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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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from Wrestlezone


After WWE Money in the Bank went off the air, Punk exited through the crowd, leaving Vince McMahon at the entrance ramp. John Laurinaitis was eventually helped to his feet and was escorted up the ramp, only to have Vince knock him out again. Vince then turned and walked up the entrance ramp and left. That was the end of the show, as the live crowd was then thanked for coming.


anyone think this could be the end of Laurinaitis with WWE?

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Thats the most i've enjoyed an event top to bottom (bar the womens nonsense) since probably Summerslam 2002. Main event crowd was on Rock/Hogan proportions and that was with less than 15,000 people there compared to 60,000+


Absolutely epic, i've been rewinding and watching the CM Punk entrance and reaction five or six times over this morning. Spine tingling stuff and that is any lingering doubts i had about Punk as a top level start well and truly exorcised - welcome to the big time.

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Cant see why WWE cant do the Punk vs Cena thing and play to the fact each man has his own supporters. The nWo vs Sting worked. They went a good two years with Sting as the babyface and the nWo being the heels everyone cheered, but it didnt hurt Sting. Your never going to get a certain audience to cheer Cena. Maybe the way forward for CM Punk to be the heel who that audience pays to see and Cena being the babyface who that audience pays to see. Shades of grey worked a lot in the late 90s. CM Punk could be the 2011 version of the nWo. Pushed as a heel, says things that you shouldnt say, but a portion of the audience loves him anyway.


Originally, I would've argued that WWE should simply have tried to make Cena into a character to appeal to pretty much everyone, like most WWE big-time main-eventers, rather than just kids, but the more I think about this point, the more I think that this might actually be the way to go -it'll certainly make things a fuckton more interesting. Bret Hart was arguably at his hottest as a heel in the US and face outside it, so I think you've got a very strong point there.

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Where do you start on this? That main event was off the charts, what an epic match. It's possibly only Taker/HBK at WM25 that's stopping me saying outright that this was my favourite match in the last 5 or 6 years.


Both guys were on fire, the crowd was nuclear, the drama was unparalleled, the spots were great, the pacing, story and booking were perfect - it just had it all. The last 10 minutes in particular were just insane. I felt certain that 2nd STF was the end when he pulled him back to the centre of the ring. Likewise with that second FU; Within a few seconds you went from "bollocks, it's finished", to "wait, maybe Cena's wasted and can't make the cover", immediately to "ah fuck it, that was wishful thing", to "fuck yes!!!" at the miraculous last gasp kickout. similarly, I thought it was going to be a countout with the G2S to the outside, and after he got Cena back in the ring and Vince & co appeared, I thought they were going to stop Punk getting back in the ring, drawing the countout. Even after the match, it could still have went sour with the MITB cash in, but thankfully that was done perfectly also.


If you were being a bit pernickity, you could maybe say the opening 10 minutes were a bit ropey in places with weak looking headlocks, not enough masking of the spot-calling and whatnot. Some of the spots were a bit ragged, and Cena was maybe acting a bit too helathy towards the latter stages. But that would all be trivial, you could nitpick with every match, like HBK/Taker had a much worse blown spot with the tombstone countered into a DDT, and unlike Taker/HHH, at least this match had a beginning! All things considered, I'd probably give it top marks if I was a snowflake-awarding type of fan.


The rest of the show was good too. Generally I dislike the concept of MITB ladder matches and have never been too interested in them. But all things considered, both of them last night were towards the better end of the scale - nice spots and lots of highflying, but they didn't go overboard with all the convoluted spots that bug me. Both of them kept me entertained.


I preferred the RAW one - the ending to it was great I thought, and the blown spot actually made it better as Alberto got to climb the ladder whilst everyone knew that nobody was going to stop him - it made for a much better spectacle with the hot crowd. I love Alberto, he's great, so it was the perfect result for me. I miss Ricardo though.


The Smackdown one was fine, but i'm not as much of a fan of Daniel Bryan as most, so I wasn't all the bothered by his win. He was lucky he didn't end up like Joey Mercury after that Doomsday Device too. That Sin Cara spot was especially brutal though. My mind was a bit sidetracked for the rest of that match as I wondered whether it was legit or not, as they looked in an awful hurry to get him out of there. Any word? If it was worked, i'm glad they done the stretcher job as you shouldn't really be getting up from things like that.


