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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Eden Styles, who was the announcer on Superstars, has left WWE after asking for her release to focus on athletics.


She also confirmed that she is currently going out with Cody Rhodes.



Cody is a right playa isn't he? He'd been with Beth Phoenix & Layla previously - thats only the ones we know about aswell.


Neither Joey Styles nor "The Jezebel" Eden Black could be reached for comment.

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If you don't believe in the lord [praise Jeeeeezus!!] then Goldust's gonna block yo ass on twitter....



Goldust stated Wednesday on Twitter he will bar those who do not believe in Jesus Christ.


"Merry christmas everyone......and if you dont believe in christmas or the birthbof christ, then you need to get right with the lord..Ill block you."


"I believe in christ and if u dont i block you so go walk with the devil."


He then wrote "blocked" in response to the following remark: "Why do you block people just because they don't believe the same things as you do?"


WWE officials temporarily barred the Raw Superstar from using Twitter earlier this year due to his behavior on the microblogging site. He would publicly block users for asking trivial questions, or even no discernible reason.

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After having his foot amputated last month due to complications of high blood pressure and diabetes, former WWE talent James Harris (a/k/a Kamala) was hospitalized Wednesday to remove the upper part of his leg.


Kamala Jr wrote on Facebook, "Please pray for Kamala Sr as he is back in the hospital, they are having to remove the upper part of the same leg. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!"


What shit news, I bloody love Kamala! Hope he can get through this :(

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After having his foot amputated last month due to complications of high blood pressure and diabetes, former WWE talent James Harris (a/k/a Kamala) was hospitalized Wednesday to remove the upper part of his leg.


Kamala Jr wrote on Facebook, "Please pray for Kamala Sr as he is back in the hospital, they are having to remove the upper part of the same leg. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!"


What shit news, I bloody love Kamala! Hope he can get through this :(


That is shit news, its the same thing that happened to House (Tab Thacker) from the Police Academy Movies. He lost his feet and then his legs, and a few months later died from complications from the diabetes.


Some one did explain to me why it is a bad sign when diabetics get their legs and feet amuputated and not just because of the amuputation either. Something to do with an already damaged circulatory system having less distance to travel because the blood doesnt have to be pumped around the legs, thus causing whatever damage is in the system because of the diabetes to affect other areas, closer to and including the vital organs ( I was pissed and a paramedic was explaining it, I think that's the jist of it)


I think, something like 70% of diabetic amputees die with in 5 years. I hope Kamala isnt one of them.

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Jim Browns back in jail for getting caught in a libery trying to use a computer. Been told he was trying to log on to the UKFF to sell his wrestling tapes(well, that's the story that manky beast gave). BTW guys, I told u all ages ago the BH_1 account is Jim Brown so get that account deleted.


Merry Christmas everyone :)

Edited by MarkDallas
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