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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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You know this whole thing with Virgil lately? His embracing the 'Lonely Virgil sells his shit off a folding table at the side of the road' persona, Tweeting about how much money he makes and how big his cock is (14.5 inches; a full inch above the world record), crazy statements about being the biggest star ever, shooting a documentary about said shilling, and running a GoFundMe to have fans donate a million bucks to make him a millionare again? It all makes a ton more sense when you realise he's signed with the same PR/comedy writer brothers that did the exact same thing with Iron Sheik and his gimmick. They're the ones sockpuppeting Sheiky's Twitter account, and now they're trying to make Virgil an ironic star the same way, based off of the success of the Lonely Virgil meme.


Keep an eye out for it. They're really working hard at getting it over.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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It wont work. When the Iron Sheik got so over, Howard Stern began having him on regularly. So you had a big audience behind Team Sheik. Virgil is just an odd ball who people take the piss out of. His appeal doesnt go as far as people wanting to even see him in real life. He's a real weirdo by all accounts. That lonely Virgil account was created as a way to rip the piss out of him for being a sad act. Not because of some ironic gag they hoped Virgil was in on.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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What did they really achieve with the sheik stuff? surely when the time came for him to actually appear on something the whole thing just fell on its arse? just seems like a waste of time to me.


I don't get all this twitter shite in fairness though.

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Virgil's kickstarter, which has been shared 10,000 times on FB, and been running for 23 days, has raised $165 so far. So, probably not going to hit that million. Sheiky is a genuinely interesting character, but there's a ceiling with how far you can take it, because he's so legitimately fucked up on drugs all the time, he's completely incomprehensible, and couldn't be trusted in a proper television environment. Virgil though, is just a dullard. Stories about him harrassing people at cons to buy his shitty merch are hilarious, but ghostwritten tweets about earning dat fuck-money, and waving around his three feet cock, not so much.

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Didn't Virgil recently set up a Gofundme page that was basically like "you all remember me, Virgil from the wrestling. I was just sitting here thinking it would be really quite good if I was a millionaire, so please give whatever you can spare"

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