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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Indeed. Park/Bully once again was the best thing on the show. I cracked up big time when Bully told Park he'll sue him if he hits him. Bully constantly calling him "laywer boy" was all sorts of fun too. Park was fantastic in his role as well. Should be interesting to see how their match will play out at Slammiversary.


I was worried about Flair's replacement in Gut Check being a disappointment but I have to say Taz did very well.

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Bully/Parks is that rarest of things - a genuinely interesting "midcard" feud not over a title.


Back in the day the WWE used to be great at this sort of thing, during the attitude era there were all sorts of cool storylines dragging people into fights. I like that TNA have been really trying to do this recently - not only give all their wrestlers distinctive characters but also distinctive feuds.

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Really enjoyable show, this.


They're doing a grand job with the soap opera stuff with AJ & Dixie. These things, when done correctly, do great ratings (this stuff is doing good numbers for TNA, as well). WWE, for example, showed how to get it completely wrong with that Cena/Eve/Ryder/Kane nightmare we all had to sit through until The Rock turned up. Just enough cheese and just enough drama to make it right.


Another thing I was impressed by was the James Storm video. It was note perfect; the poor bloke is shot to pieces, and he came across as a top lad. I'm impressed they're letting this build, I can't wait until Storm comes back better than ever. A top babyface in 2012 who isn't wet or smug, wow!


I'm not as big a fan of Parks as the rest of you. He's good and that, but the Abyss smell (literally; the sweaty fatty) will take a bit of time to get rid of. Bully Ray is King though.


Another thing that I really liked was the new lighting set-up. They appear to be using more, and it's improved the look of the show greatly. Stings entrance looked 'big time'.


The Gut Check stuff was engrossing and weird. These part work, part shoot things do my head in when one guy is shooting and another is working - make up yer minds! At the very least, that's the best thing Taz has done in years. Taz and Tenay are still awful though, both men sound like they couldn't care less.


Brooke Hogan confuses me.


Sting is the man. It's amazing he can still go to this level, at his age.

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I'm loving the whole build-up to Kaz/Daniels vs. Angle/Styles. It seems to me, like the way wrestling should be booked. Like they look at the end-game, and the match they want to aspire too and then figure out how to get everybody to that point. And how they've got there is marvellous - it looked like complete shit when Daniels turned on AJ and then Kazarian turned on him, but now it makes perfect sense why they would do that. Add the side-story of the Styles-Angle respect series and the aftermath of the PPV match, and this match makes complete sense. Usually TNA has a rep for having bolted on matches that don't coincide with the storylines, and while that's still the case - it's becoming a lot less frequent.


As a question to anyone who watched this show the whole way through (as I have only seen highlights), has there been anything between Joe & Aries going on? Because on the TNA website this morning, they had a graphic up for Aries vs. Joe at Slammiversary, yet when I double checked just now, it's gone. Is this TNA booking random matches again?

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When Aries was wetting his hair before his match with Sabin, he 'accidentally' sprayed Joe with water. Joe was obviously was quite miffed about it. TNA reported that Samoa Joe got "escorted out of the building" during the broadcast. So they teased a feud between them, so no doubt they'll be working on the PPV.


I'm quite confident that Aries and Joe will have a excellent match. Joe's had a good 2012 and Aries is the world's greatest wrestler, so it seems like a can't miss. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe won that actually. The new booking squad seems keen on him.


Aries was actually talking to D'Lo Brown when it happened. Hopefully Joe takes it out on D'Lo, and D'Lo schools his fat arse before going into the Hall of Fame.

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TNA must be banging their heads against the wall. Real shame that. How the fuck do you get higher ratings for your show in 2012? I suppose it's a new timeslot, but still.


This is the first TNA I've watched in ages, and one of the first things that struck me was how it had a lot of energy and a good pace. I suppose part of that is because they're pulling out the stops as it's the first live show. Still, WWE really seems pedestrian and slow compared to what I've seen from TNA.


Roode's entrance looked pretty big time. Then Sting came out, and really looked big time. Sting's doing very well to still be doing as well as he is at this age. TNA do need to look at producing more distinctive entrance music though. Everyone sounds like they've got the same heavy guitar in. I'd like to see them try more contemporary music throughout the show to make the product seem more 'hip'. If they are going to keep with the heavy music all the way, then they need to at least have music with catchy riffs.


Bully Ray and Joseph Park was alright. It's all a bit hammy for me though. On one hand I think it's good that TNA are embracing the ludicrousness of wrestling and realise that a lot of people see wrestling as just that. On the other, I think it's cheesy. Bully Ray did a good job with it though. I liked the little touches, like where he was saying 'play that footage or I'll knock your head off' and again to the security. I was thinking as we saying to roll the footage that this often looks forced, and then Bully Ray said that.


Personally, I wouldn't have cared about a D-Von match. But with it being fans pick the opponent and Jeff Hardy came out on top, I cared more.


I liked the backstage bit with Gut Check. I felt it started to drag a little towards the end, but not too much. The music in these pieces can be overwhelming too. Someone on here said about it cutting to a talking head throughout some of these 'reality' scenes. At first, I weren't keen on it but I'm starting to warm to the idea. That's what reality TV programmes do. The bit in the ring was alright too. The name Joey Ryan rang a bell, but I couldn't remember where I'd heard it. Checked Wikipedia, and I must have seen his name through indy sections. Can we expect Joey Ryan to attack Taz on commentary during a match, have security escort him off and have Taz eventually challenge him to a fight?


I've read that people don't like Daniels on here. Before watching this, I read some reasons but didn't really agree. I'm starting to see why a bit more now. I still thought he had a good match here but he's looking pretty thin at the moment, still has those flares, and is the 'Fallen Angel' yet that doesn't seem to play into his character at all. He's still keeping a good pace for his age. There were some things like when AJ made a comeback with some stiff forearms and chops, I don't think he sold them enough. AJ was unleashing his anger over all this Dixie thing and Daniels didn't really sell that enough. After the match, the camera was in the corner with Kazarian and AJ as Kazarian was beating him down. Well, I say beating him down; Kazarian was slapping the mat instead. That reminds me - in the Daniels vs. AJ match, there was an odd part where there was a double knockdown and Daniels was kicking his feet on the mat and the crowd clapped along. It didn't seem accidental either. Those bloody zip things looked silly. Taz was struggling to think of what they're called (as I am now) and said 'they're like handcuffs'. Well, I'd have bought into handcuffs more. Then they either couldn't secure it on Angle properly or Angle got out of one of them.


Overall, it didn't drag and it felt like a breath of fresh air in places. Personally the ending of the episode didn't do anything for me, but I guess it will others. Thinking about it now, from what I saw of the feud recap it was clever that they showed footage of AJ and Dixie on the iPad rather than the big screen as they probably wouldn't be able to get anyone in production to play that video or they'd get reprimanded. But now someone in production has played the phone call over the PA. And Bully Ray was threatening the truck to play a video, whereas there was seemingly no threat by Daniels and Kaz. Unless a wrestler was in the truck. Fuck, I've looked into this too much.

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- Dixie Carter said during the media conference call today that TNA is considering cutting back the number of PPV events per year. Carter said that she didn't know what the perfect number of PPVs would be but that they were considering six to eight a year. The company is currently re-negotiating their PPV carrier contracts


Good Idea? Bad Idea?

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