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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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Oxy Incontin!

You're looking very Brock Lesnar-esque there Malbranque

Hair was getting very long and I put an ignorant amount of Sun-In Super, in there, which left my mane shades of white, orange, yellow and green, so I had to get the jarhead look and start afresh. Which is a shame, because I look an absolute toerag, but it's better than having an Owen Wilson haircut, which is what started happening. So now it's akin to Dolph Lundgren in Rocky 4, by default, not by choice. Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Sweet beard Neil. Are you gonna grow it any longer or is that your desired length? Mine got to a point where it started growing/leaning to one side.

Cheers for the compliments lads. My goal right now is to just let it grow. It's at almost 3 months now, I've only taken care of the next and cheek areas, pretty much left the rest of it alone. Currently it is in the stage of going wavy which is annoying. I'd like to go as long as I can or until it looks absolutely shit. In my mind I have me ending up looking like Ricki Hall. Which is probably both absurd and has strong gay overtones to it.
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5Yn7QAb.jpgCurrently in the opening stages of growing a handlebar mustache over the summer. Though after seeing Neil's beard I kinda wish I'd continued to grow mine instead.

Anyone else getting the "Chubby Ritchie Freebird" vibe?
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Fine beardage indeed you big tree. I do appreciate a good beard, as I'm sure I've noted on here many a time before. Me and my brother had a very lengthy txt discussion on nothing but beards just the other day, which was nice, as he's been growing one for a bit and I grew one out for the last few months of 2011, which I'm sure I've also detailed on here in the past. I let it go wild and free and for the most part, once it got past a certain point I was pleasantly surprised by how neatly it grew for a good period, then it started to get a bit crazy. It got mixed reactions. Many ladies have expressed a dislike of it since, but what the fuck do they know. I've got a fair bit on the go now (beard not bird) and have been mulling over growing it out proper again. And you look great mulling things over with a beard. Beards rock.

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When was the last time beards were this fashionable? The seventies? Certainly not in my lifetime anyway.I tried throughout most of last year, but ended up getting super frustrated with the gingery patches and overall lack of substance. Then when I shaved it all off I realised how much slimmer my face looked without it, so I've stuck to with the boring short stubble effect this year.

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I'd have an amazing beard. I decided to grow one last week but after 3 days the amount of grey coming through put me off. I've next to no grey on my head so it wouldn't look right. When I go bald or fully grey I'll probably try again, by which point they won't be cool anymore.

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Anyone else getting the "Chubby Ritchie Freebird" vibe?

I thought the Freebird got a name change when I saw the pic.

I have to agree, Ouch. Though with that I do feel Freebird is probably larger than me, I struggle to get past 10 1/2 stone these days, just think I have a particularly fat head.
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