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WWE Money In The Bank 2011


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Well, I'm looking forward to watching this. Don't care I've seen spoilers, I've been doing that a while now - think I'll catch this on PWT.


Sounds like CM Punk's finally had his Triple H/Cactus Jack match. Welcome, permanently and unambiguously, to the main event, Punk.

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Wow! Just watched Punk/Cena and it was fantastic. Cena once again proved why he is a better wrestler than he is given credit for by the likes of us. Fantastic match, brilliantly executed. Probably one of the best angles the company has ever done. I'm curious to see how the angle has affected the falling buy rates for WWE PPV's.


Also i want to say congratulations to Daniel Bryan. If this PPV had just another World title match like Cena vs. Miz with the usual poor build up then Daniel Bryan's win would be the talking point of the internet right now. He deserves it so much and i realised when he won that he is now just one match away from being World Champion in the world's top wrestling company. That is awesome!

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Because Cena is fired therefore will not be able to compete at WM28


The phrase 'appears to be' is now being used. DOes anyone really believe even in the storyline that Cena will reamin fired? Unless maybe they are planning a comeback for Juan Cena?

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The phrase 'appears to be' is now being used. DOes anyone really believe even in the storyline that Cena will reamin fired? Unless maybe they are planning a comeback for Juan Cena?


No but up until they change it he is I'm almost certain he'll get his job back tonight or in the next few weeks (if he does need a few weeks off) I think Vince will bring him back even if it's just to make his life hell for screwing up his plans.


But right now storyline wise he's fired so no WM28 match

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Punk and Cena is my match of the year, surpassing Taker and HHH. The atmosphere made the match somthing very special but this was also a cracking wrestling match. I think that is the best match of either one of their careers to be honest. I am no big Cena lover, but one thing I will say is there is no one else who could have created as much emotion with Punk as Cena did. Cena for all that is said about him, does handle those situations well when there is white-heat in the building against him. Many pros would have crumbled with that noise in the building.


When Cena hit the secind AA, I thought it was all over. I love being tricked like that, Wrestling does'nt do that much when you have watched it for years. Punk has been my favorite wrestler and for my money the best all rounder since he turned heel in 2009. I have always liked the guy, I cant say I ever watched much of his ROH stuff, besides his heel promos on his way out which made me a fan of his. Last night was his night and he performed to the world class level I have become used to with him.


This is the most interested I have been in WWE in a dog's age, it really is a cracking storyline. I cant wait to see what happens next with it. Just hope the ratings/PPV buys are at least acceptable by current standards.


Cracking show all round as well, worth staying up for. Bryan winning was a nice suprise. The crowd being dead during Orton and Christian barring a few mumbled chants for Christian was saved for me with the result that Christain in now champion. Dek Rio winning was nice as well.


Great event, may buy the Blu Ray for Christmas if it is out/available.

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i lol'd everytime booker t said "MAH BOY DEE BRIAN!" and how many times he changed his mind on who he thought would win the match

sheamus is the real hero of the night for killing the retarded midget power ranger

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Punk and Cena is my match of the year, surpassing Taker and HHH. The atmosphere made the match somthing very special but this was also a cracking wrestling match. I think that is the best match of either one of their careers to be honest. I am no big Cena lover, but one thing I will say is there is no one else who could have created as much emotion with Punk as Cena did. Cena for all that is said about him, does handle those situations well when there is white-heat in the building against him. Many pros would have crumbled with that noise in the building.


When Cena hit the secind AA, I thought it was all over. I love being tricked like that, Wrestling does'nt do that much when you have watched it for years. Punk has been my favorite wrestler and for my money the best all rounder since he turned heel in 2009. I have always liked the guy, I cant say I ever watched much of his ROH stuff, besides his heel promos on his way out which made me a fan of his. Last night was his night and he performed to the world class level I have become used to with him.


This is the most interested I have been in WWE in a dog's age, it really is a cracking storyline. I cant wait to see what happens next with it. Just hope the ratings/PPV buys are at least acceptable by current standards.


Cracking show all round as well, worth staying up for. Bryan winning was a nice suprise. The crowd being dead during Orton and Christian barring a few mumbled chants for Christian was saved for me with the result that Christain in now champion. Dek Rio winning was nice as well.


Great event, may buy the Blu Ray for Christmas if it is out/available.


me too, its out in October acording to Silvervision website, I just hope they change the cover....



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Great PPV overall. Liked the ending of both championship matches although I was a bit puzzled by Orton refraining from getting disqualified firstly by stopping the punches on Christian before the count of 5, only to low blow him immediately after. I was convinced D. Bryan was going to cash in after Orton attacked Christian but I'm pleased he didn't.


Punk v Cena was a top match although I think people are overstating it slightly. There were a few trips and slips from both which didn't make a massive difference but still can't be ignored.


The Smackdown MITB was good, I wanted Sheamus to win (and so did the crowd by the sounds of things) but am happy for Bryan.


The Raw MITB was chaos but enjoyable. There were way too many ladders in the ring at the end which caused a scruffy ending.


Big Show v Henry was so-so, I'm glad they kept it short.


Divas, no interest.


Booker T is hilarious in commentary if more than a little raw.

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People seem to be overstating just how much hate Cena gets on this forum. He's received quite a lot of praise on this thread, and many others. This place isn't like the rest of the IWC.

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People seem to be overstating just how much hate Cena gets on this forum. He's received quite a lot of praise on this thread, and many others. This place isn't like the rest of the IWC.


It's not?? Has anyone informed meltzer of this?


Loved the ppv the crowd was mental last night and both participants of the main event plus vince played their parts to perfection, hope they dont fuck this up.

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Have to say, Best WWE event I've seen in years. Ok Henry and Show was dull, although Henry's double camel toe was kind of funny, Divas were meh... but everything else was pretty good. Enjoyed both MITB matches. Both championship matches were also both top quality. I do believe Punk is the best 'total package' around at the moment, it's the little things he does, when the crowd were chanting "You can't wrestle" Punk Stopped, looked at the crowd, pointed to himself with a 'meee?' and then 'oh HIM' and pointed at Cena. He always times that stuff so well.


And I think he's already signed on for the WWE, I reckon he'll just be taking a while off and hopefully touring a few indie shows with the belt, or a new one :) The idea earlier of Bryan cashing in on a RoH show is brilliant but obviously he has to swap brands first...

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I have to admit the bitter old bastard fan in me, rather enjoyed that PPV, makes you wonder why WWE dont put the effort into things like that more often, even if WWE do drop the ball tonight or later on, you can't really say a bad word about last night.


I'm not saying theirs another boom era around the corner, but TNA have been decent-to very good the last month or so, and WWE is red hot right now, its probably the most I've enjoyed wrestling as a whole in a long time, we should enjoy it while it lasts, because only a month ago WWE n TNA were both shite imo.


I havent watched all of WWE's PPV this year, but this was certainly much better than WM.

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