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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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I'm wondering how many ex-WWE guys watching last night had a small pop to themselves when Cena clocked Johnny Ace (looked stiff, but in likely probably safe as houses).


Anyways, I've watched the match twice now and that crowd pop at the start and the end got my heart going both times. This is why we watch wrestling. This is why we put up with the low points. This is why we forgive bad matches, storylines, concepts. Moments like this, when WWE gets it 100% right, are worth wading through months or years of average. Wrestling is a beautiful, emotional, exhilerating art form when it's done right and nobody does these perfect moments like WWE does.


Thank you Vince, thank you Cena and thank you Chicago, you all played your part perfectly but last night was Punk's career defining moment and he rose to the occasion, soared way above the occasion.


Just please let Cabana honour his UK dates next month before signing him if you're planning to Vince, we don't want to have to let our fans down :)

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Jesus fucking cunting bloody poopy Christ. They did it, they fucking did it. They actually had CM Punk leave MitB as the champ. Fuck!


Seriously, that match was utterly fabulous. Vince was fab, Johnny bloody Ace was fab, Punk was fab, Cena was fab, even Michael Cole was fab.


And everything else (bar that awful Diva's match) was great too. Best PPV in a loooooong time.

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Going back to Christian/Orton that was the only match where I thought that crowd was weird they seemed to hate Orton for the majority of the match and popped big for the DQ but then they loved Orton when he went mental and battered Christian.


I may be alone but I would love it if Bryan cashed in on Smackdown this week meaning both of Christian World Title reigns came to an end on the post PPV Smackdown though I am almost convinced that Bryan's cash in will fail.


Assuming they go all the way with the Punk has left with the Title story you have to wonder just where this leaves Del Rio? would be great if Punk defends the Title on random indy/puro show and Del Rio follows Punk around trying to cash in but I can't see them taking things that far so either something goes down on Raw concerning the Title or Del Rio is left looking like a complete chump.

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Does anyone really believe even in the storyline that Cena will reamin fired? Unless maybe they are planning a comeback for Juan Cena?


I dunno. Off the top of my head I'm kind of envisaging Vince opening Raw tonight, talking about what occured last night in detail with Punk and the WWE Title. He eventually discusses John Cena and his stipulation of his firing etc. Would this be a moment for Triple H to come out and berate his father in law in some form, which will then lead to Cena's in ring appearence for the end of the show and his teasing of firing/reinstatement on the order of Triple H for business purposes?


Is this a story for Triple H to be featured in tonight is what I'm questioning, and what other possible scenerios do people think will go down tonight? Can we even see production for any Punk video clips throughout the night, or as I think should happen is that Punk is nowhere near the show period.


I think after last night I'm even more bloody excited to see the outcome on Raw tonight The element of making us think deeper and deeper seems to be the key to their success right now. They just need to maintain it which they F'ing can.

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I've not seen the PPV yet and I am probably on my own in thinking that WWE might ruin it and have Punk lose the title on RAW tonight..........


I hope that (after watching the PPV) I am as optimistic and pumped about wrestling as it seems everyone else is!!



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Fucking hell, what a great show that was. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire main event shouting at the screen, great job by all involved including the crowd. That

PPV just reminded me why I love this crazy business so much when it is done how I like it, I cannot wait for Raw now. The Smackdown MITB Ladder match and the ending to Christian/Orton was brilliant as well.

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What someone should do next year, is when Del Rio (or next years winner) is getting interviewed like he was by Josh Matthews just before the main event, just knock the fucker out, thus eliminating him from any involvment in the main event. Hopefully the PG era will be gone so the champion next year can yell "fucking cash it in on me will you, ya get" in a strong mackem accent.

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I actually quite enjoyed both "Over The Limit" and "Capitol Punishment" over the previous months, but can quite easily say that "Money In The Bank 2011" is one of the best PPV events they've put on in years.


Last year's MitB PPV was excellent from the perspective of the in-ring product which was offered, but performed poorly due to the fact there wasn't any strong stories or scenarios that could really have you gripped or give you a reason to care about anything that happened. In 2011, the same in-ring action was paired with a scenario and characters more fascinating than anything they've had in ages, and the result was superb.


