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Richie Freebird

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Michaels was due to return around WM17, turned up to the show dangerously off his head on drugs so they had to cancel plans, he blamed Triple H for grassing him up/not covering for him. They didn't speak for months after that, until Shawn got clean.

Might the interview just be in character? Edit: Apparently, he didn't even say that thing about not being on good terms.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Apologies if this has already been posted, but for those in the Tyne and Wear area, the channel Made in Tyne and Wear (Freeview Ch. 8) have a show called British Wrestling Weekly on a Sunday at 2pm.

It has. And it’s just Wrestle Talk TV’s weekly round-up show under a different name. Content is NGW and then usually a “vintage” match from the FWA or similar. Basically whatever VHS Alex found in his home that week.

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Apologies if this has already been posted, but for those in the Tyne and Wear area, the channel Made in Tyne and Wear (Freeview Ch. 8) have a show called British Wrestling Weekly on a Sunday at 2pm.

It has. And it’s just Wrestle Talk TV’s weekly round-up show under a different name. Content is NGW and then usually a “vintage” match from the FWA or similar. Basically whatever VHS Alex found in his home that week.



Fair enough, sorry :) 


Just thought it was a nice surprise seeing it after watching The Garage beforehand. 

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Jon Stewart cuts a pretty good promo on Seth Rollins:



That's a better promo than anything Roman Reigns has come out with!


I've seen that a couple of times on the Internet and it strikes me as a very, very stupid thing to use as a dig at Reigns. Hardly a revelation that Jon Stewart is a better talker than Roman Reigns, is it, considering that Jon Stewart has made millions and millions of dollars from talking in an entertaining fashion. Jon Stewart is a better talker than just about anyone who has ever been in wrestling.


Not the fault of Jon Stewart that Reigns struggles to cut decent promos. To say that "Jon Stewart is a better talker than just about anyone who has ever been in wrestling" is a bit of a disservice to some of the excellent promo cutters over the years.


Anyway, and from the Beeb... Worcester City player 'body slams' Stockport opponent


So how would you describe that move? It looks like a variation of a standing belly-to-back suplex.

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Not the fault of Jon Stewart that Reigns struggles to cut decent promos.


Your missing the point hasn't convinced me of the lack of lack of intelligence in the initial post. I'll reiterate -- Jon Stewart being better than Roman Reigns is no indictment on Roman Reigns. Saying your mate down the pub with a speech impediment is a better promo than Roman Reigns is a dig at Reigns. Saying that a huge star who is a multimillionaire off the back of charismatic speaking is a better talker than Roman Reigns just makes you look like the idiot for thinking that works as a criticism of Reigns, because it implies that you think Jon Stewart is shit at talking (or that most current wrestlers are better talkers than Stewart, which is just as stupid).


Your statement was thick because you could substitute "Roman Reigns" in the sentence for "Daniel Bryan" or "Dean Ambrose" or "The Miz" or whoever else, thus rendering it utterly meaningless.  It was the equivalent of "Lol Roman Reigns has got less money than Richard Branson."

Edited by King Pitcos
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I'll post more in the thread for said company in the events forum, but Revolution Pro are currently taping at the Cockpit Theatre in Marylebone for a YouTube show, which will be every Monday starting March 23rd.


Doug Williams vs Marty Scurll for the Rev Pro British Heavyweight Championship will be one of the first marquee matches.

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Shawn Michaels plugging his new book and has something interesting to say about HHH...


Would he wrestle Triple H if he wanted him to in a retirement match?


“Well obviously I think I’d consider it but I guess I know my buddy well enough I don’t think he’d ask. But of course, let’s put it this way, I’ve had some folks already ask me some pretty moving things about their last matches or matches they’ve wanted. I’ve given all of them some thought but again, to your point earlier about ‘you have a great body of work’, I want to keep that body of work. He’ll always be my buddy, but right now we’re not on the best of terms. I don’t agree with things that he’s doing I just feel like I left on as close to a perfect situation as you can and I always just I want to make sure that I honor that and take care of that. So, certainly, I’d consider it because he’s my buddy, and I’d do anything for my buddy so it’d be something that we’d certainly discuss but I think he’d understand if I turned it down.”


"Not on the best of terms"? Wonder what has gone on there?


What's your source for the quote?

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Shawn Michaels plugging his new book


Is this a second wrestling book? If so, hopefully we get more than two pages on the Rockers' entire WWF run this time....


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