed to on demand content.

Edited by Zebra Kid Mark
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It's hard to make money that way though. As much as I'd moan about that last ROH taped ippv that was $34.99 (which is too much) you have to balance your existing hardcore base that are making you money and will pay a premium.


When you're WWE, you can do unlimited for $9.99, but if you have a limited audience, you don't want to make less money from the people that are already paying going after a more casual audience that might never be willing to pay in the first place, whatever the price.

Edited by Benno
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That's the thing... You've got people who aren't going to watch ROH no matter what, people who will have a look if it's free, people who will have a look if it's really cheap, and people who will pay decent money to watch it. I don't know that that third group exists in a big enough number to risk pissing off your bread and butter fourth group.

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I'm sure most TMZ readers will probably be saying "Who the fuck is Vampiro?"

In all fairness he was a distinct/memorable character in the boom period. While not the biggest star I think you'd be surprised at the amount of people who could say "ah yeah I vaguely remember him."


They'd be thinking about Gangrel.

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Someone brought up a good point elsewhere on the Tommy Dreamer front. He uses Enter Sandman and Man in a Box on his shows. As well as the odd WWE theme. He's asking people to pay for his iPPVs with copyrighted material he doesn't own on them. That would be a good place as any on his crusade against piracy and using illegal material.

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An insider* on the something awful forums reported that the Briscoes have asked for their release from ROH. They wanted May 1st, they were given June 22nd. NXT has shows planned for May...







* to be fair, he does seem to know stuff about NXT

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If WWE were going to not hire someone based on previous homophobic slurs, I imagine there would only be Darren Young wrestling Triple H (because he cant sack himself) at WrestleMania this year. The Briscoes had a job in WWE last until Jay Briscoe made that thick tweet. So its obvious Triple H wants them. Enough time has passed where the offer is back on the table I imagine. People should realise in WWE, its not about what you've done. Its about whether there is enough time gone by to where its doesn't harm the company anymore. They can be as homophobic as they want as long as they dont say it out loud. This is wrestling. The business was built on the back of blokes taking it up the chuff. They are such odd fuckers, people will slag off gays, even if they help them out on a weekend.


Samoa Joe and the Briscoes are quite the interesting signings arent they? Cheap and cheerful lads on EWR, those three.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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