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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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What a strange signing. Not complaining, because Michelle Thorn is in the Ian Hall of Fame, but you would think she's not coming (oo-err) cheap. Seems a bit pointless for someone who isn't going to sell anymore tickets to that audience, but still. The whole sucking cock on camera thing isn't the best image you'd want to portray either. What was the motivation behind that signing? Seems so out of the box for a wrestling promotion.


I'd like to make a suggestion. Play "Welcome to the Jungle" when the Steiners come out. That always went down well live when they used it.


Does it make any difference to you if the show sells more tickets with her on it?


No offence to the promoter but I wouldn't give two hoots if she sold no tickets or a hundred.. so why should you?


Where does it say he's bothered? All he was doing was making a point, and a correct one at that.

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Are Scotty's bridges completely burnt with both majors now? I suppose it's just surprising it took this long, but I'll miss the crazy old bastard. I loved pretty much everything he did in TNA.


Highlights include:


- clobbering-time battles with Joe, and mat-wrestling with Angle on his first arrival.

- turning himself face with the Impact crowd by busting out a Frankensteiner in a cage, and cementing their love with a Screwdriver on Amazing Red

- Smashing the tar out of Bobby Lashley in one of that chump's best matches

- calling Joe "fat". A lot.

- having superb tag matches with everyone, particularly Steiners v 3D

- being the best thing about the Main Event Mafia angle


Towards the end he definitely looked knackered, and his body had started to look weird (he looked like a man wearing a Scott Steiner foam body costume that didn't fit right). But I loved him, he was just the right sort of crazy to make the show entertaining.


That was fucking brilliant towards the end of his TNA run, when he was supposed to be a heel, and the crowd was giving him the biggest face reactions on the show, chanting "we want steiner" while he was on the apron, he'd start bickering with the fans :laugh:


That Frankensteiner was quality, it looked like my Grandma trying to do it he was that stiff and laboured, but he somehow pulled it off.


Also, i will never forget the reaction he got at Survivor Series '02 when he came out, his entrance music was the dogs bollocks.


I love Scott Steiner.

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Does it make any difference to you if the show sells more tickets with her on it?


No offence to the promoter but I wouldn't give two hoots if she sold no tickets or a hundred.. so why should you?

Because its a discussion forum and we are meant to discuss news posted in this thread. Why should it matter to you if it matters to me?

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Apparently Steiner requested a 'freak' to accompany him to the ring. I wouldn't want to ignore Big Poppa Pump.


I have an itch to watch some of Steiner's 2003 WWE stuff even though I do recall it all being fairly shit upon first watch. Anyone got any recommendations?

Edited by thesimonbegz
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Royal Rumble '03 wern't it they had that absolute stinker of a match.


It looked like Trips never wanted to be feuding with Steiner in the first place to me.


I enjoyed watching Steiner's antics with Stacey Kiebler though :unsure:

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I have an itch to watch some of Steiner's 2003 WWE stuff even though I do recall it all being fairly shit upon first watch. Anyone got any recommendations?


Watch Team Bischoff v Team Austin from Survivors because it has just enough Steiner to make you go "ahhhhh, there he is" - then watch the match to the end because it's fucking brilliant.

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Watch Bischoff v Team Austin from Survivors because it has just enough Steiner to make you go "ahhhhh, there he is" - then watch the match to the end because it's fucking brilliant.


Think I'll give that a whirl in a bit, I remember it being the HBK show but both teams were stacked to be fair.

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I have an itch to watch some of Steiner's 2003 WWE stuff even though I do recall it all being fairly shit upon first watch. Anyone got any recommendations?


Watch Team Bischoff v Team Austin from Survivors because it has just enough Steiner to make you go "ahhhhh, there he is" - then watch the match to the end because it's fucking brilliant.


You are right there, that was one hell of a match, HBK bled like a hog if i remember correct, Orton looked a million dollars aswel, great drama in that match.


Austin's speech after was pretty emotional.

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He peaked in WWE at survivor series 2002.

The fans went ape shit, he looked like a rough no nonsense mother fucker blasting a couple of schmucks. He was there, busting through the doors to the biggest wrestling company going and taking it roughly from behind, knowing it wanted more.


The series with HHH and the rest of his WWE run was just tragic in places though, it really didn't do him justice given how much fun he was in WCW and TNA.

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There was a decent bit in the hhh vs steiner feud were they were having a arm wrestling match iirc and steiner was making out he couldnt cope with trips arm power then suddenly grinned at trips and trips went from super cocky to shitting himself.. Trips facials made the segment look boss.

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Luger was great. In 88 he was amazing, same for 89. 1990 was shit, but him and Spivey had a cracker in 91. 96 and 97 were solid for him too. He just fell to the "he has muscles so he's shite" opinions of the late 90s and early 00s. Lex was quality on his day.

Couldn't agree more. Give me Luger vs Sid over pointless spotfests any day of the week.

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Lex looked like a god in the late 80's before the roids started to age him. He was always a decent hand and over as fuck to boot. People (i.e. WWE bods) seem to dismiss him as a bit of a joke but not everyone can be pushed as the new Hulk Hogan and pull it off. I enjoyed him most as the cocky young stud trying to get his boot in the door by joining the Horsemen and dazzling everyone with his crazy physique.

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His stuff with roided to the gills Triple H was a bit shite,feud with Test was alright and their Unforgiven and Bad Blood matches were decent.

Yeah the Unforgiven match was probably Steiner's best singles outing in 2003. I liked the Test/Steiner feud a lot, it lasted a fair while and resulted in some good stuff for the midcard.


I think Scotty's best use at that stage of his career was in the upper midcard, but the salary he was getting was probably too damn high to justify keeping him on. He wasn't seen much after Survivor Series '03 was he?

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