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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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According to a few sites, Joshi workers Io Shirai and Kairi Hojo have been in talks with WWE.

Both are great workers and would be incredible assets to the womens division, however it would totally fuck their home promotion of Stardom, where they are the 2 biggest stars.

Wouldn't blame them if they left. The women's scene in Japan is really poor now, like scraping the barrel poor. Kana went to NXT because there were no credible opponents left for her to work with. Kairi = $$$$ & she speaks a little English too. Less sure about Io, she's had decent matches, but I find her a bit generic. They're both on the small side as well. Asuka's not the biggest, but legitimately dangerous. Don't know if Sarah Stock's still an NXT trainer, she'll know them pretty well from her STARDOM days.

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Just checked to see if Io Shirai has a criminal record. Looks like she was exonerated, following the NOSAWA incident a few years back. Some chump from AAA planted dope in a 'gift' he gave to them, on account of a grudge he had going with NOSAWA. I remember her being (what looked like) publicly shamed. Bit harsh if she was innocent.

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WWE might be reversing the no surname/no first name policy as all mentions of Charlotte are now 'Charlotte Flair' on their website.


It makes a lot of sense to do away with this one name nonsense because I imagine it's a lot easier doing media to actually have a full name and someone like Charlotte is surely doing the rounds a lot. It does feel a little strange adding it on to a performer that is already established though.


I'd like Big E to gain back his Langston for his main event push.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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WWE might be reversing the no surname/no first name policy as all mentions of Charlotte are now 'Charlotte Flair' on their website.


It makes a lot of sense to do away with this one name nonsense because I imagine it's a lot easier doing media to actually have a full name and someone like Charlotte is surely doing the rounds a lot. It does feel a little strange adding it on to a performer that is already established though.


I'd like Big E to gain back his Langston for his main event push.


Someone on Smackdown called her Charlotte Flair and it struck me as odd as I hadn't heard her referenced as Flair in ages


Might of been Natalya when she was talking Daniel Bryan or when they were doing the backstage bit promoting HIAC with The King, Booker T etc


Odd to just throw it on her now when they've distanced her from her father over the past few months 

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