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Raw Discussion and all that


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Well it seemed like "nothing else matters" was personal context (ie nothing else at WrestleMania mattered to him) than dismissing everything else in a general sense. The weak card didn't help, though.

Its pretty obvious thats how it was meant.

Well that's what I thought when I watched it, but it seems like a lot of people were confused.

They were just looking at it differently, through their smark stereotype goggles.

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I love Maryse :love:

Cant say I agree, shes too plastic. I'm sure shes on the chopping block for being released.


I feel sick seeing del-Rio in a thong, hopefully Mike Herny wont repeat himself trying to rip the door off



THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :-)

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If Triple H cuts the same promo, it gets the complete opposite reaction.

Of course it would. Triple H character doesn't lend itself to a promo like this. The segment and script was perfect for someone like Punk.


It seems that the "cool" thing to do is to rail against the so-called internet favourite these days, eh? Why not just enjoy the fucking segment for what it is?

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just to comment on the punk promo - it was an awesome 5 minute segment, and since i watched it the next morning and hearing he had been suspended for his promo, i wondered if he had just said ''fuck it, im going and im doung what i like'' but once i saw the promo, while it was awesome, clearly they didnt cut him off until they were uncomfortable with where he was going, bringing the anti bullying into a storyline.


from what i heard from mike johnson, who has sources all over the shop, the promo was unscripted, and punk was told to just go out and say why he was leaving and what annoyed him. none of it was scripted from the mcmahons end, and he probably would have gotten longer if he hadnt mentioned the bullying campaign which wwe dont want involved in storylines at all, which makes sense.


the fact is punk says what he feels, and you have to respect him for that. he doesnt shy away from getting ''heat'' for anything he says because he believes in it so its justified to him. he genuinly doesnt hate cena as much as others, doesnt like the rock getting a main event shot and no doubt thinks john laurinatus is a douchebag - these are all vaid points.


i do wonder if the ''idiot daughter and doofus son-in-law'' line might catch him some trouble if he truly thinks that.


but the fact is in this day and age, i cant think of another talent that could cut an unscripted promo like that.


now of course vince has to decide if they really want to let punk go, when he is the best all rounder in wrestling. sorry to jericho, but punk beats him into second.

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One thing you've said I don't think is a valid point: The Rock can main-event Mania any time he wants to, he's earned that status. He's got probably the greatest stature of any wrestler alive today, as he's one of the absolute best on the mike, he's big-time as fuck, he's the only one of the Holy Trinity who hasn't been over-exposed or has worn out his welcome, and he's got enough memories and iconic moments behind him that it'll never feel unreasonable that he can be in the main event of the biggest stage of them all.

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If Triple H cuts the same promo, it gets the complete opposite reaction.

Of course it would. Triple H character doesn't lend itself to a promo like this. The segment and script was perfect for someone like Punk.

Obviously not a word for word transcript of the promo, like. The overall gist of how the WWE is gone down the toilet, how all the big stars have left and how he is/should be the poster boy would considered to be burying the current product and everyone on the roster. Naturally I wasnt suggesting Triple H should be giving a shout out to Colt Cobana or anything.


It seems that the "cool" thing to do is to rail against the so-called internet favourite these days, eh? Why not just enjoy the fucking segment for what it is?

I did enjoy the fucking segement. I said this on page 9

Punks promo was good and all, it was excellent in fact

I used to be on the other side of the fence when it was cool to rail against the likes of Triple H, when I was one of the only few people here who liked him. I dont give a fuck whats deemed cool on an internet message board. So fuck yourself.

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Whilst it's obvious that Punk was allowed to go out there and say stuff, why is it so beyond the realms of possibility that Punk may have pushed things a little too far towards the end, and thus was cut off for it? It struck me that, for the most part, his promo was OK-ed, but the few lines before the cut-off were so close to the bone, it could very well be that they thought he was starting to take the piss and took action.

