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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Johnny Mundo (Hennigan) is starring in a movie called “Russell Madness” that will be released on 3/10. Russell is a terrier dog who runs away from the pet store and is taken in by a family who wants to revive their grandfather’s old pro wrestling arena. As it turns out, Russell is a natural worker in the ring and becomes a big sensation in pro wrestling but a dishonest promoter screwed the family that took Russell in. Hennigan has to work matches with a little dog.


The Observer. I love this film already. 


The trailer:




Not enough films have wrestling Jack Russells in them.

Edited by PowerButchi
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A lot of his problems in WWE were the fact he had negative respect because he'd chaperone Melina on her dates with Batista and not do anything about Big Dave putting his mile inside her pit of danger.

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