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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Someone start a How Big Is Your Dick thread in off-topic and let's settle this.

There needs to be stringent rules on where the base is. I can add an extra inch by lifting the shaft up and measuring from underneath.

Length times diameter plus weight over girth divided by angle of the tip squared.


Its the only logical and fair approach.

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Darren Young's been criticising WWE's latest tour location on twitter.


Why do we bring the best entertainment into a country like abu dhabi and they look down upon women and gays? I get it! #MillionsofDollars


He's since deleted that.


My freedom of speech is gone. Gone but not forgotten.
I feel like no none has my back and it upsets me. The struggle is real. I'm human.


and retweeted a few comments from fans.


"@DarrenYoungWWE: My freedom of speech is gone. Gone but not forgotten." Makes those MLK & Veteran montages WWE plays a bit laughable. #NOH8


Oof. He's in trouble.


According to wikipedia homosexuality and cross dressing is illegal in Abu Dhabi and punishable with imprisonment of up to 14 years.



He's got a (politically sensitive) point, but he's biting the hand that feeds him. How hard will he be kicked up the arse?

Edited by Rob Lowe
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WWE have released a statement on the matter.

“WWE does not discriminate against individuals regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation, and we continue to proudly support Fred Rosser (aka WWE Superstar Darren Young) for being open about his sexuality.


Unfortunately, WWE cannot change cultures and laws around the world, and thus we did not send Fred Rosser to the United Arab Emirates for our upcoming events for his own protection.


WWE also fully supports Fred Rosser’s right to express his views on personal social media accounts rather than WWE’s corporate platforms.”

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F*ck him, it's about time these twats got a taste of what real people deal with rather than piss about in the "Gym, Tan, Wrestle, Eat, Repeat" culture.


WWE's statement sums it up. Not their problem is it? They can't change the law in the Emirates.


Whinges about other people not respecting his culture or lifestyle, and then in one tweet shites on others' beliefs.


Nothing at all against gay guys or anything at all like that. But that's just the way it is over there with stuff like that. If I went there with my missus i'd be facing the same nonsense for giving her a kiss in public or holding her hand. 

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F*ck him, it's about time these twats got a taste of what real people deal with rather than piss about in the "Gym, Tan, Wrestle, Eat, Repeat" culture.


WWE's statement sums it up. Not their problem is it? They can't change the law in the Emirates.


Whinges about other people not respecting his culture or lifestyle, and then in one tweet shites on others' beliefs.


Nothing at all against gay guys or anything at all like that. But that's just the way it is over there with stuff like that. If I went there with my missus i'd be facing the same nonsense for giving her a kiss in public or holding her hand. 


I think the point he's making is that homosexuality is accepted as being a natural thing that people don't have any say or decision over. Declaring it 'wrong' and illegal is very much a choice that the rulers and law makers of this country have made and that somewhat flies in the face of the freedoms that WWE boast so regularly about supporting. If he went over there to perform, collected a big fat pay cheque and then bitched about them I would similarly be joining the 'no sympathy' club.

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WWE's statement sums it up. Not their problem is it? They can't change the law in the Emirates.


They do have the power to not tour there as a socio-political statement.


There have been instances in the past, I believe, where groups and shows have not gone to countries where there is a disagreements over a fundamental dispute over a law deemed to infringe on a key human right.

And then those that have gone got shit for it, to keep the issue in the public conscience.

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Darren Young isn't injured anymore? I'm suprised he hasn't been on TV then. Blokes like Darren Young and Zack Ryder who are never on TV, do they just do dark matches and house shows or something? Or do they turn up at Raw/SD each week and then get sent home? I remember Brian Kendrick saying he'd go to house shows, they'd be nothing for him, he'd still get paid $500 though for doing nothing and he'd move on to the next town. Was it ever revealed what the fuck JTG was up to for the past few years for example?

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WWE's statement sums it up. Not their problem is it? They can't change the law in the Emirates.

They do have the power to not tour there as a socio-political statement.


There have been instances in the past, I believe, where groups and shows have not gone to countries where there is a disagreements over a fundamental dispute over a law deemed to infringe on a key human right.

And then those that have gone got shit for it, to keep the issue in the public conscience.



Indeed, to this day Queen get shit for the whole Sun City debacle. Though I appreciate these two scenarios are not nearly the same.


Kind of respect him for it though. In the space of 24 hours I've seen one wrestlers' penis and anothers' bollocks. What next?!

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WWE's statement sums it up. Not their problem is it? They can't change the law in the Emirates.

They do have the power to not tour there as a socio-political statement.


There have been instances in the past, I believe, where groups and shows have not gone to countries where there is a disagreements over a fundamental dispute over a law deemed to infringe on a key human right.

And then those that have gone got shit for it, to keep the issue in the public conscience.


I'm old enough to remember a very similar situation back in the 80's when Queen got a huge amount of stick for playing a gig in Apathied South Africa while the vast majority of entertainers in the world were boycotting. They were rightly criticised for their decision to do so. The UAE has a disgusting human rights track record also. It's a virtual guarentee that whatever venue is hosting the show will have been constructed with what is essentially slave labour. 




Edited by guyincognito
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Some appalling cynical responses to Darren Young's wholly reasonable objections there.


On the Rollins issue, I had to have me cock and balls inspected ahead of a hernia operation a few years ago. Thanks to some legislation which makes it mandatory that all patients are copied into any correspondence sent about them from one clinician to another, I later received a letter in the post in which the urologist described me as a 'young man with a penis of above average length, girth, and tumescence.' I still have the letter somewhere.

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Nothing at all against gay guys or anything at all like that. But that's just the way it is over there with stuff like that.

 Yeah, because nobody ever changed anything ever. Remember black people being slaves? That was just the way it was over there! Female genital mutilation? Just the way it is over there! Not having language and living in caves? That was just the way it was over there!

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