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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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A couple of photos from a trip to Copenhagen last week. When the old museum curator blokey at the Viking exhibit noticed me eyeing the sword and shield on the wall and asked if I'd like to hold them, I don't think he could have envisaged the extent to which it would turn me into Tom Hanks in Big:







You look like stuart baggs "the brand" from the apprentice a coupla yrs back.

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Cheers guys; I feel the shotgun is a wonderful accessory to any look.


Is it just me or does anyone else think Magnum is a lot more of a beefier badman than they expected for a University Lecturer? I'd think twice before fobbing him of with bullshit excuses about an essay I was too stoned to bother writing...

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Did some shooting on a stag do in Berlin last weekend. Here I am trying to look badass*.








* I suceeded.


Late to the party on this one, but that is a smashing photo mate. I dont know whether the colouring is intentional, but it has a real small town modern Western type feel to it. You'd have fit right in amongst the baddies in Last Stand.

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I'm photographed so infrequently, that i'll resort to posting the most ordinary photos imaginable.


Poorly lit photo, taken via camera phone in a Chimichanga's several weeks ago. I've cut my younger brother out of the photo, i wasnt just flexing for the sake of it...a few moments later, the fabric of my sleeve began to tear under the sheer tension, but the phone battery had died so we were unable to capture / prove it.


Speaks volumes that the most interesting thing about this picture is the odd looking fella peering over the seat from the table behind.




And before anyone jumps in with it...i'm fully aware of my beadle hands.

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