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Richie Freebird

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TNA is the best move for Swagger.


The best move for him was to make the very most of this golden opportunity he's been dealt and not risk fucking it up and increase his earning potential both now and in the future. Moving to TNA is not the best move for him when he's being featured in a prominent role, pushed hard on the biggest show of the year featuring The Rock and Brock Lesnar.

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They probably will stick with the match (provided Dutch wants to stick around) but there's a good chance he may have been going over I reckon. Maybe Del Rio just wins convincingly now and it opens the show. And you can have Ziggler cash in and go over instead and it immediately shifts the focus for post-Mania.

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They probably will stick with the match (provided Dutch wants to stick around) but there's a good chance he may have been going over I reckon. Maybe Del Rio just wins convincingly now and it opens the show. And you can have Ziggler cash in and go over instead and it immediately shifts the focus for post-Mania.


Weird you think that, I'd thought there'd be zero chance the racist would be going over the new Mexican hero. But, yeah, WWE.

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It's their first bout, chances are he'd go over Del Rio and eventually Del Rio will seek his revenge and get the win back. Booking 101. Plus a Del Rio win would probably kill the feud dead in the water before it's really got going. Wrestlemania isn't normally the tine to end feuds. Of course, who knows now, all bets are off now Swagger has potentially fucked it right up. What a tool. I can't believe in the past two weeks I became interested in him as well.

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They probably will stick with the match (provided Dutch wants to stick around) but there's a good chance he may have been going over I reckon. Maybe Del Rio just wins convincingly now and it opens the show. And you can have Ziggler cash in and go over instead and it immediately shifts the focus for post-Mania.


Weird you think that, I'd thought there'd be zero chance the racist would be going over the new Mexican hero. But, yeah, WWE.


WWE rarely does a match as a one-off, so a Swagger win would set up a rematch the next month. Of course, WWE is also fine with just doing the rematch again even if the result doesn't demand one, like in the Sheamus vs Del Rio feud where Del Rio just kept getting title shots and losing... And same with Miz losing to Cesaro at the Rumble but staying number one contender for another shot at Elimination Chamber. There was definitely a chance of Swagger winning the first leg, anyway.

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He is going to come to TNA. He will have a lot more success because TNA love to push a guy who has had a lot of TV time in WWE, can work an obvious feud with Kurt Angle which will rule hard and also wont be punished for smoking weed. TNA are a lot less harsh when it comes to drink and drugs so something as small as smoking weed wont affect him getting the push he deserves. He is better than how WWE treat him.


I'm a TNA fan, but that last line in particular is fucking moronic. "Better than how WWE treat him?" Fuck off. He's been pushed to the main event, given a title run, and never at any point did anyone give a shit about him until this racism gimmick, and even then that was down to Zeb. Not to mention the fact he was chucked straight into the main event on his return and was given a title match at Mania. Just how much better did you expect them to treat him? He's shit on the mike, he's not a draw and his matches are mediocre at best.


Also, he's not being punished for smoking weed - he's going to be punished for having been caught drink-driving like a cunt, especially in light of his manager's personal situation.


As for TNA, no. They don't need him, and he's not good enough to warrant putting up with his shit like they did with Hardy. A feud with Angle might be mildly interesting, but I don't care enough about the guy to want to see it that much.

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If Johnny Gould isn't a Swagger fan, then neither am I!


As an aside, I always wanted Channel 5 to get the rights to WWF PPVs, so they could go back to the studio for Gould's analysis between matches. That would have been class.


Sod that, just get MLB back as I'm tired of ESPN's idents :)

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