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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Jon Stewart cuts a pretty good promo on Seth Rollins:




That's a better promo than anything Roman Reigns has come out with!
I've seen that a couple of times on the Internet and it strikes me as a very, very stupid thing to use as a dig at Reigns. Hardly a revelation that Jon Stewart is a better talker than Roman Reigns, is it, considering that Jon Stewart has made millions and millions of dollars from talking in an entertaining fashion. Jon Stewart is a better talker than just about anyone who has ever been in wrestling.
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Apparently Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose made his debut last night at a WWE house show in a match with Daniel Bryan. I read somewhere that Tyler Black/Seth Rollins is due to appear on his first house show later this month, I think between Xmas and New Year IIRC. This is all to see how they are doing and ready for a call up to the main roster soon.

This is the post my mobile phone goes to when I click on this thread (2011) must be the last time I read this thread


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Shawn Michaels plugging his new book and has something interesting to say about HHH...


Would he wrestle Triple H if he wanted him to in a retirement match?


“Well obviously I think I’d consider it but I guess I know my buddy well enough I don’t think he’d ask. But of course, let’s put it this way, I’ve had some folks already ask me some pretty moving things about their last matches or matches they’ve wanted. I’ve given all of them some thought but again, to your point earlier about ‘you have a great body of work’, I want to keep that body of work. He’ll always be my buddy, but right now we’re not on the best of terms. I don’t agree with things that he’s doing I just feel like I left on as close to a perfect situation as you can and I always just I want to make sure that I honor that and take care of that. So, certainly, I’d consider it because he’s my buddy, and I’d do anything for my buddy so it’d be something that we’d certainly discuss but I think he’d understand if I turned it down.”


"Not on the best of terms"? Wonder what has gone on there?

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