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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Roo Can't Ree Re.



* must not get involved with the YouTube comments *


"What Cena is to WWE, Scooby-Doo is to Hanna-Barbera...two folks who like to BURY every other talent on their brands."


"Andre The Giant, Rick Rude, The Macho Man Randy Savage, Brian Pillman, Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, and even Chris Benoit himself have got to be turning over in their graves at the sight of this shameful shit!!!!! It's a good thing this crap was a straight to DVD release because it would of flopped at the box office, lol, lmao!!!"



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Are you seriously fucking kidding me?!?!! ಠ_ಠ

Why the hell is WWE so stupid??!!.. damn it, stop focusing on movies and get back to the WRESTLING ONLY!!!!


I Spend My Money On WWE And This Is What We Get Back. DISGUSTING!


Wwe has finally found a way to distroy the company


see this is why wcw & ecw shouldve stayed in business. plus time warner owned both wcw & scooby doo so they couldnt even have made a movie like this


This is why I watch TNA cause wwe is getting childisher every year,but wwe for life




No just No....

How much more Gay can WWE get my god this is repulsive

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I'd love to watch that show. Just them hitting the gym then going out partying, maybe unleashing some big guy justice if they see someone being a bully


Gym Justice starring Ryback, with Mason Ryan and Big Zeke Jackson as his cronies. Shit that would be awesome. Having them troll skinny and fat guys in the gym who can't do work outs properly, and protecting the gym for "real" Gymgoers like themselves.


This is the sort of tacky, shitty programming I WANT to see on the WWE Network.

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