Sounds bloody obvious, but pro wrestling works at it's best when you can understand and relate to the characters in the ring. When you are actually interested in the characters, what happens to them and what they do, you really do get more involved and enjoy it more. Like I said, bloody obvious.


John Cena is absolutely fine as the figurehead for kids and youngsters as the bright, colourful, superhuman, musclebound, cartoon superhero. He's what they look for in wrestling and he represents their interests perfectly. He has repeatable catchphrases. He has the merchandise you can buy and dress up in. He never gives up and eventually always overcomes the bully. A perfect favourite for those fans.


The Punk situation, however, really has worked on an emotional level with people that just can't relate and connect to the WWE product in 2011. He says on TV that he is the "voice of the voiceless", and these people actually recognise it as true. He says the things about the WWE, the product and Cena that these people actually think. He stands up, speaks out and represents a totally different fanbase than Cena, one that was perhaps becoming disillusioned. Whereas Cena represents cartoon fantasy, everything Punk says and does has an edge of gritty reality.


The two represent their fanbases perfectly, but in doing so are naturally complete opposites. As such, the contrast between the two was always going to provoke genuine reactions from a fascinated audience and be a tremendous spectacle. The bout itself was excellent, since it finally gave those people a reason to care.

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If RAW goes off the air tonight and CM Punk is still WWE Champion (my expectation going into last night was that he would win the title and either immediately drop it to the Money in the Bank winner or would lose it on RAW) would it be fair to assume that he has signed a new deal with the WWE? Or have I missed something and he already has signed a new contract? There's no way Vince McMahon is letting Punk go wherever the hell he wants with the WWE Title. I realise this isn't 1997 and the ramifications of a guy leaving the company with the title are nowhere near as destructive as they were, but it still isn't going to happen.


Ideally Punk and the WWE have come to some kind of agreement allowing them to play this angle out to the absolute maximum. They can have Punk show up on ROH shows with the title, cutting his scathing worked shoot promos on Vince McMahon, John Cena and the WWE. It's not like ROH are any kind of threat to the WWE, so let them have the rub of the WWE Champion working at their events. The buzz would be incredible.


I'm not sure how things would progress on the RAW side. Maybe they air 'unauthorised' footage of Punk's antics on the indy shows with the WWE title. Inevitably this would have to lead to someone being revealed as helping get the footage on WWE TV. Vince's blood is boiling. Not sure where the hell they're going with the Cena thing. It could, I guess, eventually lead to a heel turn for him. He was far too goody-two-shoes last night, wanting to win the match for himself, spurning McMahon's attempts to 'screw' Punk. Maybe he is reinstated, but under the proviso that he does things McMahon's way, that he brings the title back to the WWE by any means necessary.


Or they might just put the belt on Del Rio tonight.

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Cant see why WWE cant do the Punk vs Cena thing and play to the fact each man has his own supporters. The nWo vs Sting worked. They went a good two years with Sting as the babyface and the nWo being the heels everyone cheered, but it didnt hurt Sting. Your never going to get a certain audience to cheer Cena. Maybe the way forward for CM Punk to be the heel who that audience pays to see and Cena being the babyface who that audience pays to see. Shades of grey worked a lot in the late 90s. CM Punk could be the 2011 version of the nWo. Pushed as a heel, says things that you shouldnt say, but a portion of the audience loves him anyway.

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That was great. Cena/Punk was done to perfection. The crowd were ace and I never expected it to last 40 minutes. It meant the whole feel of the match felt big time for a change with the pace quickening as it went on. I loved all of the false endings, they got me hook, line and sinker with them all. I thought Cena had won with the second AA, then I thought the match was ending with the screwjob andthen I thought Del Rio was gonna win. That was just brilliant drama.


The rest of the show was really good two. Both MITB matches delivered as always, there were some great spots in there and the injuries made it look more dangerous than any match. Bryan winning was a real shock. Christian/Orton was well done and I was surprised Christian ended up winning the title. Not usually a fan of DQ endings in title matches but didn't have much of a problem with this.


Mark Henry looked an absolute beast in his match with Show too, that match was short and sweet like it should be and it made him look very convincing. Even the Divas match wasn't too bad.


Not often will I stay up till 4am two nights in a row for wrestling but I'll be damned if I'm not watching RAW live tonight.

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