Henry/Show was a good spectacle and a perfectly fine big man match, with a real bold and decisive finish, which was refreshing to see. Has Big Show ever lost as comprehensively as that? The post match Vader splash looked great too, and I also liked how Show sold it pretty realistically.


Again, Christian/Orton was good stuff whilst it lasted and I liked the ending with Christian cleverly goading orton into the DQ. It wasn't a 20 minute classic, but it kept the feud going. Normally that wouldn't be a good thing for 2 guys who have faced off so often in recent months, but they work particularly well together, and I have no problem seeing more Christian/Orton matches so long as they story is kept fresh.


The womans match was obviously shit, but nobody's really interested in them wrestling, so it's fine. I actually pay little attention to the divas, so i'm familiar with none of them, but what's with that Kelly Kelly running the ropes?! :laugh:


Overall it's a big thumbs up. I was looking forward to it as a one match show, and that more than delivered, but the rest passed my expectations too. Whoever done the booking, it was pretty bold and a breath of fresh air. I think it'll be pretty safe to say it had the match of the year, and if it doesn't go down as the show of the year, then we've got some real good shit waiting on us over the coming months.


Just some random thoughts & observations;


- Highflying everywhere, mask pulling, low blow DQs, who's the lucha fan on the booking committee? :)

- Liked the Mistico outfit

- Does anyone else find that Raw announcer annoying when he introduces 'Jeeee-aaahhn Cena'?

- As well as being one of my favourites, Alberto also has the best theme in the WWE. I know, it's been around a year, but it's a grower.

- Superplex spots to the outside are almost always lame. That one last night was one of the best ever. Punk took that bump like a man.

- Has to be reiterated, that crowd was something else.

- Cena's STF's actually looked pretty tight for a change. Couldn't say the same for the abdominal stretch though :)

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Johnny Ace getting a smack in the face is probably the highlight for a LOT of ex WWE stars and probably a couple still with the company. I'd love to see him on TV more often as Vince's buddy, a more menacing Briscoe & Paterson type stooge.


Everything was absolutely top notch, the Womens match wasn't 'that' bad either. Main Event stole the show and of the many many conclusions as to how this would end, WWE came up with something different and well executed. Which is unusual. Very very good Pay Per View and I'm glad this wasn't a PPV in the UK!


Raw is unmissable for the first time since the Nexus formed.

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I can't remember enjoying a PPV as much as this, perhaps ever.


Apart from the divas match, everything ranged from good to amazing. People have said all there is to say about the Punk vs Cena match; all I'll add is that Johnny Ace can still take one hell of a bump.


But what this shows is that the crowd is just so important to WWE events. They need to get the vocal adults back rather than the kids because it just adds so much more to the show. Daniel Bryan's win was epic, and made even better by the way the crowd just exploded and rose to their feet in unison when they realised 'Wait...he's actually going to win'. It was like when Roddy Piper was introduced as the new I-C champ at RR92. Just sensational.


Can't wait till Raw tonight. It should be terrific.

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That Sin Cara spot was especially brutal though. My mind was a bit sidetracked for the rest of that match as I wondered whether it was legit or not, as they looked in an awful hurry to get him out of there. Any word? If it was worked, i'm glad they done the stretcher job as you shouldn't really be getting up from things like that.


WWE.com said earlier today that he's got a 30 day Wellness suspension, so the stretcher job was to write him out for the next month.

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WWE.com said earlier today that he's got a 30 day Wellness suspension, so the stretcher job was to write him out for the next month.

Ah right, cheers. Pleased in a way for that, although a bit disappointed in the circumstances. It would've been a bit of a dampener on such a great card if he really done himself in. I take it he can't go to FCW for a month either?


Outrageous spot then if they managed to pull it off safely. Sheamus wasn't exactly cushioning the fall.

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Outrageous spot then if they managed to pull it off safely. Sheamus wasn't exactly cushioning the fall.


My little brother who's not exactly a wrestling fan was going nuts at how 'that wee mexican cunt is DEED!'...I'm guessing Sin Cara probably knew he was out for 30 days so could take a harder bump than normal, knowing he's not going to be working in the next day or two.

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