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Raw Discussion *Spoilers* 28/2

Super Cena

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I just watched RAW on youtube and honestly thats one of the most uninteresting RAW's ive seen, even I cant believe Im saying that with a show featuing The Rock.


I know its indie fans that usually say this, but they killed me with too much talking, just way way too much, their must have been about 15mintues of actual wrestling, maybe its always like that and I just dont notice it as much.


So TripleH basically said a big F U to the current locker room and then ended his feud with Sheamus in 10seconds, lol poor old Sheamus welcome jobberville, I dont read dirt sheets, but obviously Sheamus has upset someone with major power back stage.


To job out to Evan right after as well, oh deary me, looks like he wont even be making WM.


I dont blame TripleH taking a dig at the back, really who is there to challenge him, The Miz? Del Rio? after them who? I think with Sheamus out the way, he cleared up all loose ends and will be taking a real massive break after WM.


The Cena/Miz/Riley segment was fn awful, worst thing I have seen on RAW in some years, it was embarrassing, Riley was certainly the worst, Cena tried to save his crap joke but he just ended up sounding lame too, awful.


Cole/Lawler I dont really care about that tbh, I do wonder what happens after WM though, they just cant go back to how it was, is Lawler leaving perhaps and WM his goodbye present? I dunno, wouldnt be surprise, oh Swagger meh he used to be a champion, the ref will be Riley because what else has he got to do now.


Nexus why are they even still around, CM Punk doesnt even need those guys, and Orton continues to be boring, but funny enough this segment was probably the best of the night bar TheRock and HBK.


The Miz attack on DB seemed random as fuck, and the crowd response summed it up, then again after all that talking they were put through, most of them probably dozed off by then, The Miz looked weak attacking DB, I found it hard to believe.


The ME, was a meh, I supose RAW is going to keep ending with The Miz giving Cena a SCF everyweek till WM, so Cena can do his usual overcome the odds bs storyline.


Im still not clear on what The Rock is going to do at WM with Cena, clearly to me he has no interest in Miz, after Cena wins Mania maybe The Rock comes down and challenges him to a match at Summer Slam or next years WM, *shrugs*


As said by others a strange episode RAW.

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Michael Cole was great this week. I was thinking he should just nominate someone to fight Lawler for him and if Lawler wins he gets the old "5 minutes in the ring" with Cole, but now I can't wait to see the specticle of Michael Cole wrestling and I'm also anxious to see what he will wear!


Tripper was great, "NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER!!" IT'S 2003 AGAIN :thumbsup: Seriously though, This match has a big time feel to it and deserves to be pushed, I can't wait. That's twice I've said that now, must mean I'm looking forward to wrestlemania.


The Rock was great as always but you could tell the crowd were deflated that he wasn't there. He has such a good arguement against Cena but is kinda hurting it with via satellite responses.

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The Rock was great as always but you could tell the crowd were deflated that he wasn't there. He has such a good arguement against Cena but is kinda hurting it with via satellite responses.

I suppose the silver lining is that the more they hold off an in-ring conversation between the two, the more electric it's going to be.

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They spend most of the year building up Sheamus, Nexus, Riley and all these guys, and then, on the verge of the biggest possibly showcase for their talents, they bury them? In favour of HHH, Undertaker, Rock...


If this was past WCW booking, they'd be ripping into them!

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They spend most of the year building up Sheamus, Nexus, Riley and all these guys, and then, on the verge of the biggest possibly showcase for their talents, they bury them? In favour of HHH, Undertaker, Rock...

CM Punk killed Nexus.


Riley hasn't been "built up" as a wrestler, he's a stooge. And he only just got fired, maybe they'll make a wrestler out of him now?


Last week it was whinging about Trips ignoring Sheamus. This week Trips gave Sheamus the beating he absolutely deserved, now are we moaning about that?

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The Rock was great as always but you could tell the crowd were deflated that he wasn't there. He has such a good arguement against Cena but is kinda hurting it with via satellite responses.

I suppose the silver lining is that the more they hold off an in-ring conversation between the two, the more electric it's going to be.


Oh no doubt it will be. I just know how they felt being in the crowd. I've been to WWE shows before were it feels like your just at a busy cinema.

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HHH's beatdown on Sheamus was ace, didn't even give him a chance to brag about taking him out. It seems like HHH's career won't be on the line at WM, thank fuck for that!.



