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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Triple H gave him a massive dressing down in front of everyone if I remember correctly. Blaming him for the buyrate for Survivor Series being lower than expected is ridiculous though.


Was there any more detail to this? I never heard it at the time.

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Don't Miz and Punk have a real disliking for each other backstage though? Maybe this was Miz' way of showing it. (might just be me being cynical though)


Punk pretty much said in his DVD that he felt that Miz didn't deserve the main event at Wrestlemania 27 and it should have been him and said. I don't know whether there is actual heat mind.

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You get a couple of tongue in cheek tweets back and forth by the two but nothing OTT. I bet Punk could be a real nasty piece of work if he really didn't like you so i doubt he would entertain talk on twitter.


Miz isn't in the position to be handing out receipts :laugh: and he doesn't come across as the type.

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Punk's twitter has only ever solidified my "CM Punk is a bell" theory. Even as a face the only time he seemed to tweet anything was to go "YOU'RE BLOCKED YOU IDIOT. LOLOL" to a kid who says "u suck" or something to him.

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There's a story on Punk's DVD that revolves around himself and Miz on the road, nothing of any real interest, but I wondered at the time if something had gone on between the two to turn things sour. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out Punk thinks every friend or family member of his is a cunt.

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Miz isn't in the position to be handing out receipts :laugh: and he doesn't come across as the type.

Miz held his own against Daniel Puder in that boxing match they had. He came out swinging. Unless its small children or fat fans, Punk hasn't got any kind of rep either. Teddy Hart left him on the floor of the White Trash Caf

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Does every discussion on here revert back to "wrestlers these days eh? What a bunch of poofs"?


Well, if we put "Wrestlers in the WWE now are dead harder than they would have been 20 years ago", we'd be lying. After all, Ron Simmons is retired.

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