What do you think the planned ending was then? By no means was Punk just reciting from a script (he's said in interviews that his speeches are never completely scripted, as is the case for every wrestler there except the mongols who have no creativity or balls), but I'd be very surprised if the plan was ever anything other than Punk going out, saying "naughty" things to excite the Internet, and then getting cut off when he went into dodgy territory. Nothing he said was actually damaging until he was about to undermine the anti-bullying campaign, prior to that it was just wink-wink insults. To normal people or shareholders, there's nothing actually controversial about saying "Paul Heyman" or "Brock Lesnar" on Raw. It's only to us "ZOMG names of people on bad terms with Vince!" obsessives that that stuff even registers.


You're right, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it was all unplanned. Just like it's not beyond the realms of possibility that GM William Regal was "shooting" when he turned off the lights during the Triple H vs Randy Orton main event on Raw a few years ago. And Daniel Bryan did get in trouble for improvising during a planned segment about a year ago, so I suppose we'll find out whether Punk's speech was real or fake (though why it matters, I've no idea -- it was fun regardless) when we see who Cena ends up wrestling at the pay-per-view.

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JBL posted a video on his Facebook and has congratulated CM Punk on his promo on Monday.

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Whilst it's obvious that Punk was allowed to go out there and say stuff, why is it so beyond the realms of possibility that Punk may have pushed things a little too far towards the end, and thus was cut off for it? It struck me that, for the most part, his promo was OK-ed, but the few lines before the cut-off were so close to the bone, it could very well be that they thought he was starting to take the piss and took action.

What do you think the planned ending was then? By no means was Punk just reciting from a script (he's said in interviews that his speeches are never completely scripted, as is the case for every wrestler there except the mongols who have no creativity or balls), but I'd be very surprised if the plan was ever anything other than Punk going out, saying "naughty" things to excite the Internet, and then getting cut off when he went into dodgy territory. Nothing he said was actually damaging until he was about to undermine the anti-bullying campaign, prior to that it was just wink-wink insults. To normal people or shareholders, there's nothing actually controversial about saying "Paul Heyman" or "Brock Lesnar" on Raw. It's only to us "ZOMG names of people on bad terms with Vince!" obsessives that that stuff even registers.


You're right, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it was all unplanned. Just like it's not beyond the realms of possibility that GM William Regal was "shooting" when he turned off the lights during the Triple H vs Randy Orton main event on Raw a few years ago. And Daniel Bryan did get in trouble for improvising during a planned segment about a year ago, so I suppose we'll find out whether Punk's speech was real or fake (though why it matters, I've no idea -- it was fun regardless) when we see who Cena ends up wrestling at the pay-per-view.


That's not what I said. I asked why it was so beyond the realms of possibility that Punk might have pushed things too far towards the end, i.e. pushing things just a little beyond the clearly very wide remit he was given. I don't doubt it was all planned, but all it takes is a bit of adrenaline and just one wrong thing said to end up getting cut off the way he did. I can imagine the guys in the production truck watching, and saying to each other as he went on: "Whoa, he's frying up gold...uh, he's getting a little close to the knuckle here...right, think we'd better cut him off now, he's gone too far."

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I love Maryse :love:

Cant say I agree, shes too plastic. I'm sure shes on the chopping block for being released.


Plastic girls are the best, so larger than life, it's no use having natural looking girls on TV because nobody would pay to see them. Larger than life sells tickets, it's as simple as that. Also be honest, if a girl like Maryse came on to you, would you really turn her down? I think not. Why do you think millionaires and footballer types go for girls like that? Because girls like that are at the top of the tree and only wealthy people can get them. Wealthy people can have any girl they want and they go for barbies, that should tell you all you need to know.

You are a cretin.


Why am I a cretin my lad? Do explain.

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I don't doubt it was all planned, but all it takes is a bit of adrenaline and just one wrong thing said to end up getting cut off the way he did. I can imagine the guys in the production truck watching, and saying to each other as he went on: "Whoa, he's frying up gold...uh, he's getting a little close to the knuckle here...right, think we'd better cut him off now, he's gone too far."


Right, but if that wasn't always the intention, how do you think it was meant to end? Just on an "I'll see you in three weeks" kind of line and Punk's music playing?

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