I thought the Rock's promo DRAGGED, far too long for a "Via satellite" style promo, doing the "And the millions" bit 12 times over and still not really getting all of the audience to play along was pretty cringeworthy as well. The booking for this whole Rock/Cena thing is still pretty confusing, it's like it HAS to be paid off with more than a handshake, but it won't be, because Rock won't wrestle. I'm excited to see what they will do though, no doubt.



The Cole/Lawler stuff continues to be magnicent.



I really enjoyed the main event. Cena continues to get cracking matches out of anyone, and Miz stood tall at the end, the way it should be at this point, he's looking more legit week after week.



Good show!. I'm looking forward to SD now, not just because it won't be the first SD not built around Vickie in a LONG time, but there should be some great build towards WM, I can't wait to see what Taker does/has to say.

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It just seemed that this year's show was a real opportunity to firmly solidify the new crop of guys as a big deal for years to come. Instead, they appear to have gotten cold feet. It's a shame...


I don't think that's the case. In fact, I think that this year's will be anything but.


Del Rio will no doubt go over Edge, coming out of his first 'Mania with the World title. So after winning his first ever Rumble, he'll also be taking the belt from one of the top stars of the past decade.


There's no chance that Miz will beat Cena, but does he need to? He's going into Wrestlemania with the WWE title whilst rubbing shoulders with The Rock and John Cena. No, he doesn't need the win. Besides, there can't be two heel WWE/World title wins at WM.


John Morrison will no doubt play a big part at the show, whether that is winning the MITB briefcase or not, remains to be seen.


Mistico is being hyped as much as any new (to WWE at least) addition to the main roster for as long as I can remember. If he isn't given a boost of momentum at WM, it will no doubt happen around the card.


I'm unsure as to where they'll go with Ziggler, but he's hardly been ignored lately on Smackdown.


Jack Swagger has just been given a slot on the 'Mania card. Okay, it's not a huge position but he should get some nice heel heat alongside Cole in the run-up, and aftermath, to the show.


Remember, they can't get too many new superstars over at one time - it would simply be too much to digest.

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"It just seemed that this year's show was a real opportunity to firmly solidify the new crop of guys as a big deal for years to come. Instead, they appear to have gotten cold feet. It's a shame... "


I don't think it's fair at all to say they've got cold feet. They are elevating an absolute ton of guys this year. The thing is Wrestlemania is their biggest show of the year and their biggest money maker of the year and they cant afford to have it not deliver. They are trying to push new stars but they need star power to anchor it. To be honest, whilst the booking of the feuds themselves has been inconsistent I think that they are heading in a good direction this year in terms of finding a good balance.


But to suggest theyre not elevating anybody is ridiculous. The top matches last year were HBK/Taker, Edge/Jericho, Bret/Vince and Cena/Batista, with HHH/Sheamus and Punk/Rey and Orton/Legacy on the undercard. This year you have to completely new main event title challengers in Miz and Del Rio, Punk and Orton have been elevated to a main event/top 4 match spot, Cody Rhodes is getting a big match with Rey, and it looks like the guys in the Corre are going to get a showcase match with big show as well so they are elevating loads of guys. Do I think Sheamus and John Morrisson should have been booked stronger and be contributing to the card in a larger way? yes of course, but you can't have everything, and you cant say theyre not elevating new guys.

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The thing is Wrestlemania is their biggest show of the year and their biggest money maker of the year and they cant afford to have it not deliver. They are trying to push new stars but they need star power to anchor it.




AshC mentioned Undertaker, Triple H, and Rock as people being pushed at the expense of the younger new talent.


Take those 3 names of this line-up and I believe it would be the lowest WM buy-rate in 20-odd years.

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It was nice of HHH to come back and kill the entire roster like. Rock's promo was alright, but it's a bit hard to believe all his "I love the fans" and "I love the business" stuff when he fucks off for 7 years, comes back and says he's not leaving, then doesn't show up the next two weeks even though he's fueding with someone.

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I thought that show was pretty bad to be honest. It had all the hallmarks of a bad edition of TNA Impact. The Wrestlemania build is crap for the most part, its way too cookie cutter when you consider it is supposed to be the biggest show of the year.

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I thought that show was pretty bad to be honest. It had all the hallmarks of a bad edition of TNA Impact. The Wrestlemania build is crap for the most part, its way too cookie cutter when you consider it is supposed to be the biggest show of the year.


I don't think it was too bad an effort.


What hallmarks are these, by the way? The 'hallmarks' that spring to my mind when I think of TNA aren't the sort of things I saw on this episode of Raw.

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