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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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Because it's bollocks-all like Summerslam 92. That was face vs face in a family feud, and long time faces at that. Punk has the crowd behind him now, but he's been heel up until two weeks ago. The reason SS92 is remembered as feelgood is because the two of them celebrated together. That didn't happen here.


If you're talking about Cena being great in the match and reference Bret Hart in Summerslam 92, the carry-job (although slightly exaggerated) is the most famous thing about the match.


I'm not saying Cena didn't carry his end in this one - he definitely did. But that's a bad match to compare it to.


I can't help but feel you are creating an argument/discussion that's not really there. He is simply referencing the fact that both wrestlers should be proud of that match.


It's you who is declaring that the Hart/Bulldog match was a 'carry job'. From Ian's post, he obviously doesn't believe that is the case. The point is that no matter who won, both came out with great credibility.

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Thanks to Donny Algerin for sending this in:


After WWE Money in the Bank went off the air, Punk exited through the crowd, leaving Vince McMahon at the entrance ramp. John Laurinaitis was eventually helped to his feet and was escorted up the ramp, only to have Vince knock him out again. Vince then turned and walked up the entrance ramp and left. That was the end of the show, as the live crowd was then thanked for coming.

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Really enjoyable show, Punk is sublime.


Someone mentioned the pop Miz got when he ran back to the ring - it was remarkable, you'd be forgiven for thinking Shawn Michaels or Hulk Hogan was coming down the aisle!

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Perfect. Just perfect.


Hopefully they show restraint, and keep Punk off TV for a few weeks and build this up without him. If ADR leaves Raw with the WWE title tonight, it'll be the biggest letdown in the history of letdowns.

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Pun should send in videos of himseld defending the title on various larger indy shows around the world. Punk defending the title on an ROH show would do wonders for them.

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Pretty much conformation of why wrestling is so spectacular when it's done well. Best PPV in years (with one of the best builds in years too).


Fair play to WWE. They've decided to go the harder route and make CM Punk a player. The crowd was mental, Punk was like Hogan for the night. I agree both Cena and Punk deserve equal praise for this. The sequence of AA to GTS to STF was excellent and had the crowd all over the shop. I fucking loved the finish myself and agree that it was the Cena thing to do (make sure things go down the right way) - ADR coming down and getting taken out was a perfect swerve too. The visual of CM Punk blowing Vince a kiss and then fucking off with the belt has the makings of a classic for years to come.


Daniel Bryan winning was a great suprise. I was convinced he'd be the one to cash in on Punk, but lose. Pleasantly suprised.


Bravo WWE. When you get it right you're untouchable. I think I'll stay up and watch Raw tonight.

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as much as i love cm punk, havent we all forgot that john cena is now "fired", whats gonna happen, i know for certain that im sky+ing raw tonight to see what happens

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Punk should send in videos of himself defending the title on various larger indy shows around the world. Punk defending the title on an ROH show would do wonders for them.


When the WWE asked on Twitter "Where is the world title now?" CM Punk repsonded with "The Champ is here"



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I'm so used to being let down by the payoffs to these big storylines that that was quite the shocker. It was a perfectly booked match, seemingly anticipating all the obvious finishes (Montreal, Del Rio cash in, STFU) and teasing them at just the right time.

It was the sort of booking (not to mention the match and atmosphere) that wouldn't have been out of place 10-11 years ago.


What I'd love to see now, particularly after the Laurinaitis spot, is a slow-burning angle where Cena finally goes corporate and realises he needs Vince's help to get the title back from Punk 'for the good of the company'. I know all the reasons why they've been so reluctant to turn Cena in the past, but for me, after the reactions of the last few weeks, they've got a new #1 babyface in waiting right there. They just need to run with him.

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That was impressive !


Every now and then WWE will go all out on a B-rated PPV and blow you away, but everything about that show was amazing.


I hope they have a well thought out plan from here on out, the possibilities are endless.


I would like to see a Raw tonight without Cena or Punk. I feel WWE could move the story along and keep our interest without them for a while, they deserve a break.


The whole story around Punk leaving the company with the title and Cena being the guy to be defeated for it plus destroying next years Mania main event in the process, just WOW !


Can't wait to see where they go with this, fingers crossed they don't screw it up.

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That was impressive !


Every now and then WWE will go all out on a B-rated PPV and blow you away, but everything about that show was amazing.


I hope they have a well thought out plan from here on out, the possibilities are endless.


I would like to see a Raw tonight without Cena or Punk. I feel WWE could move the story along and keep our interest without them for a while, they deserve a break.


The whole story around Punk leaving the company with the title and Cena being the guy to be defeated for it plus destroying next years Mania main event in the process, just WOW !


Can't wait to see where they go with this, fingers crossed they don't screw it up.


How does that screw up the main event for Wrestlemania next year? Cena Vs. Rock was booked before Cena won the belt?

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everything has already been said on here, said to my mate who i wa watching with that THIS is why i am still a fan.


also, i WANT that new shirt, i really hope it isnt a one-off for the arena.


and i hope just so punk doesnt lose the belt tonight that he doesnt appear live, but instead sends a video message of him celebrating in the streets of chicago with his fans, maybe him waking up today with it etc just to keep up the holding the belt ransom idea. compared to flash live sex celebrations and the usual party we get for a newly crowned champ, if punk is just seen hanging around his apartment with the belt, it would be different and play up his everyman, underdog persona

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Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant


The reaction for Punk was out of this world. Cena was superb throughout the whole thing playing the difficult face that is getting booed out the building role. And what can you say about Phil? Words just don't do it justice


Easily one of the best PPV's since God-knows when with one of the best endings. I was convinced there was going to be a successfull cash in when Vince started shouting "get Alberto out here now" down the mic, but to see Punk blow him a kiss and leave through a rabid crowd was fantastic


Considering staying up for Raw tonight, and I haven't done that in probably ten years. This could really be the start of something big

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