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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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The PPV was great. Far better than WrestleMania. Your main event should always be what people want to see, and it proves with the right build up you will get your results. The crowd always make a match special. Not the "we want Kit-Kats" type of crowd either. The kind that are into the person winning and cheer for him every time he's on the offence. As someone said earlier in this thread "whatever they end up doing will be better than the shit dream booking we are doing on here". And he was right. They got the ending spot on. Vince should have had Alberto kitted up before the bell rang. Fergie didn't wait until the 90th minute before putting Solskjaer on. I want to give special praise to John Cena. The bloke is such a pro its ridiculous. He looks more gracious in defeat than most of I've ever seen in victory. It was very similar to how he put RVD over infront of the ECW faithful. I know everyone is into the big CM Punk kick, and for some reason people like to forget there are two people in the ring and discredit Cena for punching Johnny Ace and stuff, but the bloke does his job so well when he's on. It makes perfect sense for him to wipe out Vince's right hand man, when they are teasing a screwjob. It establishes him as still being a nice guy, even in such a hostile atmosphere. Some people probably wouldnt be happy unless he lost in SD Jones fashion and never got any of his shit in, but he's perfect on nights like that. And CM Punk was great as well. His ability to work the crowd is way ahead of anyone at the minute. Speaking of which, looking at it, it was similar to the original One Night Stand PPV, where you had that hot crowd and everyone was into it and the internet was buzzing. WWE springs something different every now and again, which is completely different to what they normally put on. Wonder how they will follow this up. Hopefully better than the ONS PPV. Maybe they should pretend it all never happened in a Dallas style follow up like Alvarez said, eh? That would be fun wouldn't it?


Whats Daniel Bryan think he's doing winning major matches? Thats not cricket. Not complaining. Just a massive surprise. Never even thought he'd even do tease up the ladder, never mind win it. I hope he wins the belt. I like him.

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i really hope people lay off cena now


i mean what more can i guy do to prove how good he is


just done a 9 while 7 shift straight homeand watched the show and now too pumped to sleep all the top matches delivered


randy vs christian was great, the reaction randy got when he went mental was insane although i spent most of the time shitting myself that bryan would cash in


bed now. what a show

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Absolutely brilliant main event- a real old school feel to it and the crowd reaction for Punk brought Canadian Stampede to mind- I dont even think Punk could quite believe the reaction he got.


The match itself was pretty slow paced, but it didnt have to be 100 miles an hour. Every move meant something. The finish was absolutely perfect. Best match I've seen for years.

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Cena fucking brought it, yet again. Easily the best match of Punk's career.

He was awesome wasnt he? The list of top matches he's had since 2005 is as big as your arm. No wonder the whole locker room thinks the sun shines out of his arse. He never misses an appearance and he does whatever he's asked in the ring. It's very similar to Bret vs Davey Boy. Davey Boy was the hometown boy who got the victory, but it was just as much Bret's night as his. Same here. Cena fucking rocked it. You will have more of the same in Florida against the Rock, I sure of it.

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He was awesome wasnt he? The list of top matches he's had since 2005 is as big as your arm. It's very similar to Bret vs Davey Boy. Davey Boy was the hometown boy who got the victory, but it was just as much Bret's night as his. Same here. Cena fucking rocked it. You will have more of the same in Florida against the Rock, I sure of it.


I was particularly impressed with the way Cena totally carried Punk. Otherwise, you're kind of talking shite there.

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Did I say he carried him? Stop making things up.


Because it's bollocks-all like Summerslam 92. That was face vs face in a family feud, and long time faces at that. Punk has the crowd behind him now, but he's been heel up until two weeks ago. The reason SS92 is remembered as feelgood is because the two of them celebrated together. That didn't happen here.


If you're talking about Cena being great in the match and reference Bret Hart in Summerslam 92, the carry-job (although slightly exaggerated) is the most famous thing about the match.


I'm not saying Cena didn't carry his end in this one - he definitely did. But that's a bad match to compare it to.

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What a fucking show! Some of the ring work was a bit sloppy, particularly in the MITB matches, but that's just totally irrelevant thanks to the stories that were told and some of the key elements. The PPV was handled brilliantly, and not just with Punk winning but making decisions that we don't often see WWE make, such as Henry taking out Big Show and the Daniel Bryan victory. Call me overly optimistic but I really do think we're seeing the beginning of a new era again here. It's been the whole WWE-PG era for a while, and not saying anything against that as it's very rare I don't enjoy watching, but their attitude lately has shown a totally different style.


Just a couple of bullet points:


- Is Miz really hurt? Was chuffed with the huge pop he got running back out.

- Del Rio's cut was NASTY too.

- I was shouting at the stream on multiple occasions last night but funnily enough no time more loud than when Rey looked like he was going to get the briefcase. That would have been the worst ending ever. Really cool move by Del Rio to un-mask him.

- Christian spat right in Orton's mouth. Ewwwww.

- I was absolutely certain that after Del Rio was taken out they'd have Daniel Bryan come out and turn. Glad they didn't do either of these more predictable scenarios though. So excited for Raw tonight!

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Because it's bollocks-all like Summerslam 92. That was face vs face in a family feud, and long time faces at that. Punk has the crowd behind him now, but he's been heel up until two weeks ago. The reason SS92 is remembered as feelgood is because the two of them celebrated together. That didn't happen here.

I was talking about how the match was handled and what it meant to the two people in the match from a quality standpoint. Did I say it was like the buildup? Or the storyline? Or the structure of how it was promoted or worked? I was talking about the result? When in that post did I say. "That was exactly like Bret vs Bulldog. They even had Lennoix Lewis come out with Punk?" I was talking about how Punk was the homer and the champion was the one on the losing end, but came out looking tremendous as well.


If you're talking about Cena being great in the match and reference Bret Hart in Summerslam 92, the carry-job (although slightly exaggerated) is the most famous thing about the match.

Again did I say that? I was talking about how the home town hero was the person who had the focus on him, yet the other person also had a good night in terms of his achievement. Again, unless you were reading a different forum at the time, there's no way you could possibly get any of what your saying from my post.


I'm not saying Cena didn't carry his end in this one - he definitely did. But that's a bad match to compare it to.

No it isnt. Your just looking in completely the wrong place. Your looking at the content of the match, not how it turned out for the loser of the match. Not everything is a Mafia game you know. In a discussion thread, you dont have to search for things that arent there to find the point the person was making.

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